So I have an Oculus Rift but prefer buying games on Steam. I have my cable mounted on my ceiling above my play space and prefer head look movement with the X-axis on the thumb-stick set to strafe. In other games I started using Turnsignal (TurnSignal on Steam) to help me not twist my cable too much and find the center of my play space but this isn’t an option while running through the OculusSDK it seems.
So I started playing OrbusVR and gave the cable some undesirable twists (nothing severe). I did some searching and found the -vrmode openvr launch option that allows me to use turnsignal (Cannot access SteamVr menu when using Oculus Rift - #4 by Jeff_W) I’m alright with the tradeoffs for doing this for the most part as I’d rather not ruin my cable for the ability to give thumbs-ups, but the controller angle thing is annoying.
So my suggestion is one of the following:
-Settings to adjust manually the angles for the controllers (should help support other and even unreleased controllers.)
-Setting to make the SteamVR version use the angles for the Oculus controllers. (like the first suggestion but not customizable.)
-Build in optional turn tracking like TurnSignal does so my cable with be safe even while using the Oculus SDK.
There may be other options I haven’t thought of. Are there overlays like TurnSignal that work with the Oculus SDK? Fun game so far!