Pvp Paladin nerfed to hard?

You really should do some more testing. It depends if they crit with the empowered shot. If they don’t you will survive a full chamber.

And then die to the next two shots, which they can still do long before paladin will hit them or get up another lightning strike? :clap: definitely need pally to be nerfed again /s

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If you are dodging it really shouldn’t be an issue. As a paladin you can dodge or run away and heal. At that point the scoundrel used their good cards and can easily work them down.

Uhh… scoundrel can just power up a heal card for when you return , and your back to squair one. Most probably you will be killed if you try to run with a sliver of health. It’s no difference to dodge with a paladin at close range with no orbs as any other cars, so you will probably die against a scoundrel that is litterly the hardest class to dodge, beeing a rapid point and click attack at high speed

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  1. We were staying on topic and it drifted away and i brought it back up.

  2. The convo did not involve you so if i was directing it to you I would have @ed you.

  3. The convo we were talking about included pally and other class that were nerfed/ buffed to much.

Back to the " irrelevant topic" Scoundrel can kill any class because it is overpowered. If the scoundrel were to be nerfed, it would take a lot of the current pvp problems away. I don’t see an issue with pally in pvp. They have tons of ways to damage other classes, and if you are a good enough pally then you should have no problem winning 90% of the 1v1s you run into. You guys are trying to put pally in a state were they are going to win 2v1s and 3v1s. I personally don’t think a pally should be able to kill a good healer but the healer should not be able to kill them. Pallidans are a tanking class not a dps or a healer. They have high amounts of of burst dps which can annihilate most classes. ground slam, an unavoidable aim attack, hammer throw, and they can crit all of those attacks if need be.

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Your saying this as if it’s a fact, but it’s just not correct. They are not tanky at all. Paladin can not act as a tank in pvp battlegrounds. Palladins can not absorb damage. Palladins can not take hits. Palladins can not block anything.
Yes tecknicly they can heal, but there health is to low so they are probably dead.

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If you are playing pally to “block” incoming projectiles then you have been playing pally wrong. It is a dodging class, if you are bad at dodging you are more than likely going to lose against somebody who knows what they are doing. You are also ignoring the fact that they can win 90% of 1v1’s if they know what they are doing.

(Change’s post) You should get more kills when you sit back and snipe…lol

If a Pally has to dodge to be effective, how is that any different from any other squishy class? Tanks should be able to take hits.

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Only things that I feel would make the meta better is Paladins base damage nerfed and damage reduction buffed/reverted same for the Orb generation from incoming damage, Charge shots on scoundrels getting a damage reduction on players when you’re within 2 yards of them and Mage base health buffed.


Warriors can take hits, and they can do massive damage with their wound combos. Pallys are able to do 3+ different attacks that are all effective.

I feel like scoundrels need diminishing returns and mages need a pvp damage buff. Every thing else i agree with.

I agree with all of these points.

On what…

Mages are strong in PvP, They’re just cucked with their health pool.
Also someone please make the spells line up to where their meant to be.


I just made a post about that, and mages are strong but it should not take 6-7 fireballs to kill a scoundrel when they can face pull and 1 hit you…

Takes 4-5 without crits. Aff 2 is what you’re meant to be using verses a scoundrel you’re pretty stupid if you’re just trying to use fireballs unless your name is Elk.

Again, not true. Retribution barely ever works, u can literally walk in circles around a paladin and they’d won’t be able to use it because the detection is fucked, it will only hit stationary targets. Ground slams takes 3 orbs, which would take 20 seconds to get and only does a tiny bit more than a base hit. Hammer throw is much tougher to hit and does less damage than a basic hit. A basic hit can only be hit in rapid secessions if ur fighting someone who doesn’t dodge

Not to mention all those attacks must be made in melee range, making it much easier for the paladin to be hit and killed


It does not take 20 seconds to gen 3 orbs when the dps is hitting you -_- You make it seem like the pally is standing still the whole time which is not the case.

As well as 3 globes and melee damage* can bring most classes below 60-55% HP.

wait… u really havent played since the nerf, have u? in pvp paladins do not generate orbs from getting hit by players
also do u know how ground slam works? it does not deal the full damage of 3 orbs, it deals less than a third of what 3 orbs would do. and 3 orbs against a mage will leave them around 70%