In-game parser PLEASE!

So you are saying you never parsed to improve?

To improve? Nah. For curiosity? Sure. To track progress? Absolutely. To try and change my rotation to see what works better? Not without somebody like Scott there with me…who also has a parser that could parse me lol.

Plus, I’m pretty sure Scott released a program that allows you to simulate rotations to determine what would work best without even having to boot up the game.

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yeah, its not a requirement to parse

You are absolutely right, your headset does not determine your ability to perform well.

However, just like training for anything, being able to measure your current ability and compare it to measurable benchmark goals and incrementally pushing yourself to be better can see marked improvement over just blindly doing your best to try harder.

I play on quest, I have never been given my parse information, I have never asked someone to parse me. I assume that my numbers are terrible, they probably are, but I would like to be able to benchmark myself against myself.

So you have parsed to improve. Checking progress and trying different things is improving.

I’m always happy to pull the numbers for you and send them to you via PM or however else you’d like :slight_smile: most players with a parser are typically happy to do so. I didn’t even know about parsers until a couple years ago, and only really started looking at my numbers during the pandemic. Up until then, running end game content, I had ZERO idea how much damage I was doing.

Again, this was going into end game content without having ever parsed myself lol.

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I don’t think we need to argue over technicalities, I think we are all agreeable and mature enough to currently understand where each of us are.

Not to improve, just to see where I am. I’m not changing anything based on my parses, just looking to see where I am. I just track my progress. My rotation does not change. Not without consulting somebody who knows better than me

I can get people to pull my numbers. It would be nice to not have to bother someone else each time I have tree minutes to practice.

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Sure, absolutely. But you said “If you want to be top in the game you have to shell out the bucks for a top of the line computer.”

That’s not true. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

If you want to parse you need a pretty high end computer.

Yes, this 100%. I appreciate the offer Mishka, and maybe sometime I will take you up on it.

The idea is we would like to have that ability to track our progress, whenever is convenient, on a whim, whatever, without feeling like we are burdening anyone else.

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If you want to parse yourself using one of the programs released, you need a VR capable computer, yes. This is true.

Yes it is. Not a low end computer.

You need a 420 capable computer

You need a screaming fast CPU and a Graphics Card to match. All of which runs in the $3k department

not true, i play this game on an actual toaster and can still parse


What brand toster?

hah yeah i need on that toaster as well :smiley:

Love it!!!