Practice dummy that doesn't heal

Yeah, and practice always pays off. Things like pvp make you much better at dps because you learn thst messing up can cost you alot. And you have better reaction to your surroundings.

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That’d be great too, but I’m trying to be a little more realistic. A DPS meter requires making new systems while another dummy is just reusing existing systems they already have.


Making a non healing dummy would be different i asked them about something before and they said its tied into the hp for the enemy with some formula, this wad when i wanted a more challenging dummy and they removed the killable one for a unkillable one, also all the material is in the game for both of them, but a dps meter would be more practical in my opinion and its straight feedback. Not like a meter was requested tons of times before and i have absolutley 0 hope that either of these will ever happen.

I think it’s odd to call this elitist when it’s just how a skill based game works most people are bad. If you take a look at the average in most games with a ranking system most players rank in a rank people would often call bad.

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Not everybody is here to set records. Most of us play for the fun of it. Just because we can’t hit damage that only the top 10% of players can doesn’t mean we’re bad.

His elitism is not the point of this post though. Having a non healing dummy sounds awesome.


Yeah I think a non healing dummy would be great especially do to the fact that rn quest players aren’t as motivated to push numbers and can’t get as good of an idea of what they’re doing because they can’t parse and the only time they do hear what they did is in a situation with so many variables that change damage like shards and raids. Just don’t remove current killable dummy cause that would fall into what katsui said which is we shouldn’t lower the bar cause others can’t meet it.

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I didnt play to set records i played for fun and seeing self improvement makes it muuch more fun for everyone. Being good at a game doesnt make you elitist it just means you know how to play it. In a community like this being good is looked down upon my original point was 90k is genuinley not difficult like we have laid out the tiles and rotation for people to do the best i have supported many players that i see have the righr mindset and i dont mind it, ive dont alot more than you think i have for the dps community and helped more than you think.if you look at the numbers choosing to not play optimal is fine, but when youre in a raid doing it wasting peoples time its not. So i guess you can be happy with telling people 50k is good enough.

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You’re saying again there’s only one way to play Orbus.


He never said there was one way and even if he did you can’t talk about playing the game well in one way if you can’t play it well in any of the ways

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No but dying over and over and NEVER curve or charge shotting isnt viable. Example(“why are you shooting the boss? He is gaining stacks and he is gonna kill us all!” Other person replies " dude this is how i play, there is more than one way to play you know!!") That may work if the party had GOOD DAMAGE there are people with no damage and no sense of mechanics. And you’re putting words in my mouth.

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I have no idea where that example came from. All I can tell you is that, again, we are completely running away from what the original post was about.
Yep, me included.


The example is there is tons of ways to play but there is also things that are wrong. Do wrong thst people that do those things are bad players. No matter if they know or not. And its not the top% if people are good its because they though and tested alot. They came up with it and realise okay, this is how it is. There are many ways to dps but if youre doing under 50k and pulling significantly less. Something is wrong. Not directed towards anyone just in general

For anybody reading this, if you’re having fun playing the game, you’re not doing it wrong. :slight_smile:

This is also way beside the point. No heal dummy would be awesome.


Having fun, being bad, and being good at the game are all different. If you go into a shard or raid and just ruin it cause you’re having fun, say it’s a 15 and you spam graveyard cause it’s shared pain, you’re ruining the fun for everyone else just because you are having fun. There is definitely something wrong with that

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A non healing dummy sounds great doesn’t it :slight_smile:


This is true but these players shouldnt be doing content they arent capable of. Its up to guilds in the end but thats what ruined it for me and Bro only like 8 people be reading this. community in this game smaller than a god damn mariokart match.

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Not really id rather a dps meter or fully functional classes that arent capped by internet connection.

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From my much-shorter-than-you-guys experience in the game, on raids and shards whoever’s making the party won’t bring people who will mess up with the run. If they do, they’ll not come again next time. If you gather a bunch of unknowns for it, you kinda expect a messy run.

As I said, I’ve been playing for less than a year, most of the times I did raids and shards with my FS, so you guys must’ve seen way more out there than me, on players ruining good runs for “having fun other ways”. They probably had to deal with consequences later.


I played orbus reborn for 1 year that was it and me not being the raid leader didnt get to choose who i wanted to raid with. At the start of the guild it was alot of fun and good buddies, but after we got a boss 4 kill it went downhill. As said before “endgame isnt for everyone”