Patch 5.75: Dragon Pet Bonuses & Fixes

As a Runemage with homing spells this means I can kill monsters while being above a node and get the drops.

Musky and Ranger also can pull multiple mobs whilst waiting for the dragon to get harvestables. We should try to think of what we don’t want the dragon to be used for. For example is this how people intend to harvest things in the wild? Are you hoping that you can just run up to a node not even wait then move on to the next one? That in my opinion would seem to be asking too much especially with the wilds harvestables for obvious reasons. I could be running away like a chicken and harvest nodes whilst I’m escaping a PvP player :rofl:

As a completely new player getting my first little mouse dragon today on my wee lvl 6 ranger, i second that they are indeed too slow. I use locomotion only with smooth turning and strafing (apparently it takes a lot for me to get motion sickness), unless i quickly need to get out of a mob red effect where i will teleport instead.

In general my little new friend is what would seem like 10-25 meters behind me when moving around.

I’m reading the forums right now from work. I’m sure I will be able to check it out when I get home, but what’s the teleportation cooldown reduction? Is that meaning that the teleport zone will refresh faster? If that’s the case, what about those of us that never actually use teleport unless there’s an AoE? (Ignore that if it’s something else entirely)

It’s referring to the teleporting device cooldown (and by 5 minutes) not the movement teleportation. :slight_smile:

Ahh, that makes much more sense, heheh, thanks :smiley:

The new map is awesome lol


But this is actually what I do a couple of times per day. Running through every wilds while avoiding every fight and gather all the stuff. This works without much effort even without a dragon so I don’t see any problem in the dragon being able to do the same.
Plus since I avoid fights when I go on a farmrun it’s just not even close to being efficient to wait for my dragon every 2 seconds.

I just tested Gatherer but with the dragon falling behind, i have to wait to gather more than one item (the dragon will gather an item even if he’s behind, but it doesn’t gather the others near it even if i passed through them)
Increase their speed enough to walk with us and it will work fine.

So then you don’t need the dragon :sweat_smile:

If that is the case then, I think it should stay that way and not make it any easier. I think I should go hunting some Iscariot’s in the wilds, do you know where they spawn =P

Challenge accepted :smile:

Huh, is it like this for everyone? There was an issue with that in testing but I thought we’d fixed it.

I asked a few people in game and they all saw it as well.

If you mean the map, then yes, thats what it looks like to me as well. When i started i saw much more of it. I even googled a bit on how it was supposed to look, but i didn’t find much information other than spoiler images. Not exactly in a very usable state in my opinion :slight_smile:

Okay, it seems to have regressed for some reason but the map should be fixed tomorrow sometimes.

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I gotta say, having a little useful dragon that goes out and fetches all my drops for me is FANTASTIC! That being said, the amount if dialog popups telling me what my dragon picked up is really high. So high that I kind of started ignoring them and ended up missing system messages from friends. Perhaps the text telling us what our dragons got for us could be turned a different color? Or perhaps made smaller? Or even removed (shrug).


Different color!

Or even in a different place. I would rather have friends messages show up in the right top and stay there a bit longer, and not block ingame text or stuff.


After experiencing the new dragons for a day I want to thank the Orbus dev team for going the extra mile to give them unique and fun bonuses.

The new abilities are much more inventive and fun than a simple stat boost.

It brings a smile to my face whenever I see my dragon running across the map to greedily gobble up the next loot bag and acting like a true descendant of Fafnir.



I Second this! Love my Dragon hunting loot down for me

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I can look into doing something about the text spam when the pet is picking up items over and over, haha. I can see that getting a tad annoying when getting so many drops.

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can you make it optional? I like seeing what i got! make it a setting.