Getting Backer Rewards

is there more than one quest with Sicilus? i only got Dram and experience from the first one.

I believe there are future quests that unlock as you continue the main story.

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ok, cool, just don’t want to miss the pet quest. i miss having the little guy with me.

I know I didn’t back it during the kickstarter but is there anyway to receive a dragon?

There is a quest around level 10 in the Zoological Gardens that will give you a dragon.

Havn’t had time to log in till now - still no dragon

I can wave at the backer rewards vendor and he says I should now have my items.
His speech bubble doesn’t disappear - i can wave again and he says the same thing…

EDIT: created a second char - all the backer rewards except the pet dragon

Thank you! Time to grind my life out

My mistake, I made a typo when I tried to do it for you. It should be there now if you talk to them again.

Oops, missed this, am logged out now.

Talk to the Rewards vendor and you should be good to go.

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No dice.
(or dragon pet)

I seem to be the only one struggling with this - am i talking to correct NPC ?

Are you speaking with the NPC directly across from the player house in Highsteppe? The same one that gives it the capes and other rewards.

Yep that’s the one.
I made a second character to test - got the capes and house deed etc - just not the pet

Sooo… i don’t get the pet dragon??

Would it help if i submit a bug report? How do i do that with Steam now? - the beta launcher had that option easily accessible…

Are you logged out of the game currently? If so I will just manually put it in your inventory I guess. It says you claimed the Founder’s pack so I’m not sure why it’s not working for you.

EDIT: It looks like you were, so now you should have it in your inventory on your character.

Yes i was :slight_smile:
Thanks i have a dragon now (two actually - they appeared on the 3rd inventory tab for some reason)

My second test character doesn’t have the dragon - should i delete it and test again that the account is functioning correctly?

Yeah you can try testing it again and see what happens if you want. If for some reason it doesn’t work again if you ever make a new character you are going to play just let me know and I can always do it manually again.

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