New Dev Blog: Shard Dungeons Preview

Actually I can see an option where Legendary don’t drop for anyone if you switch someone from your group. That way you could switch someone if there is a dc and be able to complete the dungeon, but you couldn’t use that mechanic to provide Legendary to people who do not participate in the fighting.

(And the same would apply for anything else like quest kills or capes)


I love ping pong threat! Can I play???

Can you have more than 1 shard per person or would you destroy the current to farm a new?

This may be asking too much but can we know what the 1st Major will be on launch so we can strategize?

It will not give you another Level 1 shard into your inventory if you already have one. I suppose some people will probably farm them up and put them in their chest but they do not stack, so I guess it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the space to do that.

I will announce that tomorrow so you can begin planning, I’m honestly not sure which of them we’re going to choose yet.

Maybe I just missed this in reading over it, but is it:
-1 shard per dungeon per party
-1 shard per person per dungeon?

And is killing sentry (for example) a guaranteed shard drop for every person who is there? Or is it also a random/guaranteed drop like the guaranteed loot currently is?

If people are in a party together and kill sentry (for example), will they all get the same shard, or will each one be random (random per person or random per party, basically)?

Really looking forward to this! Going to be a really fun challenge climbing the ladder.

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Since some dungeons are naturally longer/ more complicated than others and the time limit is always the same - will the difficulty be tuned slightly differently between dungeons?

Edit: Also- will the info of what level the gear drops at per shard level be shared before hand so we can make more educated decisions on guaranteed drops Friday?

When completing a base-level Tradu Mines boss (any), if you don’t already have a Dungeon Shard in your inventory, a new Level 1 Shard will be generated for you at random

I believe each person is guaranteed on the 1st boss kill to get 1 shard assuming they don’t already have one.


It’ll be like Tradu, I’m sure; some dungeons will be inherently more difficult, or take longer to clear, so certain shard drops will be more desirable, but they’re random and soulbound, so it’s not like you have choice until you’ve farmed several shards.

Competitive end-game players will be gunning for world-first clears anyway, so I’d imagine for those players the dungeon that drops is less important, but more casual players will just want shiny new gear and may seek out other players with shards for the less difficult dungeons.

However, there is an element of randomness in the major and minor mutations that will also have an effect on the difficulty of dungeons throughout the week, so maybe one week a dungeon is ezpz and the next it’s unplayable.

Devs, feel free to correct me on this.

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If i was the devs, I would start with the hardest major, just to gate keep the content for a little while.

That’s just it, though. Each dungeon boss has different mechanics and attributes that will be affected by the major, so perhaps there’s no such thing as the “hardest” major, but perhaps there is. And the minor is randomly attributed to the shard activation, so maybe a minor stacked with a particular major is super hard, but then with another major it’s not nearly as bad.

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1 shard per dungeon per party. So someone in your party activates their shard, everyone does the dungeon and is eligible for loot, if you do it in less than 30 minutes, the person who activated their shard gets an upgraded shard.

Guaranteed drop.

Random for each one.

We’re actually going back through now and trying to normalize for example the amount of trash in some of the earlier dungeons. There will likely always be some that are a little harder/easier, though, just based on their boss mechanics and the current meta, not to mention how the mutations will affect it. To some degree that’s just part of the RNG of it all.

It starts at 20.3 for Level 1, scales up 0.05 (so 20.3, 20.35, 20.4, etc.) per Shard Level until Level 5, then goes up 0.1 per Level until reaching 21 at Level 10 (so 20.5, 20.6, etc.). So basically it’s pretty linear.


The mythic+ grind never ends…
But seriously this system was the best thing to happen to pve in years, looking forward to see what tricks are developed to handle high level shards in Orbus. Some sort of leaderboard which takes into account shard level and clear time would be cool (see third party mythic+ score trackers in that other game which definitely doesn’t use this exact system).


Someone else has used this system before? I’m shocked to hear that. SHOCKED I SAY. :smiley:


I like this idea, a leaderboard would be pretty cool for this.


Yeah ! Leaderboard would be amazing. No need to bother with screenshots and figuring out who did what when. This would make tracking every groups achievements so much easier.

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In the absence of an official leaderboard, I would be willing to maintain a site that tracks highest keys completed.

I imagine something like this:
A fellowship submits details/screenshot about their highest key completed that day within 5 minutes of dungeon reset to a public location like these forums or the unofficial discord.

That screenshot and fellowship name gets added to a “calendar” like site that defaults to showing yesterday’s accomplishments and top key completed, but could also open up into an overall view so that the history is exposed.

Since the game doesn’t give a way to verify exact times and at a glance the nature of the mutations makes this seem very RNG based, I’m not really interested in tracking “firsts,” but more-so getting a feel for the overall progress of shard dungeons.


Thanks for the info drop! I am extremely excited to experience this new content, it sounds incredible!

I apologize in advance for the long list of questions. I understand if any/most/all cannot/will not be answered in advance.

  • Does the guaranteed drop for shard dungeons reset at the same time as the TM daily drops?
  • Will there be a visible timer for the 30 minute countdown in shard dungeons or will it only be the remaining mobs?
  • Is it possible for no one to get any gear from a chest at the end of a shard dungeon?
  • Is there any limit to the number of shard dungeons players can run in a day?
  • If you defeat a dungeon but not within the time limit, can you still apply your guaranteed bonus drop the chest at the end?
  • Are there any new dyes or other non-gear based rewards available from the shard dungeons?
  • In shard dungeons, will hard CC (polymorph/ranger trap) work on all trash mobs, only non-TM trash mobs or no trash mobs?
  • Will the equipment drops all be legendary, akin to how all standard TM drops are epic, or will it be mostly purple-epic with a small chance for legendary? If the latter, do the odds of legendary go up with shard level?
  • Will the legendary weapons always and only have the new class affix or will the new class affix be an additional possible affix out of the existing list?
  • Similarly, will legendary weapons still have multiple affixes on them as previously discussed?
  • In the event of a server or zone reset, what happens to shard dungeon status/progress/timers?
  • Will the stat range on shard gear (strength/int/vitality/defenses) have a range that mirrors current epics or will the floor/ceiling be significantly higher?
  • Will legendaries always have perfect stats for their level, and if not, will they have a chance to drop in perfect like epics?
  • Will there be in-game or steam achievements associated with shard dungeons?
  • Will there be a leaderboard associated with shard dungeons?
  • Will there be quests associated with shard dungeons?
  • Will completing the shard dungeon versions of TM dungeon wings count towards the Trial of the Ancients explorers league quests?
  • Will completing the shard dungeon version of TM dungeon wings count towards the TM dailies in terms of level 20.25 guaranteed epic reward bestowals and journal tracking?
  • Are there any expected issues we should be aware of going into the shard dungeons?
  • Do you have any specific requests of the initial community undertaking these shard dungeons in terms of behavior, information sharing, bug reporting?
  • Do you have any tips for the initial community undertaking shard dungeons?

Thank you again for all your hard work!

Good golly, that is a long list of questions, and no I do not have time to answer all of them haha. I will try and hit the ones that won’t be really obvious once you actually start running the content.

  • It resets at the same time, yeah.
  • Yes, visible timer.
  • The drop chance on the chest at the end is equivalent to 2 regular boss drop chances. So yes if no one uses their guaranteed drop, it’s possible no one gets a drop.
  • No limit, no.
  • Yes, even if you don’t complete it under the timer, you can still use your guaranteed drop.
  • There will be some non-equipment rewards.
  • The drops are all epic as a standard. There is a small chance to get a Legendary weapon drop. The chance increases as the shard level itself increases.
  • It’s an additional affix. it’s one regular affix, and then the one affix specific to that weapon.
  • if the server crashes it would be reset. That doesn’t happen super often anymore and I nearly always give 30 minutes notice now before restarting, but obviously if we’re talking Day One there may be issues, so keep that in mind.
  • It doesn’t use up your TM daily, no. It’s a separate system.
  • Obviously I just expect if there’s something that’s obviously not working as intended (e.g. you activate a Level 5 shard but it’s not anymore difficult than Level 1, you figure out some way to clear half the dungeon and then activate the shard to keep from having to do the content, etc.) that you tell us about it.

Will there be multiple legendaries per class each with its own unique affix or just “legendary sword: generic warrior affix”