Patch 18.01 Notes - New Battlegrounds map, 4 year anniversary and more

So why not just reduce the fireball range to rendered distance for quest 2

This would be really nice, warriors should be able to use their shields to block player attacks.

At this point, I almost want to believe it’s a programming limitation. Either that or there’s a really good reason the devs don’t want this in the game, because this has been a longtime request lol

It’s not even ragging on pc because you can shoot past player render on quest as well

Seeing farther isn’t even the issue getting killed by invisible fireballs is

Most of us are too lazy to turn runemage graphics on and still are able to kill the best players in the game. This just sounds like your lack of ability to adapt to your surroundings. You just need to pay attention more. I spent way too much money to be able to play games without stuttering in high graphic situations. I can’t stand playing on the standalone quest anymore because of the differences. You should just save up and invest in better hardware. Your life will be so much happier for it.

Then do what I do, and turn them off completely. I fight PVP blind.

You issue is that you are trying to watch spells instead of players. It take practice, however, you will get better at killing people. :heart:

Oh boy

extra letters

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It’s about being killed by something that has essentially close to infinite range when no other class can. I play without graphics most of the time. The point is it’s clearly unbalanced.

I have a high end pc it still doesn’t change that it’s unbalanced range wise. And it’s kind of impossible to be aware of something that’s invisible along with the player that’s out of render distance.

This change won’t fix that at all. At worst people will swap to frost instead and at best it will take more spells to one shot with mage.

My main issue is with no pally changes I can forsee BG being pally meta hell with the two classes that are good counters getting nerfed.

The devs won’t do this. It would cause a mass mage quit. Not even a good idea because it takes away the point of the class. Mage should not hand hold newer mages by punishing the veterans.

Honestly I would bet this on the devs not wanting a mass mage quit. Limited range in BG I think is fine but not Overworld.

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Just because you get hit from a player that is out of your render distance, doesn’t mean that player doesn’t have you in their render distance. So it’s quite impossible to really get this problem solved, due to how vast the player base is.

You really think there would be a massive exodus of mages over a nerf that only applies to Battlegrounds?

I mean I could see “people just won’t play mage in BGs anymore” but not them straight quitting the game over it.

Mages quit the game for the smallest reasons. Even if just battlegrounds specific I just don’t see that change happening without repercussions on the dev’s end. Sure maybe not quitting entirely but enough to not be a good look with new MMOs are coming out. Mages would likely rage at the devs as we are known as the biggest whiners.

Hell I know a good number of mages who quit because arcane explosions radius got reduced due to it being OP in BG (though it really did need that nerf IMO).

I don’t think a hard cap is something most mages would desire even in battlegrounds just due to the nature of the class being unrestricted as it is. Until the patch is tested by mages we cannot determine the balance just yet but I support BG mage having fireball nerfed again to be less in favor of spam and more in favor of dots (you don’t even have to change dots they are just that good). Of course that is dependent on how the balance is with the 25% reduction especially since pally had no changes.

Yeah pretty much, it’s irritating but it’s not that big a deal overall i suppose

I can barely express how happy I am to see those balancing changes for battlegrounds.
the new long term and spell statues seem cool too

it would make me even happier if these are Band-Aids to hold us over for a more comprehensive balance patch like on the level you did with dungeon viability a while ago

Heres my solution I already posted vvvvv

Ive had the idea forever to make players in pvp have their out of distance blue orbs render as red orbs instead, not sure how easy that would be to add but that seems like an easy fix that doesn’t make quest run worse ^^

I hope this is the case, I feel like they were on the right track, but now it needs time to simmer before putting in the heavy stuff. (Which I hope may be coming.)

The map and the QoL changes are cool, except a few things:

  • The plants have a huge hitbox, you could stand near one of those and be really hard to hit.
  • I’ve seen a few people teleporting through the hedges, you might need to make them thicker unless it was intended.
  • The monster in the middle can get in the way of some fights, the ones in the corners are fine.
  • The scoreboard looks really bad, the old one just needed a larger name cell but instead every cell is now way bigger than it needs to be.
  • I could barely notice the red glow, it’s hard to see from far away, especially if you’re colorblind.

Also this is probably due to the amount of players online, but some issues like the scoreboard not appearing (restart the game to leave the bg), not being able to use your mount (relog to fix), getting stuck in combat when you shouldn’t be, not getting in combat when you should be, were a lot more common today.