Interesting it’s the same exact effect as the tornadoes on boss 1 seemed ok on quest when testing it this morning…I’ll take another look though
Please test on the live servers the difference is staggering between pc and quest 2. I physically can’t move on quest 2, on pc i don’t struggle even on ultra until the ping rate spikes my latency to an unplayable point.
Thanks for the feedback I’m getting a patch out later today.
Patch 21.03 is available for download:
- Reverted boss 2 wave effect (Note you should be able to see it from underneath at least if you are lower to the ground)
EDIT: I think I got a fix for Boss 1 crash (as of 12:23 pm CST) - I’ll be monitoring this still, but any new instances from now on will have that fix.
@Jake_E Are there plans to rebalance the new dungeon. As of right now it seems it’s just causing a lot of broken shards? It is the most unforgiving content ive run in orbus, hm citadel is way easier right now.
Difficult is fine, but i suggest either make it like airship and only go to 10 or scale it down just a small bit please?
PLEASE DONT MAKE IT LIKE AIRSHIP. people (like me) who never do anything under a 13 will never get to play the dungeon.
Honestly i just want it to be playable and not harder than a raid, I don’t want it to be easy, but when a 7 with bad affixes is harder than a hotfoot aggressive weakened temple 15 something has to change, I apologize if this came out as rude, it is not intended.
or… you could… run stuff… under 13
there’s no reason to for me. there’s also no reason to make the new dungeon go up to 10
why tho
hold i gota make it more then 10 letters
airship: has spawn time which is why it cant be 15. new dungeon: does not and is the same as all the other dungeons. 2 bosses and trash. its just too hard.
yea i get that.
i meant, why cant you do anything under a 13
don’t feel like leveling a shard and constantly trying for the new dungeon and whenever my 15 breaks to a 13 we just level it up
I think we should wait some time before scaling back the difficulty.
I think the community is up for the challenge.
Honestly, I think the new dungeon is fine, the only problem I’ve come across is difficult to dodge makes water wyvern next to impossible but other than that, the dungeon is really fun and is do-able. just takes some special mechanics on anything above a 9.
Crashed Update: Another fix for boss 1 crash has been pushed out and should be applied in any new instances of the new dungeon.
Sure, but there’s a difference between a logistical and mechanical challenge like B4, where people can come together to beat a hard boss with many mechanics, and this boss 2, where there’s almost no room for unique strategies, placement or roles and its just an endurance fight where you can’t ever mess up, have a lag spike or desync.
Serious question because I was not an end game player at that time…
When HMB4 released, did people feel like there was “almost no room for unique strategies, placement or roles” or did they feel like “oh we can eventually do this, we just need to figure out the logistical and mechanical challenge”.
I do understand the dungeon is stupid hard, but I’m wondering if that is because we just haven’t unlocked the secret yet.
Eh, we’ve tried most of the workarounds.
This is mostly a moot point because the dungeon is fine now, but most strategies strictly don’t work.
Maybe if we kept people out of combat for the chaos splash? Nope, kills regardless of whether you are in combat or not.
Maybe we can stay in a certain spot which prevents it from hitting us? Nope, it kills the entire map.
Maybe we can stand in certain spots of the boss so we always get a bubble? Nope, bubble spawns are random.
There just isn’t very much room for planning or strategies. Unlike B4, there are very few mechanics, and they are all unavoidable. If you don’t do them, you just die. Your placement, class, armor, dps, ect. doesn’t matter. If you don’t get the bubble or don’t dodge waves, you die.