Runemage Changes (To Deter Fireball Spam)

The whole point of you needing to practice is so there is no mana it rewards players who spend time on the game


Yikes absolutely not


As a brand new player. I was able to spam fireball (2) a second in about 3 hours on the oculus quest 2. Its not my preferred class so I will not be using it. That being said I think a mana bar would be cool if it were double the size of the scoundrels bar. Giving those skilled players the ability to still spam slightly. Maybe getting off 10 - 15 fireballs before it runs out. Just food for thought. I really do think its amazing that people can do this for hours with out tiring out. After my three hour session my right arm was shot. This is coming from some one who lifts daily. (insert right forearm gif here lol).

Are you saying you’re spamming 2 fireballs a second with only three hours of practice?

I think James is saying he is spamming fireball lvl 2 once every second. The problem you will notice in skill is when you have to cast on the speed of two spells a second.


Mana = Mages Quiting game <3


Im a dyhard mage that plays after both true affliction and trip nerf. Adding mana is just the nail in the coffin for almost all end game mages.

Have fun attempting to fight mist keeper boys!


This. Literally this. The next best class is ranger so everyone will just be a ranger and mage will be seen as not only inferior but a waste. Kinda sorta been like tryna say that for a while now.

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That is correct / what I meant.
Sorry would have responded sooner. Do not have notifications on this yet lol.
Fireball 2 every second.

i dont think it will follow the lore unless you add something like the wand having to cool down

If you meant to reply to me, I’m actually against a mana bar so no point telling me. I’m more trying to suggest other ways to slow down casting without impacting actual dps.

We already have a ritual system, so I don’t see why we can’t have that in place.

If you mean the accuracy system proposal, what I’m suggesting is that there be a bonus to damage for casting at a slower, but steady pace (similar to ranger precision where they can still shoot faster, but at a lower bonus). Basically, have it so that we can do the ‘precision’ vs ‘rapidity’ for Runemages so there is an obvious option for both playstyles, which would encourage people to try for a more steady accuracy based casting style without stopping those who are already doing the spam casts.

I don’t see how that would go against the lore.

sorry meant to reply to the guy who made the post my bad

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Having a precision system for mage is just gonna bring more sift’s and richleth’s to orbus. People will learn how to spam fireball 2 but B and we’re back to square one.

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I don’t think changes to the class mechanic would result in spam deterrence either.

The real issue the OP had is that he runs into level 30 show-offs who zerg-spam all the enemies in an unsharded or low-level shard instance… which makes it no fun for everyone else.

I think the best way to deter that would be to prevent DPS logs in unsharded / low-level shards; but that would have more negative effect on legit endgame mages than it is worth…

When I run into zerg-spammers in unsharded dungeons I just leave, because I want to play too… but some people love them because they are basically running the dungeon for the group…

It isn’t really a problem in higher level shards… if it is really a “problem” at all.

Just find a group of people you like to play with that also like to play with you! :slight_smile:

If anything I think Runemages of exceptionally high skill should be more powerful!!!

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Except with precision, the more full the bar is, the higher the damage so it naturally reduces spam. I’m not expecting spam to go away completely, just reduce it to a point where players can

  1. cast at a reasonable pace without injuring themselves (but experienced casters could still spam cast. It would just give an alternative option for newer players or experienced players that want to switch)
  2. reasonably expect other players to get a hit in for random queues while still doing the same dps. (this could be solved by changing how exp and participation credit is done).

For 2)
Basically, scoundrel isn’t as big of an issue due to fire limit. Shaman has what is effectively a range limit (yes, I’ve done long range, but it is way more work and definitely bad for me), Warrior have fairly low damage, Paladins have a limit of how often they can hit for full damage, Musketeers have a fire rate limit, Bards have a hard time hitting an entire group unless they initiate or burn a heal.

So the two classes that can really spam are Runemage and Ranger. Ranger has Precision now, which will slow down the rate damage is applied. If Runemage had a similar talent set, it could slow down the rate damage is applied there. Even if the damage is the same, having a slower rate can make a difference. (50 x 10 vs 25 x 20 are the same in terms of damage)

While I agree that there should be a way to play the class without hurting yourself you will be hard pressed to find a solution that won’t completely offend mages.

As for slowing down casting but making it do the same damage should not be a way to hit max damage. It is an offense to players who practiced hard to hit 100k+ and suddenly you can hit that with 1/s fireballs; its insulting to our practice.

Keep in mind that 100k is only possible with tilesets that were optimized; you cannot even with the changes proposed hit the same numbers due to tilesets giving way less due to interference (If you are in bounce nearly all of your damage is gone at 1/s with tiles for 1/s).

Maybe the best idea is something similar in principle to the charge mechanic from warrior. How you activate it is up for debate but it gives a fireball 2 (Or whatever you previously casted) but it does more damage and has a charge time.

Even so just like warrior back in old game it would be shown to do less damage despite the devs saying otherwise and at least at high level play nothing would change.


The way to play the class now without hurting yourself is to slow down or stop if you start to hurt. That is a limitation. It may not be a uniform limitation… but why should it be?

If super-spam doesn’t appeal to a player they can choose to play rotation at a comfortable speed to increase their damage to a level that is viable anywhere… but… they still wouldn’t have the output of a rotation mage who could cast with greater speed.

I am of the mind that the field should be equal, but the players can’t and never will be …and anything that is attempted in service to that idea will only tilt the field.

I am not a great runemage. I am becoming a good one tho and I have put in a lot of practice. As I practice I take great satisfaction in seeing myself improve. The fact that my own personal skill and dedication will determine how good I become has caused me to develop a great affinity for the class.

I have come to terms with the fact that I may never be as good as some of the runemages who were playing for years before I had even heard of the game…and I am totally ok with that… all I want is to be worthy of my spot on any given team…and as long as I am playing in level appropriate venues that isn’t a problem…even tho I don’t cast as fast as some others do…

…and if I keep at it maybe next year I will be in a higher league.

With all else being equal the difference between having a 50k and 100k mage in a dungeon translates to a short increment of real time…a few minutes maybe… why shouldn’t better players finish faster?

That is how I feel about it.


This post right here, this details the entire point of mage. Thank you.


Well, looks like I’m the only person for a runemage change that is still talking, but it isn’t like you’d have to have the damage perfectly equal. As long as it is viable and relatively even. And I’m specifying 1/s as a separate tree, with perfect casting, and potentially with having to cycle more for that damage. So they’d have to still be good at the class, just in a different way.

I do think that charge idea would be nice if they could balance it in a way where the damage isn’t that different, but in the event that it isn’t that different, not sure if it really would be much different from what I’m suggesting in terms of there being an alternative.

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I cant like this post enough. I just made a similar post after spending 30 days in this game. Mage is OP and needs balancing of some sort ( I mean what game has a mage without mana or magic points some kind of limiting factor). I am moving from dps to support because you almost have to be a mage to produce enough DPS. When you can just spam ovals in 99% of situations and easily out dps everyone else something needs to change. I suggested mana points or a spell per second limit or easiest to do is eliminate shortcuts. Here you have a B or something for instance you are supposed to draw but now a crappy circle / oval will activate it lol