Patch 10.97- Inventory Management, Hard Mode Raid

Really loving the inventory management system.

Early impressions of the knuckle/index controllers are the hands feel way off. Though you may just not have had time to get to that. Weapons are far more important. Will play my classes a few hours before commenting on the rest.

Well we fought hard and we managed to clear it.

Next challenge: Perfect achievements and getting that raid mount!

Great encounters after a few tweaks. Interested to know if there will be a expert hardcore mode :laughing:



I had the same feeling about the index controllers, they felt off, and I had to hold my hand weird to cast… maybe it’s a used to get thing but, it’s not comfortable. And now after the patch I’m not able to use one index and one vive anymore because the vive has now the new angle they set… greaaaaaat

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briefly tried it last night and it felt like the controller was tilting to the right slightly. @Landru similar to your problem?

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I’m not sure if that is a controller tilt issue or if it’s a matter of the position of my hands relative to the controller. My arrows go a lot more to the right on the index though.


the auto storage cool but did not store the dyes and potion


didnt store crystals for me either.


The button does say, “Deposit ingredients”. Potions, dyes and crystals aren’t ingredients, so it makes me suspect that the system isn’t currently designed to handle those. I kinda wish it did, but as a separate button. There are some potions that I keep in my inventory that I’d forget I didn’t have if it was all one button. :woman_shrugging:

Personally, I love the inventory system! I couldn’t get the loadouts to work correctly, but I’ll try again this weekend. I suspect the patch hadn’t been fully rolled out when I tried it. The Index controllers are better. They definitely aren’t perfect, but they’re good enough I’ll stop ruining my wrist with the severe flexion angle. :grin:


i love the auto gear loadout i always wanted it no need to selection gear one by one for raids and shards

@Robert The inventory loadout appears to save specifically the durability level that you had, so if you try to switch to a class whose gear is damaged, it doesn’t go. Just repeated it over and over again, after logging and crashing to desktop and everything.

We’ll look into getting this fixed. Thanks for the report!

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Would also like to see:

  • Lock mechanism for gear - a second icon that shows up, plus confirmation window, asking if you want to lock or unlock the item. Locked items get a lock icon overlayed ontop of them in the inventory and cannot be destroyed.
  • Destroy all button (+confirmation window) - destroys all unlocked gear on an inventory page? Or maybe the whole thing?
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The angles for the knuckles controllers don’t seem to have changed at all. My hands are still rotated upwards by about 45 degrees and my bow is still rotated downwards by about 45 degrees. Also my bow shoots a bit to the right of where it does on the rift.


I did try explaining that the MVP here is to add rotation options in the menu for the knuckles controllers.

Yeaahh give us the option to do it on our own

Its idk hard to explain but to cast I’ve to hold my hand like this, which is VERY uncomfortable for my wrist, so the wand is still too much upwards

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Same issue. It was nice of you to try and ‘guess’ what we regard as a ‘fix’ but this is only going to work if you let us fix it ourselves. The knuckles angle in the physical space is not changeable due to the design of the knuckle and the human wrist can only adapt so much in angle. We cannot adjust ‘holding angle’ like we can with other controllers. In a simple user story:

As a knuckle controller user, when I am setting up my knuckles I want to adjust the X and Y wrist rotation so that I feel comfortable when playing.

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My vive controllers have the weird new angle now too btw, I’m officially useless now as mage :roll_eyes:

So it sounds like the issue is that the runemage wand is still angled to point too high when using the Index controllers? We can definitely look into adjusting it further down to make it more comfortable. The manual rotation fix, while it would solve the problem, will take longer to accomplish and I don’t know that we have the time to fit that in with our current content release schedule.

As for the Vive wands and Index controllers sharing the same angle, right now the game detects which controller you are using at start up. If you switch mid-session there isn’t a check to see if you changed controller type during your current session so the new controller will have the angle of the old one (either too high up for the Index or too low for the wand). We can look into adding this mid-session check, but for now if you restart the game with the set of controllers you’re planning to use during your session it should detect them and set the angle appropriately.


No, I don’t think you have understood the problem.

We need actual control of horizontal and vertical rotation when using the index controller. It is not a case of ‘just tweaking it’. I still cannot use my controller which i spent alot of money on. There is no ‘just tweak it’ solution here.

Let me explain… If you get it right for a runemage, it will still feel wrong for a ranger. so on and so fourth.

Please do not try to make ‘tweaking it’ an ‘MVP’ (minimum viable product) because it will not even pass the ‘MLP’ (minimum lovable product) test.

Can ya guys just listen to me for once on this one? please?

Why do we need horizontal and vertical tweaking?

As stated by Landru…

‘my bow shoots a bit to the right’… needs horizontal rotation.

Quote me - ‘my wand tilts slightly to the left’… needs horizontal rotation.

The ‘vertical angle’ changes you made do not suit Acavi’s wrist. They do not suit mine either… But for different reasons.

If you don’t let us tweak it… you’ll keep trying to guess a feature which is simply a user preference request not a ‘try and guess what i like’ request… and no this is not a QoL request… If we put this on a KANO model this is 100% a functional must be… I mean we arent using our controllers otherwise.


yep im not using my controllers at all anymore… its GREAT to not use this expensive controllers we waited for ages now. Before this change, last Tuesday i was at least able to run/teleport with the joystick, which feels better on the index than the vive, but now…nothing