linking with armory world event timers would be an excellent feature
Also, hovering over fish to reveal the lures required / suggested.
The map has several technical issues
- it seems to often crash a part of my oculus dash, forget the name, will try to find. Some kind of virtual “location service” (such as in-game gps) thing. Makes me unable to open or close dash. Restarting oculus / steamVR didn’t fix this may need a reboot idk.
- After this error occurs I become unable to put the map into a separate window, I have to view it from desktop mod. Gives me the yellow exclamation mark that basically represents that it is requesting admin rights, though I have no way to grant it.
- My GPS location either doesn’t move at all, or puts me in highsteppe.
- Makes my in-game orbus map disappear, but I suspect this is because of my crashed location service.
I don’t know how it would be crashing oculus dash or break it in any way, try with other applications and see if it does the same because I don’t see how anything in the map would make it crash. the map doesn’t interact with anything other than it’s own stuff and reads the combat log from orbus.
as for the player location not updating, make sure you start orbus first and log in to your character, then start the map. also it’ll only update when you grab the compass in-game.
as for the in-game map, there is no way my map would do that, it doesn’t interact with orbus at all, it only reads the log file.
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My assumption about blocking the in-game map was that the “CaptureService” was an oculus service that both your map and orbus used, thus if it crashed it would fail to load, but not saying it’s 100% the case just giving some preliminary ideas.
Good to know about the compass.
Map may have been invisible possibly due to a combat bug (but I was not in combat and not moving slow). It disappeared right after the interactive map crashed so idk.
captureservice has nothing to do with player position on the map or the in-game map:
whenever you grab your compass it puts your player coordinates in the combat log, that’s how I get the player position.
a combat bug in-game wouldn’t affect the map, like I said, it only reads the combat log and doesn’t interact with orbus in any way.
Not referring to your map in regards to the combat bug. The Orbus in-game map collapses and hides during combat.
Update 0.8.1
- fixed issue with getting the server time
currently working on getting all the new zones added to the map as well as all the quest givers and items in the zone and probably also the tresure map locations, but it’s a lot of work so it’ll take a few more hours.
Update 0.9.0
- Added maps for the new zones, to view them click the location icons for them on the map. It also switches automatically to the mini zone map when you enter one of them and back to the overworld map when you leave.
- Added the locations for the new mini zones.
- Added apprentice smiths
- Added Quest items, Questgivers, Events and Quest mobs to the mini story pack maps
- Added more trickster goblin spawn points
The pathfinding does not currently work in the new maps, I’ll do that by next update just thought it is more important to get the quest item locations, questgivers, ect out and working first.
Tresure chest locations are also coming by next update.
Same hour:
Knights Fort ended 1 minute early (+1 minute timer on map)
Obonobi Encampment ended 20 seconds early (+20 seconds on map)
Goblin Spawned about 5 minutes earlier than the timer.
Server time thinks it is April 16.
Will keep looking/using the map, pretty sure events start on time but do not always end on time (for the events that can’t end early).
I can run the map just fine with Oculus Dash Desktop view but it’s definitely creating friction with the oculus dash individual window option (the plus sign). Using the original Oculus Rift. As soon as I turned it into it’s own window and dropped my compass, the map and captureservice crashed (again, I don’t know why… but it does). After this happens I’m unable to re-open the map as an individual window until I reboot (not sure what process to kill or restart). I get the yellow background exclamation sign that normally would be requesting to run in admin mode. However this is no visible request to allow the app to do so on my desktop. I’ll actually try that, running it in admin mode next time to see if that prevents the crash.
Updated it with the rotospore and bloodcaps you showed.
no, the goblin spawns 5 minutes after the message pops up. That’s when the map should switch to a slightly bigger 5 min countdown. If you read the paragraph about the timer in the main post it explains how it works.
By server time i mean in-game time, which is currently april 16th of year 745, I just have it listed as server time because that’s what the orbus devs calls it on the API
yeah, all of them should start on time, but the end time and the times it switches colors doesn’t always align perfectly, it’s something I’ve been meaning to look into.
The app doesn’t rely on admin privileges for anything and this shouldn’t make a difference. I don’t know why it would crash, especially not if it happened when you dropped your compass, if anything it would happen when you grab it, that’s when the combat log updates.
Thanks for the responses (been awhile since I read the original post, my bad for goblin)
Here’s another roto spore
Suggestion: Add teleport pillar symbols when hovered over, or have their own category (frost chickenfoot for highsteppe, for ex)
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Extra Trickster spawn point found this morning.