Reborn Patch 10.86

People stop thinking really fast once somebody posts their impression of how something is done, if anything it’s a good reminder to not always just read a guide and monkey see monkey do, and sometimes experiment. It’s good that there are some mechanics/discoveries that haven’t been cut and pasted all over the forum, that means there’s some game left in the game.


Or Riley’s hidden mechanic doesn’t work at all and that’s why

Someone has PMed me and figured it out, and it is indeed working.


I think the once of each mission per day is the best idea so far.

I don’t care what missions i have from a vendor, just that i can use all my tokens at that one vendor at once. ie I like to spend all mine on fishing, and go around fishing, hand them in, pick up more (probably won’t be able to do that now, but atleast i can do it once per day :P) and is still better than being limited to 5 missions at once, which would just feel punishing. (some missions can be completed at the same time. e.g. weight of any fish from an area and catch a certain fish; If it’s up to luck if i roll those, then people will just feel punished every time they don’t get ones possible to complete at the same time)

I believe we are aware of the mechanic but do not take advantage of it because we created a strat without using it… maybe it is time we did as it is such a simple mechanic :smiley:

What’s wrong with the existing game, like moving up levels, get things done faster and faster and deal with different mutations there’s always things left to do which require skill, not being part of a smaller or bigger community, because that makes all the difference when it comes to discoveries. Hidden vital mechanics waste the time of groups not knowing them… for the 2 or 3 big guilds these are fun perhaps, running shards back and forth with several groups and communicate about it. The rest wipes his way thru or avoids them; some mechanics I shortly learned before reborn came, regular players to form groups were long quitting before we even got to use em.

PS: And it’s not that we didnt try all kinds of things, at the beginning, like shooting orbs standing under sails etc; the boss does not even have a cast bar visible like others, so no clue what he does; these mechanics must be very secret, or, what I rather fear, very buggy.

Na it works 100% and is def not like the most elaborate thing ever.

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Well good to read all this on forums after an evening of downgrading higher Airship shards, wasting enh. potions on that, switching thru 3 different tanks and overall the whole group agreed it’s just a buggy dungeon. We will likely try a bit on low shards or sit it out until someone tells, as the majority of mechanics, actually. Broken Halls wiped random groups back and forth at the beginning, I don’t even know how you could get to this idea. 90% of playerbase gets these things told when mixing up with other groups, a fraction got it by themselves.

Use your head, you’ll figure it out :wink:


Uhm… I cant turn in a dragon races because i accepted it with the wrong class? What douse that matter? And how do I even see what class I started it with? It’s a Dragon race, I never bothered to check what class I was when I started it! Becase why would it matter?

It’s an anti-exploit change to stop people from repeatedly doing The Beginning or similar on their low level class (guaranteed to get it) to level up a higher level class

An overlay ontop of the mission showing which class accepted the quest would be extremely useful.


Well it’s not working now is it as I seem to have accepted it on a 30, and now I have to turn it in on that?

The partially intended co-effect. I think it’s annoying too. :man_shrugging:

No indicator on what class you accepted it with ether. Annoying as hell. Seems I accepted Dragon races on 3 different classes yesterday

Pfff… thx for the hint but several people told me by now, THANKS folks, and no, this really doesn’t really spoil anything because it will require a hell lot of practice and movement, still; I am glad we don’t have to waste the limited time where we got groups, at all, for finding this.

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This is basically the long and short of it. Seems like they wanted to eliminate mission sniping, and took the most circuitous method possible with a bunch of unintentional side effects.

How are the relocation anchors supposed to work? I hit enable, move everything around, then hit disable to lock them in place. If I use the compass or any belt items it resets everything to default. Also resets if you equip a different tool.

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There’s an issue with those right now, I believe the class items themselves should work but not the generic items like the compass. We’ll get those fixed asap.

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do the arrows still do the bard thing or are they locked to their position now?