June 11th Update Feedback: Musketeer & other balance changes

It bums me out, even when you get to the point where you can move your arm at light speed it doesn’t even reward you. If anything it punishes you because If you go your max speed on provoke you usually out pace your tileset max speed and have to slow yourself down.

Mithril use a higher tileset speed. It doesn’t have to be light speed, but there’s definitely a max speed, and you can accomplish it with relatively short, quick wrist motions.

i use the fast swing in warrior tile set with using wrist motion if you use whole arm you will become very tired very quick

How much damage negation you have as a warrior really depends on what you’re fighting, some 4rash packs you’ll now have less than 50% uptime on the Shield, and also boss 5 in the Raid we had two warriors and the shield would break before the other warriors shield was back.

When I was messing around with raid boss 5 I would take around 40-50% my health per hit

That said I haven’t done much testing but in full +4 that was my first impression

Mine is at max speed and I’m faster than it.

Did you drink a runesight potion and let someone look at what tiles trigger @Mithril? I am very sure you will be able to get all tilesets up then if you design them right.

Yes. they all trigger but if I swing faster than the max speed I lose the proc is what I was trying to say

you literally can’t go faster than the fastest tile. there is a max hits per second for warrior

Yes that is what I’m saying lol

I wish there wasnt a max hit per second like no ceiling for cast speed.

that’s not what you said tho

you said you outpace the tilesets, but you’d just be outpacing the max hits per second and not procing any combos

Sorry, that is what I was trying to say. I wish i could out pace the hps I guess. ( sorry my English is trash)

A thing what I noticed now, is that I cant snipe someone that far anymore as in the old game. Since the update I’m doing a bit grinding with my musky and its sooooo bad that I cant shoot that far anymore. I’m used to heal people through the whole room in the raid from the old game…
That’s a thing what I REALLY dislike now
(Its a thing since reborn came out but I’ve never played musky because not needed)


Pretty late on this one but i think the one they are talking about is a bug that has been around for a long time if you move the turret more then 60 feet from its first deployment it stops healing or dpsing

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I think this has been posted before, but the tuning on this is off. Please make it so you have to hold your hand a little further out from your body. Right now if your hand is not glued to your side, it activates (I’m talking realm of inches here). Make it 1.5ft or something, so a player has to at least hold their offhand out from their body intentionally.

Also please bring back that we can destroy the turret, mine was on damage and it took like 3 years until I got it back to I could switch


i have a suggestion please put back 10 seconds sheild cool down and if not because you crazy add more sheild durability and balance talents in every class equally

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In Tuesday’s patch we are making it so that the turret can be destroyed by using a charged shot on it to help with that issue temporarily while we track down the root cause.


Maybe it’s just me, but in the time I was paying attention to my damage, it looked like I was only getting a 10% increase… from 2540ish to 2800ish damage.

Anyone else have that?