Reborn Patch 10.86

Is this really something you need to prevent? the people who do this (like me) do it because we hate levelling and want to get our alts to max level with the least amount of effort. I dont understand why you need to make our lives miserable while leveling.

Make it dependent upon highest level character… If someone hits, say, level 10, then they get on this new schedule and should have plenty of quests to do.

make it so you can only pick up the same mission once a day, easy fix

Truthfully, there’s a negligible difference between dragon races and critter captures in effort to complete.

this punishes people who dont log in every day to do ‘daily quests’ I would much rather log in for a couple hours on one day and do all my quests than do 5 every day.

One makes me throw up, the other doesnt.

The only purpose to leveling is to waste a player’s time. I just want to get to max level and do the interesting, and well thought out content at the end of the game. The game starts at max level, and everything below max level should be completely avoidable in my opinion. Please just give me a ‘max level’ button.

What about just not caring at all if someone has done a quest (or still has a quest) and just give them duplicates. This way people cant abuse the system and just do the easiest quest, but there would be an advantage to getting a bunch of quests of the same type (and thus be able to do multiple at once)


so the fix for a small portion of the community doing easy quests to level is to hurt the entirety of the community?


I agree with this. This will force the player to eventually complete those or overwhelm their missions.

also always give quests based on their highest level, not the level of their current class

Then you run into the issue of “well I’m not getting quests I can complete on my class I’m trying to play now.” its a balance. Some people enjoy the journey to 30.

Well, this might be a future thing we could try, but a) we would still need to put a cap on the number of Missions you could have accepted since it would overload the system to let you have like 100 missions active on each vendor that are all the same one, and b) the way the system is written right now, it wouldn’t work anyway, we’d have to change a lot about it to get it to work.

In the short term, I think the best solution for now is just to stop the problem at the root, which is to make it such that you can only get each mission from the Mission Credits system up to once per day, but not put a cap on how many credits you can spend at a time. This seems like a good compromise to me between encouraging people to use the system how it’s intended, and not punishing players who save up lots of credits and want to do e.g. 15 Public Event missions at a time (which are all different missions anyway).

This is now live.


I guess this got buried over the leveling-issues, but we did 2 airship shards today, after the patch, couldn’t get past the first boss and nothing seemed to have changed. The explosion is still around double of the resulting pool and people died from it being like 5 meters away or more.
Another issue is that the sky seems to be clear for many people, they simply can’t see all three orbs, other need to call em out for them.

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As much as I’m sure it pains you to be asked this since it seems the whole point of this ship dungeon is to move us away from floor effects… Can you put an indicator on the floor underneath so we can spot a little bit better when there’s interfering objects (like the sails)?

It went from 8 meters to 5 so it’s definitely smaller. Also since we’re a month into this and I’m not sure if it just hasn’t been tried or if it’s just not feasible…there is a mechanic that will prevent the pools from spawning or exploding in the first place.

When people can’t see the orbs, is it possible they are so far from the boss that the boss isn’t on their screen when the orbs are starting to fall?

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What. @J11 has Alphabet seen this?

Looked at the armory and I’ve run Airship 44 times. Tried a lot of different things, but never noticed any way or mechanic to do what you mentioned.

If someone PMs me before tomorrow and tells me what it is and that they know it I will keep it a secret, otherwise I think if we’re a month into this and no one has figured it out it might be time to spill the beans.

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That is well possible, since sometime the dmg dealers are far away on purpose, but not in all cases. Sometimes it feels like being hit by an invisible something, mostly it is right above someone and the only orientation is others calling it out.

And I think 5meters is still too much, an AoE should match the poison pool, no more, no less, how on earth should we guess if we are safe or not without any visual orientation, least from the size of other pools you can estimate, with time and doing many runs, how far to move but if it’s more I really don’t see how training that should work.

Well I mean the original mechanic was designed assuming they wouldn’t be exploding in the first place…

no, i know i reported this before, but sometimes it just seems to bug out for certain players. last time i did it (the time i reported it), only one person in the group could actually see them. I know i was still attacking the boss and could see him fine… the orbs would just be invisible and then you would die when it explodes.

If you are going to tell us that we have to shoot the orbs before they hit the ground, i’m pretty sure ppl have tried that already.

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