Patch 10.97- Inventory Management, Hard Mode Raid

I attempted to use the knuckle for 1 boss in a raid… had to switch back after 1 boss because it was just so terrible. Nearly damage my wrist after 1 3 minute boss fight lol. it was a combination of weird horizontal and vertical rotation (or maybe x and z axis? not sure)

yep exactly!!

Are there any plans now how to handle this issue for different ppl/classes?
I’m still not using my new controllers :woman_shrugging:

I am getting fed up with the lack of responses to be honest…

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Yeah I’m the same, I’m loosing the interest in orbus pretty quickly and with this issue even faster, im fine that theres no specific finger tracking (yet?) but I cant use them as mage at all

Just read this " * Updated Index controller rotation" for today’s patch, I will try and come back with feedback

We saw one other report of the Joystick not working on the Knuckles and we’re trying to figure out what’s going on there as we haven’t changed anything. It’s kind of hard to know what’s going on all the time with the new SteamVR input system messing with config files and all that.

We are continuing to work on this issue and we hear your feedback on it. At the same time you have to realize it’s not like Valve sells these controllers then sends all the devs money to implement support for them. So while I understand the frustration around spending money on a new thing and not having it immediately work perfectly, at the same time I hope you can see that from our perspective, we basically have a situation here where Valve released a new shiny thing, gave us very little time to figure out how to work with it, and then made the whole thing completely incompatible with existing code on top of all of that. We are working through all of those issues as we’re able, but it’s going to take time.

For example, if we do end up adding the ability to choose how to position the controller exactly how you want it, obviously that is going to take quite a bit of dev time to design and implement.

None of that is to say that it’s not an important issue, but just giving you some insight into what’s going on from our end.


That the joystick is not working for some people is a joystick issue itself, and not a thing on your end btw.
There lots of people which just have like joystick which still works but dont have the clicking sound. But other ppls joystick dont work with this click in/or at all. Valve keeps saying it’s a feature, which is it obviously not because other ppl have just working fine joysticks

I get that it’s also not that easy for you as developer but we are also pretty frustrated, we spend like 300€ on controllers we waited for months and have them for almost a month now and cant use them for the game we plays the most

At this point I’ve realized the simple truth. If you pre-order stuff, you get shafted.


I experienced A LOT of bugs in hard mode raids tonight. Some of the ads were not showing health bars, which also happens in the game in other scenarios quite frequently. Also, on boss 3 the teapot adds were not disappearing off my screen, some were dead bodies that stayed, but also a few were still animated and running in place even though they were dead (the one on the left was killed a wave or 2 prior)

Do you have an output log to send us?

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