Interactive map

Update v2.2.0

  • created navmap for the forsaken isle
  • added herbs on island
  • fixed some bounty map tooltips having an extra empty line
  • updated some bounty map locations
  • fixed typo in “enraged stafrute” tooltip
  • added fish ponds to island
  • added non-legendary fish to island
  • changed the way trickster goblin times are saved, now the time get’s sent to a server hosted by Sulon and saved there. This means that as long as there are a few people actively using the map the trickster timer should always be accurate for everyone(except after a server restart of course)

One of the main things added is a partial rework of the trickster goblin timer, thanks to @Sulon it now saves the time on a server, so as long as a few people are actively using this new version the trickster timer will be accurate for everyone, including quest users. So please do update, even if you’re not too interested in the new features, it’ll help everyone interested in the trickster goblin timer.


Update v2.2.1

  • fixed all mobs in the raid having the tooltip “Hardmode only”, now only the mobs that are actually just in hardmode have the tooltip
  • fixed slight issue with trickster time
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Update v2.3.0

  • changed where the trickster time gets sent to the server, now it should get sent if you have the trickster timer disabled as well(to help get more data)
  • changed server time to only show time and not date
  • added server boost tracking, which also sends the data to Sulons server so quest users also get the bombs and to track them outside the map.

Update v2.3.1

  • fixed experience bomb not registering.

Update v2.3.2

  • fixed issue with parsing server boost time from combat log
  • made it so you can’t zoom in and out when your cursor isn’t on the map
  • fixed an error from trying to get serve boosts without internet
  • fixed font size for server time text when not able to get server time

Due to an issue in the way I parsed the time for the server boosts I ask that you all update to this new version and avoid using v2.3.0 or 2.3.1 as they may send an incorrect boost time to the server.


The map has improved a lot recently :slight_smile: keep up the great work man!!


I reopened this thread as it is an ongoing community resource, I didn’t know it had closed automatically yet.


Update v2.3.3

  • fixed fishing lure typo for “bloody flesh”
  • fixed some fish on the isle not being toggleable
  • added a light build, which has everything the normal build has except pathfinding because it takes a lot of time to generate the navigation maps at startup.
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Update v2.4.0 - The Citadel Raid

  • added citadel raid map
  • add raid entrance to overworld
  • reduced resolution of zone entrance icons, they were way higher quality than they need to be
  • added zone names and place names

I made some static maps from the interactive map, they can be found in the discord server:

Update v2.5.0 - Festival of Strangers

  • added festival tab
  • added festival mobs
  • added festival Lights
  • added festival “Keeper of strange things” quest giver
  • changed missing persons scroll quest item icon

Update v2.5.2 - Back to a single build

Mostly some QoL updates, primarily: navmaps generate based on the “Use pathfinding” toggle in settings so the light build is no longer needed, filter list scroll bar, ability to zoom with arrow keys, some additional settings.

  • made navmaps generate based on the “Use pathfinding” toggle in settings and made this toggle disabled by default, tho enabling it requires the map to be restarted. This means I’ll be going back to a single build again instead of 2
  • added scroll bar to the filter list
  • made it possible to zoom using the up/down arrow keys
  • added icon scale rate slider in settings, icon scale rate is how much icons scale as you zoom in. a scale rate of 0 means the icons are always the same size in relation to the map, a scale rate of 1 means the icons are always the same size in relation to the map window. default is 0.75
  • added zoom power slider in settings, this is just how fast you zoom.
  • added text objects that display the value of the slider
  • fixed tooltips missing on lamavora and wastelands lights
  • fixed some zoneswitches not clearing the path
  • fixed green dot appearing at the first player coordinate line of the combat log
  • fixed ritual page not being part of quest items
  • added “Helga Sarrow” quest giver by the citadel raid entrance

How does one manage to get this in game. I play on a quest one but through virtual desktop (rifted). Thanks in advance!

you need to use a VR overlay, like OVRToolkit, XSOverlay, OVRDrop or oculus dash if you’re not using steamVR

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Update v2.5.3

  • fixed festival filters being saved
  • fixed part of map being non-interactable

Update v2.5.4

  • fixed tooltips not showing on large portion of left side
  • did some texture packing and increased compression slightly for the main map which has lowered the download size a decent bit

Update v2.5.5

  • fixed scrollbar not being interactable
  • fixed pathfinding option tooltip not always working as intended

Is there a version for android or will there be one in the future?

No and there probably won’t be one.

Update v2.6.0

  • made it possible for me to pre-generate navigation maps, so now the map will always be quick to start
  • added citadel raid mobs to the map
  • added Enraged Sephotep “Hell” mobs
  • updated the temp icons from the festival

Hot-fix v2.6.1

  • fixed missing texture in list
  • fixed citadel raid boss 4 final portal mobs not being togglable

Update v2.7.0

  • added missing blimp rotation in hulthine
  • reorganized the mobs tab, now each mob type is collapsible
  • added mobs to the forsaken isle
  • reworked the save system slightly to make it more versatile and more tweakable. This means your layout will be reset after you update
  • updated all boss icons, they are now the faces of the bosses
  • fixed bass not being toggleable on the forsaken isle
  • halved the base map resolution because the size of it was causing issues for some
  • made a launcher that will allow you to automatically download updates
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