Runemage Changes (To Deter Fireball Spam)

They just had a DPS rebalance recently and currently it is quite comfortably balanced. Any class (other than Shaman, that I know of) has been able to hit 100k. There’s been so much variety in classes since then. This game is heavily based on personal skill, mages have practiced for a long while to get where they have, same as every other class. There really isn’t any need for further changes

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Drawing an oval isnt difficult though thats the point. Also they have no limiting factors. Shamans have a timer on orbs, scoundrels have set bullet limit, etc etc mages have no mana, no spell per second limit, they have ridiculously easy shortcuts ( that look nothing like what you are supposed to cast)

I think you severely misunderstand how to play mage. I suggest giving it a try and leveling it up.

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I have a mage ( because I felt I needed to in order to be the dps I was expecting) that is where some of my observations coming from. I can spam oval and melt any mob in any dungeon / boss with ease. No other dps does that so easily.

Aren’t you a level 1 mage? How are you melting bosses easily?

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Not on Rivendor. I have a few characters. ( like I said I usually go hardcore on my MMOs and usually dive head first) lol

I’ve seen one level 1 runemage so far in unsharded that could do that, but I’m also fairly certain they were an alt (and they weren’t level 1 for long).

I do. As a ranger AND Scoundrel lol

I also regularly kill the lv 27 staff guys on low level of all the classes just to get lv 27 gear early for them so all classes can kill things well. I recently did it on my lv 7 scoundrel just to get a gun for it on my alt.

I have seen a player who almost never rangered before beat a ranger who played for over a year.

And I have been beaten by a mage who played like 50x less mage than I have.

I remember enough people who played many hours of mage and still can’t cast fast and well.

The point your actually making is just that some people are very high skilled and have talent to do certain stuff easy and fast. That you translate that to it being easy in general is I think not what is the truth. But just personal experience.


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