Oldschool Orbus please

Also, for the record, I know a number of players who left reborn after we told them how the old orbus was…


This post was about bringing old orbus back, not merging reborn and old orbus and when it comes to merging the games, most of old orbus (other than the world itself)is already in reborn, hence “give us some examples of specific things that aren’t in reborn”
My in-game name is Potâto.

first of, highly doubt it. second of, how? by telling them in-game? Hooray! you have now successfully not left the game.
and I’m done here now, not gonna reply more in this thread as I don’t think there is really that much more to be said about the matter.


I am the creator of the https://community.orbusvr.com/t/bring-back-the-old-orbus thread…
So, there is absolutely nothing you can say here that will ever convince me or anyone else I represent!
I respect your opinion. But you need to respect ours. We appreciate your feedback!


I still think merging both games together brings the best of both worlds

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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And the hating is back!!!
Some wondered where some of the others were…
They are clearly trickling back, checking to see if Orbus came to their senses yet! At the ocation opening up a post like this… It’s so obvious, how can you miss this!?

Let’s also not forget this post also: https://community.orbusvr.com/t/orbusvr-biggest-problems-a-plea-for-change-and-focus
What this initial poster talks about still stands true today. The bugs are so insane, if I had to report every single bug I see in game, I wouldn’t have enough time left to play the game… And some of the bugs that most of us took time to report are still there, haunting us today!.. There were less bugs in the old game since all the bugs were imported into this game and then amplified…

So the real question stands. Where does Orbus stand on all of this?

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Please don’t attack other players in this thread if you disagree with them. it’s fine to have different opinions, but keep the thread civil and on or on track or we’ll be forced to close it. We appreciate the feedback we receive and strive to make OrbusVR: Reborn the best it can be, and we’ll continue to work towards that purpose.

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Excellent, thank you for shedding in some light Mathieu D.!

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So as we were saying, we wish the old orbus would come back!!

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solo tanking sentry was so fun…if i was really bored i would solo tank potion keeper

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@Mathieu_D reborn could be such a fun game, drastically better then old Orbus

here is a list of deal breaker things reborn is missing
-trickster chest (goblin is nowhere near as fun its just hide n seek with paladins running away with tokens)
-the ranger, playing on the ranger class in pvp is so much fun but just not viable anymore with first strike being removed as an affix.
-aborations (were the heck did they go and why)
-the ranger and scoundrel are by far more fun to play on yet endgame content does not seem to be viable with them

here are some things that shouldn’t be broken but I could live without
-healing potions the cap should never have been put on (one time getting low without having a healer and its over just takes the longevity out of the fight)
-leveling is just silly now, it use to be a grind and when maxing out a class I felt accomplished (as mind numbing as it was to kill mobs for xp)

with this stuff being said I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, you guys have done a lot of interesting improvements like grinding for example and rare items… temporarily tradable gear aswell… but man the stuff I listed as deal breakers are too big of a problem for me and I am just hoping it is fixed one day


Would be cool to have a combi of trickster chest and trickster goblin (both independant from each other). And paladins disable teleport throwing if you have the token.


you want a list?

  1. map design: the maps for old orbus were interesting and not lay’d out like a maze, they were well marked out, had good signage and were fun to explore. the map was big did not feel like the same zone over and over.

2.non forced hub cities: In old orbus we had both guild city and highstepp as the main hub most using highstepp, but, in every location there were cites (it would have been nice for market stalls in the other cites though.:yum:) and they almost all felt lived in.
For example if you walked from highstepp to lusian platou you would go past both a village and a guard tower the village had things going on inside it, The village had npc doing thing like that odd looking red-tail chess or a wine cart travelling to a different village, The guard tower had guardsmen protecting it but you had a way of going in to the tower to look around.

  1. character model: yes there is more character customisation but the only thing seen player-side out side of the menu was the hands. the hands no longer match where there supposed to be on the controllers (I know its a small thing but still.)

  2. map textures: the map textures in old orbus were far better having better detail, each zone having its own texture, them not being the same posterior painting of a seal repeated over and over again. for example both highstepp and the lavamora had different textures that looked different not just looked like a tone swap. But most importantly the textures were not a complete eye sore

  3. weapon design: the weapons back in old orbus were just outright better. take warrior for example the weapons looked threatening not like the would make a larper cry if you hit them too hard. the swords had some sharp edges to them the legendary looked cool, I liked the idea for the new ones where they have a stile to them but that about it.

  4. big hats: the hats were entertaining to see and when they got in the way they were disabled.

  5. Raids: the raids were a lot more interesting having a unique boss for each room not just one boss with slightly different mechanics for each room and then cloning boss 4 and adding a add spawn mechanic. boss 3 also had its won interesting idea where it had to be actualy moved around not just kept in one place, and boss 2 where in some situations you had to lag out the game to beat it(the lag part wasn’t the best design but it was funny.)

  6. the Tradu: The tradu mines was an interesting area that had 4 dungeons and a world boss in one place each of them having there own unique challenge and way of doing things but with a uniform stile that they all had; glowing green and machanicle parts.
    each boss had there own different mechanics while still having the feeling of them being related to the area. then the areas themselves having zone stile that made scence to the area like the lab looking like some mad experimental lab building horrible monsters out of both living and machine parts or the forest having what looked like an artificial eco system with trees and wildlife to it even the first boss for both of those dungeons epitomised that the labs having a potato-robotic monstrosity that would chose randomly who it wants to try to kill and forest having a mushroom monster going around attacking people.

  7. divers enemies: to every zone there was a stile, midland; nature based enemies, desert; desert based enamels, frosted spit; tundra based enemies and McDonald’s Christmas coffee rain-dears. each zone felt like it had a large amount of difference between the enemies it wasn’t just stick monsters or purple monsters or bucket monsters with all the same fighting stiles, ether hit you repeatedly or try to wrap you up in cables. it stops being fun to fight them after your 3rd cable (yes thanks to orbus I have been through 3 cable due to them braking by getting twisted so much(I now have to use snap turn because that shits expensive.))

  8. dungeons: the four main dungeons back in old orbus each had thing to them that just made them fun the fact they were solo-able in a reasonable time when way under the max level before they got scaled or the actual design being fun and smart with some mystery like what was the rock in the midlands dungeon and why did it have a life well under it or that was behind the 3rd door in the desert dungeon and why was that rock smoking.

  9. the old bosses: they were a lot of fun to fight each of having interesting things like the jungles lizard and dinosaur they were a lot of fun to fight.

there are going to be more thing I haven’t thought of or haven’t written down, I have been at this post for over an hours trying to word stuff properly.

alot of us would put up with the bugs and did put up with the bugs, yes they were frustrating but the devs did try to fix them and still do try to fix bugs.

one of the reasons I heard for original orbus’s shut down was some Ahole hacking it and uploading the scores code to the internet, so what I’m suggesting just on this post is an open scores version of old orbus where we can rent servers for it and do what we want with it. that would let modders fix the bugs quickly bethesda style and also let people build there own content for the game as mods, its a dumb idea but would add a whole new aspect to the orbus community. if not just ban the people who hack the game if it gets re-released.


Just re-posting this link since it got hidden on purpose…
Let’s also not forget this post also: https://community.orbusvr.com/t/orbusvr-biggest-problems-a-plea-for-change-and-focus
That post was unlisted… seems orbus wants to keep things hush hush…


This was a temporary measure for one day as tensions were running high and this thread needed cleaning up from insults thrown at either side in the meantime. Bringing that same thing there would not have served to stay civil or constructive.

Necroing threads older than a month is also against the forum rules & etiquette in general.

People can take a look at any of the long and frequent discussions of Orbus (that thread including) to see we never shy away from people having criticism.


Thank you for your input Mathieu, we appreciate it.
Also, for the record, your system didn’t close the post after 20 days, so I can’t be responsible for that.
Please fix your system and the game.

If you want to speak etiquette, why you try labeling us with necro? If the thread was over 20 days old, you can simply close it rather than trying to bully and discredit us.

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I just want Runemage spell casting to be improved. I will cast a whole Greater Affliction rune and fire 1 pops up. Ill trace my book to the T and fail. I enjoy the game and I think the devs are doing what they think is best but the spellcasting for runemage is just bad.

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hahaha we finally got a response from the devs on that thread! to not call up necroed threads even though everything on it is still the same and very relevant!]

edit: just realized u closed that thread, real good taking of criticism


Make Orbus Great Again please