Micro Transactions

You’re pretty much suggesting Orbus to indirectly let people buy dram from the store. The cosmetic store should be a way for players to show support for the Game by buying cosmetic items, Not paying for items that they can sell for in game advantages.

Additionally that ties in the factor of being able to say “X hours of Farm = N $ of money”. It’s demotivating to no-fun-farm in-game for mere cents an hour. Better to emphasize fun content & cool rewards which can be obtained without real $, which is harder to do when your blur together in-game currency and real money. Emphasizing content you can earn in-game, no cash shop involved at all, is much better and rewarding. In your case with warframe, imagine all that farm you did to earn the same rewards - but without the necessity of converting to platnium. You also feed the players in game currency when you buy platinum off of them which is effectively them buying in-game currency for money. Cash shop should just be totally separate as to not influence your gameplay at all.

its a nice idea to make it like platinum in warframe, its just you didnt take into account that platinum is essentially currency in that game, no one ever trades with credits(orbus equivalent to dram), they only ever trade with platinum(orbus equivalent to what would be paid for currency) or something of equal value. my point being that credits have very little trade purpose in that game while on the other hand orbusvr relies heavily on dram. (also the huge player difference to circulate the generation of platinum is non-existent in orbus.)

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