Practice dummy that doesn't heal

i cant do 100k and ive been playing for awhile…. i must be bad. Also they are calling you elitist because your basically telling people that if they dont do over 50k they suck and should get better. Not everyone wants to put in the same anount of work for a game, besides for some its mostly a social game


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…and here I am wanting to get the highest dps possible so I can carry anyone I want in my end-game content. Don’t fret about being “bad” y’all; everyone learns at their own pace and that’s okay. It took me ages to finally get to just 60k, so please don’t be discouraged reading these comments.

Anyway, a non-healing practice dummy sounds really neat as a Questie myself. While still learning how to cast fireball quickly I was always afraid of having others parse me (Even nowadays I feel a pit in my stomach when someone starts reading off numbers). Having more dummy options for relaxed solo gauging sounds sweet.


I hear all that conversation about numbers, how to get better DPS, how not to get bad DPS, but I barely hear anything about tanks and healing performances. I actually do well as support, and I know there’s no way to check numbers for healing on parse. Usually the “good healing” is considered as “don’t let your group die” and that’s it. Same for tanks, “hold agro and don’t let your group be attacked”
What I wanna say is: there are other roles in battles too. End-game needs tank and support as well. Not reaching out high DPS doesn’t mean you can’t train for being a good tank or a good support :slight_smile:

(And yeah, all of that have nothing to do with dummies again lol after all, it would be weird to have dummies to train tank and support roles)


Tank and support roles are different but just as important as dps. If you don’t have a good tank that can keep agro or a good healer that can keep everyone alive then your raid or shard isn’t going to end well

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Your elitism is off topic. This thread is about a dummy that doesn’t heal, not your opinion of how people should play the game.


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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

No need to be rude, friend :slight_smile: we’re simply talking about a dummy without healing


Dont say that shit bro you called me elitist and keep reporting me you are the first one to insult someone real personality. Goofy asf passive aggressive smiling face emoji

Was trying to offer an olive branch. We can disagree and leave it here. This thread is about a dummy that doesn’t heal.