Pets Suggestion - Name our pets and buy some accessories for them (e.g. collar or etc)

Now I’m going to play PC Rec Room

Well you sound like an authority on the topic, so I will defer to your knowledge.
Thanks for the lesson!

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Nah, it’s a series of books. :wink:

There’s still a movie about it.

You’re welcome. im not really an AUTHORITY about it, but i know alot.


Well, I’ve got something like 20 different pets. If keeping them in a chest is cruel and I can’t break them down, what do you advise I do?

Trade them.

You would go so low to trade them, as if they are an accessory, instead of a companion or being?!?!?! You cruel tyrant, you deserve for all dragonkind to turn on you and burn your bones to a crisp!!! (or something along those lines)

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Adding my support of being able to use dragons and other pets as furniture. Or even one specific room where they could all run around and play. I would definitely put more time into dragon breeding if this were the case.


:no_mouth: :no_mouth: :heart: :broken_heart:

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Good one. like treats, discount or etc

Maybe we break the dragons down into tokens, then use or combine the tokens to exchange a super huge dragon or evolve the pet into next level (i.e. can fight along with the owner or some special abilities)

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