Just now i just logged in to check the what the dragon offspring was on the two i had breeding. After i did that, i sorted a few ingredients in their chests (alchemy, fishing, tinkerer). While doing this the game just shut down completely.
Yesterday, i got the same a couple of times changing zones (in/out of dungeons, highsteppe, zone switches).
Some of the times i was sent to the login screen, some of the times the game exit completely.
My buddy who is trying to play runemage also had a few of these occurences. Also, he had frequent issues with spells suddenly all fizzling no matter if he did shorthand versions or precise ones, and other times he could spam them either way he drew them.
Since we are IRL buddies both from Denmark (although using different hardware), i am thinking this is probably either server or routing issues (possibly both).
I am using an old oculus rift (cv1) on an i5-2500k/16gb/gtx970, and he is using a Quest 2.
Also, yesterday during these issues, we noticed that while i have the default/alternate/proxied options on pc, he has no such selection on his quest 2.
This is everything from my combat log on my last session:
23:15:57:682 [System] Bomb Activated! An Experience bomb has been activated by blueduckyy
23:15:57:685 [System] This bomb was activated at 6/23/2021, 1:11:46 AM UTC
23:15:57:685 [System] Bomb Activated! A Mount Speed bomb has been activated by blueduckyy
23:15:57:685 [System] This bomb was activated at 6/23/2021, 6:33:31 PM UTC
23:15:57:685 [System] Bomb Activated! A Luck bomb has been activated by Meowie
23:15:57:685 [System] This bomb was activated at 6/23/2021, 7:22:36 PM UTC
23:15:58:148 [System] Entered zone: Player House
… and it just happened again. Went from the player house to the city. Went to buy some dragon treats. Checked mission status with a few npcs. Went up to the critter guy. Waved at him to interact, and boom… Game closed down again.
Nothing new as far as i can see in the output_log. Last four lines in the combat.log however shows this:
23:53:28:673 [Combat] Lisross took -10325 damage from Lisross
23:53:28:673 [Combat] OystaSAWS took -10325 damage from Lisross
23:53:34:871 [Combat] Wonkoooooooo took -15162 damage from Unknown (Critical)
23:53:34:872 [Combat] Jalentheblue took -9782 damage from Unknown
So, someone doing pvp in the city was the last before the game crashed, and in the last two lines there is “unknown” as if my client didn’t receive all the data that it should have.
I can say it’s likely not location based, as players from all over the world get kicked for no reason. Regarding the spells, if it’s fizzling that’s a user error (drawn incorrectly). I’ve yet to see a spell pop due to the game messing up. Usually it’ll just do… nothing.
I can almost assure you that in this case, his spells constantly fizzling at specific times is very unlikely to be a user error. This is why i think so:
i can actually see, when looking at him in game, a difference in how his drawing motions look when he is having issues and when he isn’t. It is very noticeable to me how stuttery the motions look when he has issues. Imagine watching something being drawn in 30 fps, and then watching the same being drawn in 5 fps. That’s what it looks like.
my bud has been a graphic artist for well over the past 20 years. While that doesn’t make him a runemage expert (far from it), he has an extremely steady hand and talent for drawing. This was also very easy to see as he on his first day as a runemage was way better than i ever got back in the day (pre reborn).
When he isn’t getting issues, he can chain cast just fine. When he is, nothing happens/fizzles/turns into something else no matter how he draws
Yesterday, during one of these periods (at the same time we found out that he has no alternate connection options on quest 2), the sole act of relogging had him go from a “cant cast anything” to chain cast. I very much doubt this to be a coincidence
(if it was me having those issues, i’d probably toss it down to me being bad as well, but i play ranger and only get the occasional arrow respawn issues - outside of the disconnects/crashes)
Could it be a framerate/connection issue? Again, I’ve never seen the game itself mess up on spells popping vs succeeding. I’m not even sure it could happen unless the code was messed with. Riley (may Rupert bless him, and one day I’ll release him from my basement) goes into a little bit of detail about the detection system here:
Well, hard to say. When i can see he is looking “stuttery” it doesn’t mean i see anything else being stuttery at the same time, and i can do my combat just fine as well with the bow.
Also, i would assume that since he is on Quest 2, being the whole thing in a tiny optimized package, his game performance should be around the same no matter the circumstances for him in game.
Both of us are on pretty good connections. I am on 50mbit/50mbit. I do not remember what he has, but it is something similar.
The only thing i was also noticing yesterday that may be related, is that i on occasion had issues dodging. At that time we were duo’ing some of those pistol wielding guys in the rainforest. He would pull with a spell, i would grab agro from him once he stopped running and started shooting. And then i’d teleport to the sides when he was shooting at me while my bud rained fireballs on him.
However, at times i got hit by almost every shot from them, although (visually in my HMD) i had teleported well away from the incoming bullet in good time. At other times, doing the exact same, i would not take a single hit as expected.
In short it feels much more like it is a general issue with client/server communication.