OrbusVR is so much more to me than just a game. I met my fiancé playing OrbusVR and so many other great humans. I hope the Devs will consider other options and keeping the servers alive. Personally I’d be willing to pay a monthly or annual subscription like what I do for other games especially if it means keeping the game going longer.
Regardless, I’m very grateful for all the fun memories of OrbusVR. Thank you
Really sad to see this announcement. I would absolutely love for this to be reignited with a kickstarter or patreon. It’s been a pleasure everyone. I hope this isn’t the last time we get a game with something as rewardingly challenging as runemage spellcasting or scoundrel curve shots and rotations.
This game has led to some of the most profound friendships I’ve ever had, and I don’t know where my life would be without the people I was lucky enough to connect with.
Cheers devs, you did something amazing here.
Cheers players, I miss you all and wish you the best.
Yeah, they should run a kickstarter for OrbusVR: Reborn: Reincarnated, the market is larger than when the original kickstarter campaign was ran, by a significant margin.
It’s so sad to see Orbus go, I’ve played this game for years and I’m so grateful for so many of the people that I met while playing Orbus. Thank you to the devs for this amazing game and keeping the game up for as long as you did, this is a life changing game that you created, and I doubt any of us will ever forget the experiences we’ve had because of Orbus
Thank you for the years of fun, it is a sad day.
Also thank you to all the friends made along the way the community was really the best part.
Well, i had fun. Thank you orbusvr dev team for supporting this game for this long even though the servers should have been shut down 2 years ago. But thank yall for keeping the game up for so long that it became somthing id come back too knowing its always going to be around. But this is no longer the case. I met so many cool people and even my boyfriend from this game. Its sad to see it go but if anyone wants to reach out just add me on discord: leah00x
Are yall legally able to provide the ability for players to run their own servers for both games. Zenith cant because of investor problems but im wondering about this game. Is there any chance the ablility for community ran Reborn and or Preborn servers can be ran by the community. Many of us dont want to lose this game, as its still a huge part of our lives. I would strongly urge yall to give us the ability to run dedicated servers or allow restoration projects to continue.
damn, didn’t expect it this soon. Please open a patreon or something to cover the server costs. Maybe it could be alive for a couple more years?
Sorry to see Orbus go as well. It has been a couple of years since I’ve played but it was the first VRMMO I ever played on the Rift and then carried over to Reborn and then on the Quest. I remember what the original town looked like with the first quest killing the rabbits at the farm. I agree with the recommendation on trying a Kickstarter campaign to see if it raises enough to keep it going for another year or two.
Damn, even going through the comments in this post I see names and I remember awesome in game moments after all these years… This game is special, really, maybe it was created at the right time, but no other game has become what Orbus was.
Are you willing to sell it to someone that’s willing to pay to keep the servers alive, or turn it into a cheap subscription-based game?
I haven’t played much lately, maybe once or twice a year due to me not having a headset anymore. I was just thinking about buying a quest 3 to play again, I understand talking about playing other vr mmos but the art style of Orbus VR is light years above every other vr mmo I have seen, hell it even has nostalgia for me at this point. Bought my first ever VR headset for this game back in march of 2018, I spent so many hours in it I could probably still walk the entire world without a map. It will be missed.
Would it be possible to release the models for the wands? I really want to get a tattoo of one, I forgot which one specific though sadly since it looks like it was removed from game? But maybe I’ll recognize it
Is this a bad dream, I fear it is not
The game I so love shall be left to rot
Chest filled with grief, but also of hope
That one day I may find a new way to cope
The loss of a home, that of a friend
I knew that one day this story would end
And yet it still hurts, I must now admit
These voices and faces will soon be unknit
My tears shall turn happy, as I reminisce
Fighting corruption in deep wilderness
While I may weep, I shall not be blind
This circle of people has always been kind
Friendship and love, they come from these folks
As we sit now in Highsteppe and tell all our jokes
Memories fade, but hearts still remember
That blissful warm feeling during December
New friendships forged, unbreakable bonds
Under the shady Rainforest palm fronds
The fight may be over, and that is a fact
Yet we have within us a freshly formed pact:
We won’t forget Orbus, and that is a promise
These people I’ve met have all given me solace
I will miss orbus and all the days I’ve spent with it’s community and I will always remember how meaningful it was to me.
In the past week since this announcement was made, I’ve struggled to reconcile how I feel about it, between the fondness I feel for the memories and friendships I made in Patreayl & the sadness I feel to have to see it go after watching the playerbase slowly dwindle away, leaving the once-bustling streets of Highsteppe empty and silent like some abandoned ghost town.
It’s no secret that I haven’t exactly been an active player for quite some time now, but this is a pretty tough pill to swallow nevertheless. Even though I’m not on the grind like I used to be, it has made me happy knowing that Orbus was always there for me to pop in when I feel like it, even if it was just to hang out in Fellowship Court, chat, and reminisce with some friends for a little while. Yet, with the revelation of this information, knowing that very soon Orbus isn’t going to be there anymore, I can’t help but feel a bit of regret for going inactive for so long.
It’s been said a dozen ways by a dozen people in this thread already, but the experience I’ve had with this game truly will stay with me forever and I will always cherish the memories & friends I’ve made here.
@Outlander_Robert if it’s possible, would you be willing to let us know at exactly what time the shutdown will occur? I know you gave us a date, but I’d like to have a time as well, if possible. I think I can safely speak for most of us, if not all, when I say that I’d love to be there when it goes down, if I’m available. I’d encourage anyone else who can be there to do the same. I can’t think of a better way to go out than to be surrounded by the community that made this game so special to begin with… to be surrounded by my friends & fellow adventurers. We can have ourselves a little Apocalypse Party!
Anyway, this is getting kind of long, so I’ll try to cut it here. At the end of the day, it really has been one hell of a run & I’m just glad I was there for it. I wish the best for all of you in the future, thanks for being a part of all this. Don’t be afraid to stay in touch/reach out once in a while. Thanks to the dev team for creating something that turned out to be so meaningful to so many. I hope you all know that you bottled lightning with this one, at least in my opinion.
Hoping to see some friendly faces at the Apocalypse Party on April 6th. Cheers everyone! <3
I would love to have a gathering in its final moments. Who knows, maybe we’ll all get sucked into the game when it goes offline and be stuck forever.
I’ll try to be there, good to see you again bud.
Preborn was this magical flash-in-the-pan kind of thing that we were all very lucky to be part of.
Cheers all!
Orbus was the first VR game I played that felt like a “real game” and not just a 30min “VR experience”. I will always remeber it fondly, and it is the yardstick by which I still measure emergent online gameplay and communities. (like learning spell casting shortcuts from Elk while fishing outside highsteppe)
Thank you to Riley and all the devs and players that contributed to such fun experiences.