Ideas for shaman buffs

I didn’t say it should. I actually said im fine with the dps where it is for the most part.

Don’t make it a damage buff. Shaman -> medicine man, make it a healing buff.

Lava totem pulse should give a buff to heals received, similar to the bard buff, and should stack with the bard buff.

This will encourage the tank to keep the enemy within lava pulse aoe range, and will help with running solo tank and no healer or musky tank for speed runs.

It would also increase the healing ability of bards.

The other option is a debuff that decreases damage dealt by the enemy, but I like healing buff better.


whatever buff or debuff it is, shaman needs something.


Healing buff! It is great when you are working with a tank that understands shaman.
This would encourage better coordination with both tank and healer!!

Eh, it would be overkill. A healer usually doesn’t need help healing, so it would be more of a neat bonus than something people would actively try to coordinate around.


I think shaman is fine where it is, Shield and hex totem are already op if you know how/when to use them anymore buffs and shaman is gonna be broken.

its the only class that doesn’t do 100k and doesn’t give a dps buff. not sure how it would be broken.

But your asking for a buff, which makes that statement confusing

how is that confusing? it is the only class without a dps buff and the only class not to pull 100k. so it should at least be able to give a party buff.

But that would in turn buff the shaman so we’re back to the part where I’m confused, it has mass polymorph, one of the strongest Shields in the game and a slow, to me those are party buffs, most of which are specific to shaman. I would love a fifth slot so I could Utility/Max dps at the same time but it’s a little overkill being the invincible 75k shaman that doesn’t have to do mechanics.

so you don’t want it to give a party buff because it would buff its dps but you want a 5th totem slot to buff its dps?

I don’t want any changes, I’m just saying it would be nice if there was a change if that was it.

why dont you want changes? people usually take other classes for speedruns because of their high dps and party buff.

Shaman has a much lower skill floor and ceiling. In my opinion it shouldn’t be hitting comparable DPS or buffing the party a similar amount. You played before the DPS patch. The vast majority of DPS was Mage/Shaman because why bother with Ranger/Scoundrel when Shaman does similar/more damage for less work?

In this game, more skill required = better rewards. That’s why the DPS is the way it is now.

(That’s not to say Shaman doesn’t require skill and doesn’t have a BUNCH of niche things that take time and effort to discover, I just feel that it’s the lowest skill floor/ceiling of the 4 DPS classes :slight_smile: )

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Because buffing the shaman too god like proportions means no one cares about Utility, which often times is way more important and satisfying than max dps output. Some of us enjoy playing the game and doing the mechanics we don’t always want to just “kill boss real fast”. Theory crafting and off meta builds are my passion in this game and the reason, among many, why I’m still playing almost two years later. I’ve hit high dps and done almost everything you can do in this game. I’m just trying to chill and play video games, not stress about if my dps is high enough to be included.

Edit: Also all the people that excluded me for being a shaman main have been blocked and muted ingame. Just my opinion, you probably shouldn’t play with that kind of toxicity.

it isnt toxicity. I have no problem being exlcuded as a shaman from speedruns because shaman is absolute garbage atm. it performs terribly in raids and doesn’t benefit a speedrun party in any way. the exclusion isn’t just because of the low hitting numbers. it is because it doesn’t give a party buff. even if it did pull 140k max, if it came down to a 140k shaman and katsui, katsui would be chosen because he can apply a 10% buff and I cant apply anything.

also mishka, musketeer is arguably the easiest class yet it can interrupt a lot a time, apply weakness and slow the enemy. grabbing an orb and firing it is not hard. charging an arrow is not hard either. I’d argue that ranger is about as easy as shaman. and to those who want to disagree, get good at both, pull high dps with both, and then your opinion will be able to taken with some grain of salt.

on top of that, a 3-5% buff wouldn’t be much. that would mean id be hitting around 95k which isn’t a ton for the best shaman.

Have a nice day.

Only because you’re my friend and we’re close and you get my humour do I post this. image

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play it in a raid and you’ll change your answer

Okay, I played it on bosses 1-4 in Hard Mode Citadel. Now what :wink: