New Dev Blog: Raid Beta and Bringing Back the Overworld

I think there should be a different kind of reward for grinding. Most people don’t grind now, because the items on the drop table are not worth the time or because they already have enough of those basic items. Making part of the grinding tool’s incentive just increased drops of the already available and non-important drops doesn’t really give new rewards to grinding. It’s basically just increasing the drop rate…we’ll just be melting more gear into minor shards and selling more rotten fingers to the smith. A big concern I have with how grinding works is that it’s not a viable way to level compared to simply farming public events and daily missions. Grinding needs to have more valuable/unique rewards (like the mount drop, or some other type of reward that actually incentivizes people to grind) and/or increased XP.


100% agree. I was using the PVE players as an example of how difficult it would be if you were an individual vs teams that have PVE players willing to “scout” ahead. I actually like the idea you suggested about giving the PVE players something to encourage more to “participate” and then hopefully decide it is not that bad and try it themselves. I think my biggest concern is having at least some feeling that I have some chance to succeed at winning the prize. I think a small part of the issue with battle grounds is this same feeling although there should be a level of practice will make better. Battle grounds PVP is not going to present the same issues as in the overworld. I can def see a paladin self heal and throw the hammer to out run individuals. This is going to be more keep away than capture the flag so as an individual healer I doubt I would have much luck in escaping with a prize (although I do not have a problem with groups doing this, I can just see this as a “best strat” leaving individuals without a 30 paladin out). Again, just theorizing and am excited to see how many times I die. :yum:

every 8 hours.

24/8 = 3 times per day roughly… But as it is randomized between 8 to 6 hours, it will likely not be time-able… you just have to be online to grab the chance.

will it be just one golbin that spawns every 8-10 hours? or how many of them will spawn?

1/10 people with pvp on…

Well, maybe not, but it would be nice :wink:

what about invisibility potions? With the goblin being somewhere random in the zone, it’ll get killed and the person who loots it will just invisibility potion and high tail outta there. At least… That is what I would do.

Hehe… The person carrying the token should not be able to get out of combat for x minutes. Would solve most of the escape options.

better get to making potions, instead of just complaining that people can use them

they already put a cap on healing potions IMO that’s already a huge blow to preparedness, they way you are talking j and burn, that wouldn’t be as fun

Yeah, disabling potions would be kinda silly. Why even have Invisibility potions if you’re going to turn them off willy nilly?

I think the overworld drops are very cool, Its a little mind numbing to kill low level mobs for them, but adding that in is a huge step in the right direction, next it would be even better to see something similar but the loot being from hard to kill bosses, or even added into the raids drop table, or even a raid just for rare tradable loot

how long is the beta for

2 weeks, they said in the blog. After which the raid will be released

“Assuming all goes well, the actual Normal Mode Raid will launch 2 weeks after the Beta, on June 25th.”

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cool thanks @Scott and @Atropos

The only thing that should change with potions is that u can’t get buffs while u are holding the tokens. That way healing pots would still work perfectly since the health gained isn’t a buff, but makes it so u can’t invis or speed pot as soon as getting the tokens(would be fine with speed being useable, but the no buffs is just a easier way for @Riley_D to implement it)
Even with this nerf to invis/speed there are many times it would still be useful. Since only the carrier would be unable to use pots, u could have other members go invis to protect the carrier, or make assaults on other carriers. I can think of many specific effective uses, but won’t share them here for obvious reasons

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you just want it to be easier for bigger teams to win, disabling preparedness advantage of the solo person

Not really, could u explain how this on,y helps big teams? This debuff if anything helps new players and smaller groups because it restricts big groups from just spamming invis pots which small groups wouldn’t have as much access to
Also since big groups have more people to search, it is more likely they will find the goblin before small groups. Meaning that big groups have more of a chance to get there and quickly down a invis and be perma safe, so the no pots would help a small group if they can’t immediatly find it and gives them a chance by fighting for it

im so interested in the arcana mounr

explain to me how smaller guilds and solo players have less access to potions