In-game parser PLEASE!

Good to see you finally upgraded from the Samsung Smart Fridge. Someday I’ll ship you that Google Cardboard, the Wii controllers, and the Xbox Kinect so you can see the wonder and glory that is Highsteppe in all its HD glory <3

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Not true at all, you can easily get a VR ready machine for under $1000, low end vr machines are in the $500-600 range and run games like orbus just fine. The game is able to run on a $300 mobile headset after all.

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Can you give an example? What is VR ready vs high end graphics?

VR ready is generally 1060-ish which runs for 1k or less. A used PC that hits min specs for Orbus is probably around 1k new or 600-ish used.

A high end machine is something like a 5700xt+ all the way to like a 3090 or so. That can run for anywhere between 1.5k to 5k+ depending on other what GPU you pick and other specs (storage, mobo, psu, cooling, ect.)

CPU doesn’t matter that much to be honest, as long as you get something relatively recent that won’t bottleneck your GPU.

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I don’t believe this to be true. I’m on standalone quest without a parser and am running HM Citadel including boss 4 weekly, and 15s most days. I’ve had people say they need my DPS, and I’m a Shaman (shocking, I know).

I recently had a parsing friend sit in Fellowship hall while I experimented on the minotaur. It didn’t make me change anything though.

Would it be more convenient to have my own parser to fine-tune my performance? Hell yeah.

Do I require a parser to be an in-demand end game player doing the hardest content in the game? Definitely not.

Why? Because to be a top player in the game, DPS is only one factor. Far more important is the ability to work as a team, follow mechanics, and be willing to actually sacrifice your damage numbers to do so. People will always take a lower damage player (within reason) who can do mechanics consistently over a glass cannon who ruins raids to get their high parse.


ok, I’ll have to correct myself a little. You used to be able to get a decent VR ready machine for under $1000(provided you build it yourself or utilize a service which builds custom PCs) however, due to scalpers ruining the GPU prices you’ll probably have to spend a little over $1000 on a new system. Still nowhere near the supposed 3k department you’re on about tho.
If you’re willing to spend some time getting used parts I bet you could get the price a lot lower than $1000 too.

However, I don’t really see the point in arguing about the price of entry for PCVR. This was about an in-game parser or some other way for quest users to monitor their progress and improve. And I totally agree that there should at least be a combat log on the quest for this purpose.

However, I do want to mention a few things…
First of, there is no need to see your DPS in order to improve your game, in old orbus there was no combat log and no way to say your DPS, you don’t need to see the numbers to improve.

Secondly, Numbers are far from everything, the number one thing people should be focusing on when wanting to get into high level shards and hardmode raids is the game mechanics and survivability. I’d take a mediocre DPS who almost never dies over a crackhead 100k+ mage who dies every other group any day.

and lastly, it’s not a bother to ask someone for your parse, a lot of PC users have a parser running while running end-content anyway and probably have already looked at their own and your DPS after a boss fight. That is also the most useful time to get your DPS, after an actual boss fight. Going to attack a dummy for a minute or 2 can give you an idea of your DPS, but it can be quite different from how you perform in an actual fight. I personally have almost never parsed myself at a dummy for the sake of trying to improve or take a baseline on my DPS.


SO MUCH THIS! It doesn’t matter how much DPS you do if you’re dead :smiley: A dead DPS is a 0 DPS, and I’ll gladly take a slower but surviving DPS over somebody who spikes for 300k but dies after 30 seconds lol


Idk… When I fire a charged bullet with empowered flame and crit for 300k and then immediately die Cindy says I’m a 300k scoundrel.


All of this is true and fine. Survivability is key, however, this is still not the topic.

Yes there is a big difference between theoretical and practical DPS. Im not here to discuss practical DPS.

What I’m talking about is nailing down a personal rotation for my character. This is strictly theoretical. Hit the practice dummy and see what you can do. The more you practice, the more it becomes second nature.

Inside the raid or dungeon is Practical. What mechanics you find and affixes rendered in the instance puts a challenge in the way. How well your rotation is engrained determines how fast you can get back into high dps numbers.

It would be nice to have a way to practice without bugging other players. I simply do not see the issue here. If an ingame parser goes against your sensibilities, then don’t use it. I would and I think many other players would find it useful.

I won’t because it’s not in-game and hasn’t been since the game’s inception lol. I’m starting to think that’s a decision the devs have made for a reason. But besides that, I’ve made it clear I do use parsers so I’m not sure why you’re of the opinion I’m against them.

Good luck on your quest to get parsers added in game. I still think asking for combat logs would be more reasonable, but this being your third post on the subject, I’ll leave it to you as the expert.

To be clear, I’m of the opinion that having an in game parser would be awesome. I just think it’s better we ask for smaller steps to be taken by the dev team since there’s like, only 3-4 of them lol.

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Yes, and the reason was valid when the dev’s decided on this. However, when they agreed to give access to combat logs, those reasons because moote. Once accessible Gate Keeping and exclusion became part of gameplay.

And yes I have asked for this a number of times. I think it more likely to get this than getting a combat log on headset.

Quoting @Mathieu_D :

“While we welcome players who want to use tools such as DPS meters to improve their own play, we will not tolerate harassment of other players in-game regarding their performance as measured by such tools. Basically, these tools should be used for self-improvement, not gatekeeping and insults”

If people are using DPS numbers to gatekeep, shame, harass, or insult other players, please report that. Regardless of tools available to the community, toxicity shouldn’t be tolerated. I’m sorry if that’s happened to you, especially as somebody who plays True Affliction Mage :confused:

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You are correct. I withdraw my request. I will buy a computer and do it myself.

That’s not what I was trying to say lol. I’m saying if you’re seeing any toxicity, report it. Just because Combat logs are in the game doesn’t mean you have to tolerate gatekeeping.

Again, I’m in support of having parsers available. I just think it’s an undertaking with effort better spent elsewhere, but that’s just my opinion. I respect yours even though I disagree with it. The original thing I took offence to was you saying this game is pay to play for end game content.

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If you want to parse for yourself then it is pay to play. Not to worry I will pay.

I understand the concern of it being a bullying/harassing/exclusion thing if it was all publicly available in the game, but…

I don’t need to see every body elses data, just show my data to me.

Put it up there at the top where the other performance numbers are (if you choose to have that feature activated).

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That’s objectively false. I can run Boneworks, Hellsplit, and HL: Alyx on my computer which cost me 1.5k. You can get a vr ready computer for around $800. It’s a complete myth that you need to shell out thousands for PCVR.

Also, I pull around 40k DPS as a runemage and have only ever parsed myself once, and that wasn’t while I practiced.

Or it’s because I have a bad weapon. My tiles proc, so I’m clearly casting relatively quick. No need to be rude randy.

My apologies. I deleted it.

okay over the course of a day this thread has gotten a good 50 replies. relax y’all. this has been mentioned time and time again. when a parser becomes available to everyone, people will be people and they will be toxic here and there. it is 100% possible to become the best player of a class without parsing much which means you only got to ask people here and there. i got to 100k dps listening to other players and playing with them. i didn’t parse often until i started to hear my numbers from others.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND a parser is a luxury and just that. preborn, there weren’t any parsers for a while if at all (not sure when the alphabet one was made). people were mostly selected for raids and such because they could perform the mechanics correctly and do their job right.

tl;dr a parser for quest players means that there may be toxicity in the community. the devs need to consider that. the community is very important and if it means that you need to ask others to parse you for a few minutes then so be it.

also y’all calm down keep it civil lol

edit: what mishka said. preborn players didn’t get it and we were fine.