I hate making this suggestion, but how about a do not queue with list?

There aren’t many players where this is an actual issue; there are just a handful of players that are fairly consistent with being troublesome to play with, including:

  1. very derogative tone (though their words are fine, their tone of voice is demeaning) towards less skilled/newer players or players that aren’t playing how they want.
  2. Leaving if they don’t like the dungeon (or it could be the group).
  3. Leaving mid-dungeon if dps is low (dungeon takes more than x minutes), usually with some excuse or another.
  4. Non-cooperative with the group even when asked (sometimes uncooperative to the point where it causes wipes).
  5. Extremely insistent on using exploits such as skywalking.

These aren’t even really things worth reporting and I don’t think they are against the ToS (except maybe 5, but that is arguable since many of those exploits are required for actual gameplay), but it is still not fun when you queue up and you just have to reroll the dungeon because your tank (or healer) goes:
Nope, this dungeon takes too long and leaves.
Or five minutes into the dungeon, goes: Oh, sorry, this took too long. I have something else to do.
Or so on.

I’m not trying to suggest a forgive or punish system, just maybe a system to let players have it so that they don’t queue up with someone on their blacklist.


Would this be private to you or would it be public?

I’d say private to the person. It would be more of a personal blocklist, so if you have a problem and someone else doesn’t, they could still play with the person. Just you wouldn’t be put in the same match.

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I feel like this would make queues take way too long. You died to a mechanic and you’re only level 1? Blocked. You took agro? Blocked. You needed instructions explained? Blocked. You aren’t a grown adult yet you’re doing all the mechanics fine? Blocked. You could block them for any reason and knowing some people, their block list would be so long they’d never be put in a dungeon.

For that last one, it would be their own fault then.

But yes, this is something that could be abused, but it isn’t much different from players that leave right away when they see someone they don’t get along with or who leave mid-dungeon. You are still going to have a slower dungeon and/or have to requeue.

I can see it being abused more if it affected PvP, but as far as PvE goes, I don’t think it will be abused as badly. Certainly, you’ll have a few people that will spam blocks, but those are more the exceptions, I think.

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They could mute them and move on instead of screwing over the entire group. If it’s really that bad, report them and let Mathieu deal with it.

Muting doesn’t matter if they leave the dungeon.

As I said, if it’s really that much of a problem, report the player and move on.

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It isn’t against the code of conduct to leave a dungeon early though, so what would reporting do?

Notify the devs that someone is consistently leaving dungeons so they can talk to them and make them stop.

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Mute doesn’t work in dungeons currently


:woman_facepalming: nice

I think it could work. I’ve been on my fair share of dungeons where people would consistently leave to the point I could actually remember who and know it was going to happen from the start. I feel like if people are going to abuse the system and block everybody that slightly irks them, chances are, they’re prolly already on quite a few lists…


I personally don’t think a Do Not Que With list is a good idea, but if it were implemented the BLOCKER and not the BLOCKED player should be the one pushed out of que to accommodate the other… even if the BLOCKER is the one who initiated the que.

I hear what you are saying. I can’t stand bullies and elitists. I get super annoyed with groups that demand the use of exploits. People who use filthy language or talk about topics that just don’t belong in a video game are hard to deal with for sure… but they are part of the community too…

I find the Orbus community to be ever impressive. The types of players you mentioned have been a very rare occurrence in my Orbus experience. I feel like the best way to deal with this type of player in a community venue is to err on the side of tolerance. The unsharded dungeons are for newer players and some of them may act like wingnuts to obscure their newness… it happens… it’s no great sin…

The other day I was in a dungeon with someone who wouldn’t stop babbling and switching to a level 1 character. I found it super annoying so I turned my volume off, finished the dungeon and left the group. Two of the others I had been grouped with joined me and we had a full party ready to roll before we could even walk up the stairs to try and find people… the others stayed together and re-que’d.
Win win.

Dungeons aren’t that long. Pass or fail it’s all gonna be over soon. If the person is causing such a disruption or annoyance to you; the rest of your team likely feels similarly about them. After you finish you can regroup with those of like mind and find someone to take the spot of the scapegrace player… who would then be free to re-que and maybe find a group that they fit into.

Bottom line is that it’s a community que, and if there is something happening which does not warrant a report but irks you to the point that you wish to exclude yourself on certain basis… it is kinda your problem… No offense… just saying things that bother you might be utterly delightful to some… lol

That’s why I think that if it were implemented the BLOCKER and not the BLOCKED player should be the one pushed out of que to accommodate the other.

I do think making mute work in dungeons would be a good idea… Ultimately I believe it would solve more problems than it would cause in this game, because the large, vast, overwhelmingly huge majority of players in the Orbus community are nice people just looking to enjoy the game…and “mute in dungeon” would likely be used rather sparingly.

That is my 2¢. Take it for what it is worth lol.


I definitely disagree. I think that we should have a do not que with list where whoever is in the queue first will take priority (assuming they are of a role that is needed).

I especially don’t need to hear about how someone did such and such with their such and such. Or about their fantasies that involve things that are rather inappropriate, to say the least. And if it is utterly delightful to some… ummm… yeah… We have some pretty serious issues then.

Generally what irks me enough to consider a block would be things like repeated dungeon leaving and criminal activities or harassment. Dungeon leaving isn’t really against the ToS, like I said before and harassment might not be against the ToS if the words themselves are fine, but the tone is not. Criminal activities, I’ll definitely report if I can figure out who is saying it (unfortunately, chat is kind of bugged right now so unless I recognize everyone, it is hard to report).

I’ve had some long dungeons because of players that just sabotaged fights until the party gave up.

Either way, right now mute doesn’t work that well. Personally, I think a block list would fix more issues than it causes and I think that it would be used rather sparingly and mostly for the worst offenders rather than just anyone since it would affect their own queue time as well (less players to queue with = longer wait).

While weighted queues might work (where the more someone is blocked, the more the queue will prioritize others), I’m not suggesting that due to how complicated that can be and how easily that can be abused.

Right on. I respect your opinion tho I do not agree with it.
I already gave my thoughts so I have nothing more to add on the topic…

…but if you are commonly experiencing severe examples of this sort of thing, you have a responsibility to report the offenders. I have not experienced this type of behavior in any meaningful measure.

Good luck!

For the third time now, turn your volume off, report it, and move on.

If that person leaving the dungeon is really that bad and you really really needed that person, turn in your mic and tell everyone “someone already left so I think I’m going to leave myself and re-queue”.

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I’m not saying I’m against the idea but I think a good way of helping with the people leaving the dungeon is that they a get queue time thing to where they can’t queue for a certain amount of times say like they leave one dungeon its like 15 minutes till queue again or something along those lines but then comes the issue of how do we know they aren’t leaving on purpose but everyone agreed to leave so maybe some kind of like poll in the dungeon that would come up like a party invite so you can just hit yes or no and then you could avoid the effects


I thought I mentioned the punish or forgive system. It is a system that can be useful, but with that said, the punish or forgive and forfeit systems do lead to some abusive/toxic behavior in other games.

Forfeit systems (where the entire party leaves) can lead to people getting really singled out/witch hunted. Especially here where you can see people’s hand movements to a certain extent, I can see that leading to some ill will.

Punish or Forgive systems are a bit similar and in this case, being able to see people’s hand movements could lead to people guessing what others chose.

One way to avoid the hand tracking being an issue would be to scramble the choices (Punish/Forgive/Abstain or Forfeit/Continue/Abstain), but that could still lead to some ill will (witch hunting, bullying into choosing a specific choice, etc.).

Another thing I’ve seen is a vote system where people vote on whether they think x player was courteous, team player, etc. and that system is taken into account for queues, but then you get the players that form groups specifically to mess up other players.

That is why I suggested a more private system. The other person wouldn’t even have to know.

And I keep my volume on because I am usually teaching other players how to run instances and also it is how I tell if I’m desync’ed as a tank or dps (healer I can tell because my buffs stop activating or heals stop working). I do a lot of queues because I basically do almost nothing but dungeons (I do other activities while I wait). That is probably why I run into the bad eggs - they are a small part of the community, but when you are in the queue for hours each day, you end up meeting a lot of different players.

Just saying no matter what MMORPG you play you’re going to run into players that are just like that. The more the game grows the more you’ll run into players who leave due to things not being to their liking team, dungeon, etc.
The best way to fix this in my opinion is to make queues more specific and less broad. I know queues already take long and this would make it take longer but you’d be less likely have people leave if you could at least queue for specific dungeons. Maybe have a list that they can check or uncheck for what they like and don’t like.

Also I’ve played the game for about three years now all the way back to alpha and there was NEVER any reason to use ANY exploits.
If you feel you HAVE to use exploits to complete certain content then I’m sorry but you’re doing something wrong and need to learn how to actually complete whatever content it is you’re exploiting/cheating.