Patch 10.998- Lvl 30 dungeons, Shard dungeon increase, Shard vendor

5 posts were split to a new topic: Bard hitbox issue on bosses

We’ve always received a lot of feedback since Reborn came out that the community misses having dungeons in the world and that that having them all in Highsteppe was contributing negatively to the world, in terms of it feeling empty, exploration, etc. so we decided to add these two in the world like the older dungeons. They’re both pretty close to teleport pillars, though.

Since there were 4 sets before, we had to convert them to the new cloth, leather, plate system which means that one of the leather ones is left over. You can acquire the other 3 sets from the bosses as normal.

Level 30, the shards have another brand new set with a new look you can get.

A lot of the feedback we’ve received about the story from the community is that they want the story quests to unlock meaningful things, but we understand that not everybody has done it, which is why this vendor is very early on in the story, and it should take a short time to unlock if you haven’t started it yet.

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any thoughts on fixing any of the 100 paladin problems as you release new content that may require warriors?

Nothing requires warrior ATM except for non-healer record runs.

i would like to know the change for the new dungeon since both bosses use to have a dom aoe in classic orbusvr

would we be able to get an orb at the tree it is convenient to have the dungeons all in one place insted of doing an “every one out and lets ether run to the pillar or faf with making the portals”
it’d be a nice addition for “speeding” through dungeons like normal.

I like it personally. I miss traveling a bit for dungeons.


same i do miss travelling

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Not me i flatout hate running and waiting for ppl to arrive instead of playing w our limited playtime… but guess im the minority

  • There has been VERY strong opinion on ppl wanting to have at-least a bit of travel.
  • The travel is less then in the old game.
  • The travel makes reagent worth 1 dram more. xD

I think it is a good intermediate. Some ppl have a complete hate of running. Some have a complete hate on all dungeons on 1 spot. I really hope ppl can accept an intermediate instead of wanting their own thing 100% like they want it when the opinion is split.


I use a hell lot of reagents, event hoping for perks in downtimes … And I love traveling the world, but outside group content times, which are slim enough for us, sadly. Idling around and waiting for people to arrive at Tradu all the time was probably the most sucky part of the OG.
Good thing we at least got no die-hard pvp players in the guild who could be attacked and loose potions on their way to the dungeon and what not.

So nvm its not that important.

Does that mean you want to buy my 20 stacks of reagents for 10 dram a piece? :upside_down_face:

sort of, in hardmode raids atleast u can have 1 warrior 1 paladin, but on some bosses u cant have 2 paladins, so musketeer pally will most likely be possible depending on how hard T15 scales and the bosses, but bard paladin probably wont be possible

would love to have more than 2 talents as well

Which boss requires 1 warrior?

Well a turn in reagents vendor would be nice ;-)… theres no server restart note btw, is the patch comin in 15mins??

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Read the edit on top. This patch will probably be too late for EU or even US :confused:

believe boss 4 and boss 5 would take some extreme hassle would, and boss 2 u could do, but cant use the strat that is universally used
and also i am not including paladin agro troubles, and of course not counting the paladin omega kite, and the no unbending for paladins

I always loose agro on omega kites :sweat_smile:

yea thats the main issue for it, since warriors gain agro as they kite but pallys cant

I am surviving 3 hits as a pally on boss 5, and two warriors survive 3 hits on boss 5 before switching. Pally can stun just like Warrior. Thus 2 pally boss 5 will work.

Boss 4 pally is 5x easier as off tank then warrior.

Never tried pally as main tank boss 4, but the fact that two muskies as bombarding the main warrior with too much heals means the pally will survive 100% too.

Boss 2 is the same story as boss 4.