Thanks to everybody who voted in the polls I’ve been spamming everywhere Here are the results and my interpretations of them! If you disagree or want to make any points that I seem to have passed over that you think the devs should know, please please please reply.
For “What class do you main” in general , Runemage was on top by a large margin. Out of the 8 classes, 4 of them received less than 10% of the vote: Scoundrel (8%), Warrior (8%), Bard (6%), and Shaman (4%).
For “What class do you main per category”, the results followed in line with the above poll. Paladins took a clear lead over Warriors (73%-27%), Musketeers took another clear lead over Bards, although slightly closer (63%-37%). In DPS, Runemage was nearly half the total (48%), followed by Ranger (24%), Scoundrel (15%) and lastly, Shaman (13%).
Looking at those two polls, it’s clear to me that Paladins are preferred over Warriors by a LARGE margin, and Musketeers over Bards by a significant split. I’m also slightly surprised by the lower number of Scoundrels and Shamans, although I feel like I really should know better.
In my experience, and the experience shared by the majority of tanks I talked to, Paladin is just straight up better than Warrior in most situations. There’s no combos to mess up, you deal WAY more damage (150 DPS vs 25,000 DPS), your Shield ability can block more than just melee hits (looking at you, Death Burst!), and you have damage reduction for the rest of the hits. But the big thing is that Hammer Throw. Need to get to the other side of the room instantly? Done. You don’t need any specific talent or an ally placed somewhere strategically; you just yeet and go. Took an extra hit in your rotation and need a few seconds to recover? Drop your hammer on the boss and you can keep it stunned for…well, I haven’t really tested, but I know on a 15 Ancient Temple I don’t get hit in Green Phase. As a Paladin, you can single handedly keep Mist Keeper stunned for an entire section of the fight. Warriors don’t get that luxury. If they want to move far and fast, they need to take a specific talent to Sword Rush to an ally (and hope that ally is standing in a good place). If you need to stun an enemy, you get one Shield Bash, and then… hope and pray.
Is Warrior useless? Absolutely not. I’ve seen Warriors run every boss in the game at every difficulty (minus Hard Mode Boss 4, but that’s another topic entirely) without issue. But there’s a clear power gap between Paladin and Warrior in the favor of Paladin.
I’m sure you’re aware that I like Bard Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised that a full third of healers picked Bard. Yea, Musketeer gets more healing, but I think we’ve all settled into the idea that Musketeer is more healing focused, Bard is more buff focused, but both are perfectly capable of healing the game’s content. The crux of it is the Musketeer ability to resurrect. Having a resurrect is significant. Not having one suuuuuucks.
Of course Mage is top in all the polls. No other game offers spellcasting like Orbus. Ranger comes in second place, both overall and in the DPS poll. That’s not too surprising due to the intuitive nature of the class and ability to pull high numbers. Then there’s a pretty big dropoff, with Scoundrel and Shaman being at the bottom. Honestly, I get that. If you look at the DPS leaderboards for Scoundrel, it’s clear that after three years the majority of us still haven’t unlocked the secrets of this class. I don’t know how Scott does it, but he appears to be the only one to be able to back up his claims of knowing how the class works well enough to pull those kinds of numbers regularly. I’m not going to touch on Shaman because I don’t play it anymore. The other classes are just so much more interesting to me. I’ll let you guys discuss about Shaman because I don’t feel qualified to discuss it.
Now, the poll on the Talents! This one should hopefully be incredibly eye opening for the devs. Out of the 6 polls, not a single one was closer than an 80%-20% split, with the closest being Rapidity (20%) vs Precision (80%).
For the love of Rupert, #uncaprap. Please, uncap Rapidity. In a subclass defined by its ability to shoot quickly, you punish the Rangers who shoot too quickly. This talent, which requires more effort and skill than Precision, has a lower damage cap because of an artificial cap placed on it.
Affinity beat out True Affliction by 88%-12%. True Affliction isn’t really as bad as people make it out to be…but it’s still pretty bad compared to Affinity. Fire and Frost DoTs don’t stack. Fire stacks last for 4 seconds, Frost stacks for 9 seconds (stacks meaning damage that ticks 1/second starting 1 second after the initial hit). That means to get the full damage out of those spells you can’t recast them during that time. Using Contamination? Now you go even longer between those spells to get full damage potential out of them. There just aren’t enough different damaging schools of spells to justify giving up casting Frost for 10 seconds and Fire for 5. Letting us put 3 stacks of Fire and Frost, just like we do with Affliction, would definitely alleviate a little bit of that problem, and the problem that True Affliction users just don’t pull anywhere close to Affinity numbers.
That brings me to another issue: To get decent numbers with Affinity, you need to be proficient at casting Affliction 2, Frost 2/3, and Fire 2/3. However, if you’re proficient with those spells, you pull higher numbers as an Affinity Rotation Mage. Not just that, but Affinity Affliction grants Weakness stacks, which benefits all DPS. I believe the last time True Affliction was touched regarding balance was 2019. It’s been three years and people still aren’t using it at end game. There’s an entire subclass of Runemage that isn’t touched on because it simply isn’t worth playing. Please relook at this, because it’s such an interesting Talent. Also, maybe mention somewhere in the Talent that taking it will decrease the damage of your spells on the initial hit, because that’s a huge shock to most mages that pick it initially.
We had 89% choose Rapid Charge, and 11% choose Improved Charge. Here’s the thing: Improved Charge just…isn’t helpful. It gives a Slow effect, but not nearly enough to keep enemies off of you if you pull aggro/are soloing. In group content, Scoundrels, Mages, and Warriors have guaranteed slows they can apply fairly quick. Losing 3 normal shots for the sake of a charged arrow to slow an enemy slightly just… it isn’t worth it, and it looks like the majority of players are on the same train of thought.
89% picked True Gambler compared to the 11% that chose Guaranteed Win. The reasoning here is fairly simple. As a DPS class you normally won’t be taking damage. Taking 50% extra damage is usually not an issue. The willingness to take that extra damage means 50% extra chance to crit. That makes this class what it is. Those crits are like, THE Scoundrel thing. Having a crit 1/6 times vs 1/2 times and taking extra damage when you usually don’t take damage is a pretty easy tradeoff.
Righteousness (Provoke Heal) vs Rage (Wound Bleed)
A unanimous decision. Straight up 100% chose Righteousness. A decision needs to be made here: Will you let Warriors play as melee DPS? Because Rage, Shield Spike, and Intimidate really make it seem like you want Warriors as a melee DPS. There’s a debate about whether or not it’d be viable. I say let them try it out. Keep the talents as they are for now, but give Warriors a DPS buff if they don’t have a shield equipped (Large Shield already limits damage, so there’s precedent for shield size influencing damage). You get extra playability of a rarely used class, new things for the players to try, you don’t need to re-write talents for now to see them used, and we’d see more Warriors.
83% of voters chose the ability to charge their Turret by sacrificing 50% of their total health compared to 17% who chose increasing their Cure Wounds by 50% to those standing in their Lifewell.
Cure Wounds already heals for a large amount, and with charged Renew and Curative Shield Orbs… 50% extra on Cure Wounds is overkill. Unnecessarily excessive. And very specific. Compare that to your turret doing extra healing when it heals every second and…ya.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Happy hunting!
TLDR: #uncaprap