Questions for the Dev Dudes

Scott did a good job pulling some dev quotes together in this thread. Loot rolls are individual, but based on participation unless you’re in a party.


Thanks! I still think it needs some clarity after that.

I don’t think that post says definitively that each party member gets a 100% chance at loot. It could be interpreted that there is no concept of “participation credit” towards loot in a party. Thus a party of 5 members loot would be equally rolled at 20% for each member, instead of 100%. My interest is this: By tagging along someone who I don’t need, are they just soaking up my loot?

Secondly, do we all roll on the same item? Or we just have 1/5 the chance of our own personal loot-roll in a 5 man party?

Just bumping this as it’s now been a month since the last Q&A


We are going to have a blog post next week outlining the roadmap through the end of the year, then I will be doing the Q&A following that since I know there will be some questions over the roadmap.


Copy pasta a question for the devs i had and would make it less likely to be lost/forgotten to the forums.

In terms of dps class balancing

I want to know what the devs consider a good balance. I would like to see from the devs opinion:
What would be the class balancing your aiming for?
Should all dps be aiming for the same max dps?
Should ‘harder’ classes get more dps? if so what makes them ‘harder’ ? how physically demanding it is? how much practice you need to put in? how smart you play the class - for example: positioning, rotation, timing, tilesets ?
What do you consider for it as there will always be ‘good’ ‘bad’ and the ugly players so is it balanced for the good players only? or how is it balanced for all the various skills of players?

Feel like i could keep going with more question but I won’t I think you get the point. I just hope for a thorough and well thought out response.


I also have concerns regarding the classes and talents trees, with examples being detailed here; Class rebalancing, in a thread thats falling down the list of threads

Is this coming today or has it been delayed?

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It will be out today


this would be AMAZING imagine riding around on a goat or maybe some type of mythical creature with some type of moving animation rather than the normal disks I totally agree with Delceri this wold be a great feature to add to the game even if it was some exspansion packs

Having just read the Q3/4 Roadmap, i see that during Q4 you @Devs plan to rebalance numbers. I assume this si when Bard among other things will finally be fixed?

Do yall plan of ever taking another look at the talents system to rework that into a better state? Or are you at the very least going to look at all the classes and talents to fix numbers that make some current talents unusable? Like Rapidity Ranger, DOT Mage, and Most of the Bard Talents.

I’ll address this one right now because I suspect it’s a question that quite a few of you are about to ask or talk about and take away from the blog post given the recent discussions - I don’t want to commit to a specific scope (in the sense that: which class are we working on? which talents? which abilities? etc.) but certain talents being updated definitely falls under that definition of tweaking the numbers as mentioned in the blog posts, yes.

We’ll be looking at the player data already posted and analyzed on these forums and ask for more in other cases as well. We’ll start out some new conversations on it once we’re ready to start working on those.


Wonderful, this is the answer im looking for. Its unfortunate that we have to wait til Q4 for it, but at least changes are coming

Another Question for the @Devs, can you make a change to Market Stalls to allow pets and dragons to be seen? It would make Stalls useful for players who wish to sell dragons and pets and allow for easy advertisement of product as it does for others who sell other products to players.


Can the new area we unlock be like the old wilds? As someone that the orbus police usually shut down I feel if we had a wilds area it would make a lot of players who want og orbus back happy.


i do miss a pvp only zone, i would really like it if the new area were like the wilds


Would you consider shared storage between mains and alts or family members? like an extra chest which can only be accessed by those on that account


Have you thought about adding “set bonuses” to raid gear?

As raid gear is class-only gear so it could have like 2-part bonus = +X Int/Str stat increase, making it so armour actually means something for non-tank classes and 4 part bonus = change ability or chance to do something when certain ability/combination of abilities used to further increase usefulness of armour for DPS classes and potentially adding more depth to the classes in end-game content


any reason why afflictions trail looks more squared and why Im able to see what looks like a hit box whenever paladin raise his hammer. it look like when he does it. it shows a square around him on the ground same happen when shamen uses lightning?

That sounds more like a bug report that should be in it’s own thread, probably good to post a video of what you mean too and include which headset you are using, I’ve not seen what you’re saying you are seeing so could be related to the headset you are using or something

question for the dev dudes

how has your day been?