Rune mage, casting while in a party is way more difficult?

Yeah and i thank you again for your very thorough feedback.

As for the other post i didn’t claim anything, i m talking about my very own casting, among a lot of other things that i hope are useful in some ways. if it was not understood as that, my fault, and i will edit my last post to reflect that.

I think i found out something interesting, these are just conjectures based on what i encountered, i might be completly wrong.

You said that latency would not affect spell recognition, but could it affect the triggering of the pink casting “line” ?

These day i have been playing around 17:00 (5PM) CET, and my casting is pretty reliable and consistant, but later i noticed that something (i would bet on latency) seems to affect the triggering of the pink casting “line”. It’s pretty obvious while casting ice lance, i can see a small hook on the vertical line (because, i think, it takes time to register me releasing the trigger when i finish the vertical line, and keep “drawing” (but it should not) when i go back to the top to finish the rune)

I can also see that the horizontal line of my “F” gets shorter even thought i don’t seem to be doing anything different.

Not sure if this will contribute to the conversation much or not, but as someone who has been runemaging it up for (I believe) over a year now, it’s definitely an interesting system.

There have been many times where I could swear I was doing something exactly the same and it wasn’t working for me, BUT, when I’ve gone and spent the time to practice it exhaustively, taking the time to make sure I wasn’t just casting but casting it as close to original perfect as possible, my success rates went way back up.

For example, just recently I went to use the light spell and I failed it like 15 times in a row, even though I have never had an issue with it for. BUT, since I haven’t used it much in the last few months I went and practiced it (not even that much) and my success rate went up dramatically again.

The two spells I’ve had the most problems with getting consistent are ice lance and T2 knockback. I believe ice lance is so tricky for myself and others is for a couple reasons; there aren’t really points of a distinct shape or box or right angle to line up with each other (beyond maybe the end points on either side of the top line) and it largely comes down to the overall ratio of the bottom line and the top line, and it’s really easy to mess that up. It also has the issue that the spell VFX linger a little longer than it seems so you can’t start casting the next one right away and then you are hurriedly trying to cast it repeatedly, which also messes you up. And I think T2 knockback is tricky because hand-drawing precise circles (or circle-esque shapes) is rough for humans, heh.


This is kind of late, but it looks like the problem with your frostbolt is that you are curving the top.

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I just wish there was more feedback in-game as to why I failed. I don’t mind having to practice over and over, but I can almost never cast Ice Lance. Even when I trace it from the journal I fail it 95%+ of the time. It just needs some feedback for what I’m doing wrong.


I hate to sound conspiratorial, but seb_D might be onto something. I’ve noticed this same issue in the vertical portion of some spells - ice lance mainly. It’s like a little zig-zag halfway up the line typically. Everytime I catch it, I try it again a few times. I can sometimes repeat, but others it doesn’t happen.

Dev team - I haven’t recording any clips, but if you think it’s worth investigating, let me know and I’ll try to throw one together.

I am curious how long it takes until someone uses the vive virtual controller to inject the correct drawing on a button click and has the first Orbus Fireball machine gun…

Someone already did that in the closed alpha :wink:

It sounds like you are running into the graphical lag thing that is discussed here:

If your game “hiccups” then you may get weird jaggies in your line drawing. Again, it has nothing to do with being in a party or network latency. However, it’s entirely possible that if you are in a party situation (such as grinding in a larger group) there is more graphical demand that is causing it. What graphical setting are you running on? Standard?

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i have noticed that lines that should be straight aren’t sometimes… that could also be due to tracking misshap, even though graphical lag is very likely to be the culprit.

I know that some dev are familiar with this issue in the particular case of high velocity movements, like ping pong for example, they know that the current tech doesn’t allow them to perfectly capture the movements in extreme cases (even with the vive, so i guess oculus might even have more issues, since i think the camera have more latency than the base station)

there is also the fact that if you flick your wrist really fast, or hit your hand with your controller for example, it’s gonna mess up the tracking for a very short time.

Does that still happen when you move very slowly ?

I’m on high if I remember right (second strongest). Typically have less than 7% reprojection if that helps. I figured I’d could be due to cpu/gpu spikes before - only mentioned it because I saw the other comment on it and it always manifest the same way, whether casting fast or slow (on the rare occasions it happens).

Anyway thanks!

In my opinion the margin for error is just too strict.

I have a medical condition that causes a slight tremble in my hands, so I’m already at a disadvantage, since straight lines can be difficult for me.

But even that aside - how much practice is expected of a player before they abandon the game all together? To me, the mage is the most interesting class, I found the others to be repetitive and dull.

I’ve put in hours just logging on, sitting alone in my player house, just drawing a small number of symbols over and over again. While offline I’ve been watching videos and reading about the spell casting system to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

I have no issue putting in a lot of time and effort to be a top tier player, but the normal way games handle this is that the practice is gained over time while you are playing the actual game. Not sitting around doing something repetitive for hours. I have my actual day job for that.

In the end, games are meant to be fun. I’m not finding this fun anymore.

It would be significantly better if the margin of error (to a reasonable degree) determined the amount of damage the spell did, but still cast the spell and allow players to have done some damage.

I mean, even if a warrior misses their combo, they still have the base swing damage. Considering on top of the challenge to play, and the mage class is pretty fragile anyway, this seems appropriate.

So, if the player matches 80% of the rune, then the spell does 80% of the damage - as an example. Insert calculated balanced numbers.

Combine that with some instant feedback that lets the player learn their mistakes, and you’ve got a great class that’s still rewarding to practice and perfect and stick with.

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Instant feedback system would be amazing (beyond the “donk of failure” xD). Although I can see the perks of a more lax system (ie less accurate, less damage) I feel like this would lead to even more shortcut runes that would have people doing just the bare minimum, but being able to be more efficient than people taking the time to draw correctly.


There definitely should be more tolerance for the spells’ shapes. A lot of people have wonky tracking, I can’t draw a straight line - it keeps coming out all jagged and crazy. I find it kind of unfair that so much physical effort should go into a video game that isn’t designed to be a workout program.

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Jagged lines have very little bearing on being able to cast. The z plane is what matters the most. I can get a perfect cast off of a shaky line.

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Never mind about that, then, but I still think it’s just a little too hard.

I will gladly attempt to help you in-game, going to be in Highsteppe in about 30 minutes, I will be on till about 11pm EST

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I’ve been practicing all morning already. My arm needs a break.

If you link accuracy and damage, dev can make this any exponential value. They can effectively force a minimum percentage match, if desired. As in, 80% match could do 30% damage, 10% match could do .01% damage.

Sure a lazy player could do just the bare minimum, but the system’s numbers can determine what ‘bare minimum’ really is.

Which is really what the system already does, it’s just bare minimum feels like 99% accuracy at times.

If people would be happy with 30%, that would be neat then I suppose. I’m not intimately aware of exactly how it all works, but per my experience I don’t think it’s “Fireball T1 has x tolerance applied, T2 has x(2) applied” etc… I could be wrong about that though, as T2 seems to cast T1 more often than not haha.