Runemage Triplicity Talent Rework

I tried understanding this part but this is making no sense to me. The 146% you mentioned earlier came from the 1.46x the speed multiplier (13 vs 19). Not from 2.46x. Otherwise it would be 13 spells vs 32 spells in triplicity xD Which would def be more then 98.4k dps.

So you are not casting 146% faster but:
(19-13)/13 = 46% faster. Which would mean your 40k should have been a bit less then 60k dps with that faster speed. But for some reason you reach past 60k. Which is partly because of better rotation and the other part is the exponential triplicity dps effect. Which will now be removed/equalized with this deminishing return.

Speed of casting not how many spells. You cast 1.625 vs 2.375

13 in triplicity=13/8seconds or 1.625 spells per second.
19 in triplicity =2.375.

2.375/1.625=1.46 or 146%

Ya and the first 100% is the normal damage. You add 46% to the damage by casting 19 spells instead of 13. Not adding 146%.

On bosses I have to match triplicity up with boss rotations meaning more often than not I save my triplicity for the right time. Ie dungeon troll, boss 4 hardmode, teapot, boss 2, somewhat,on,boss 3, gorgon, theres more that I can think of but the only time you achieve full triplicity uptime potential is on bosses like minataur and mutated rat.

146% refers to how much faster ur casting.

Yes. Your casting 46% faster. And your casting 146% the speed of 13 spells. But your casting 46% faster.

Right mb


Refering back to time spent vs reward, the whole reason other classes have lower dps is the fact that there are limits set to the classes. If rapidity ranger was uncapped would rangers pulling 50k dps even after 1k hours later still be at 50k? There is a limit set to the classes. All in all this will just nerf runemages, targeted to the top runemages, they might as well have decided that all dps from the accounts of the top runemages will do less damage. Then everyone (excluding the runemages) would be happy.

Speaking to that they might as well make it after the 13th spell in triplicity you do 1 damage just like rapidity archer :slight_smile:then we’ll do 40-50k dps and most all classes will do the same at endgame. Nothing to worry about.

My point is why limit classes?Just uncap the others.

Any extra damage you do from the “average player” should be seen as progress. Landru pulling only 8to10k further than someone whos only practiced much less than him is the issue as well there is a very distinct sense of progression.

Devs want to tune things for new content.
If well practiced players find it easier than the average player than so be it.
Why limit the upper end for the sake of tuning endgame?

Depending on the downtime on a boss it still gives an advantage of casting triplicity faster up, although having less effect. Also you make it sound like most bosses don’t have full up time, while I think it is 50/50. I would argue even with those bosses where you have to match with the downtime it would give the incentive to cast even faster. Because can you imagine if you just get that bit faster you can get a whole triplicity up again. Al-though that might be a far reached reason and a rare case. But add to it when downtime is shorter then getting triplicity back up, you still get an advantage over getting triplicity up further in advance and you have already 2 reasons downtime does not mean casting faster is not benefiting at all from faster triplicity on downtime on every boss.

Id have to cast perhaps 30+in triplicity to try to get another rotation in. Most of the time I cast triplicity and I build it up and have to wait otherwise ill be late or too early. In fact popping once ot twice, or not being quick enough makes me late for triplicity most of the time (when im making slight mistakes) if you understand that is coming from a 16-19 caster

Even on minotaur I have to keep in mind rotation, because I want to triplicity after the interrupt so im not caught mid triplicity start up in case i need to cast knock back, and in the case of ranger/warrior/bard I need to maximise when I get a party buff, as ranger with a charged shot can usually be a piercing, bard mallet throw then bard ult/back to bing bonging, and warrior after interrupt warrior buff.

I still question constantly mention Landru is a good example. You guys were sure you had the max optimal ranger and then just completely ignored the obvious dps increase of becoming a 30 meter ranger… I know there is more. To be honest I feel like mage is just too easy to understand the most optimal rotation and tricks in comparison to ranger. Or even Scoundrel xD.

Okay perhaps, but landru pulls 10k above the 2nd,best ranger in dps in sustained fights, which is why I use him as an example.

Who is the second best ranger according to you?

Refering to rangers when in party. But Id say Rickness is a contender for 2nd

refering back to the 30m Landru does try and use the 30m whereever applicable.

That is why I said it was a rare example, and it really depends on the uptime of the boss. Because maybe a boss barely doesn’t give you a next triplicity option. Casting a bit faster on that boss does give you that option out of nowhere. And again for someone that does 13 spells, a jump to 19 does give them that extra advantage.

The funny thing about waiting for making use of those extra boosts does help you in the argument that faster casting will give you not faster useful triplicity all the time, but at the same time shows that you have a powerful boosting tool that you can exploit to squeeze out even more damage on those moments then when you didn’t have that triplicity trick. So triplicity was even more powerful then it first looked like on the surface :expressionless:

The 30 meter thing was an old thing where Ranger was compared to Scoundrel were everyone was certain about the max dps and then we found out as example Landru wasn’t using 30 meters. Now he is I know. But that just shows that you guys haven’t figured out everything :wink:

??? Most classes can do this.
Scoundrel could save their dmg cards for this moment.

Ranger with piercing/charged shot/ultimate.
Shaman can wait a slight momement to line up their totem rotations for crit reset with totem drop.
Scoundrel could save and use cards at this moment as well.

The difference between that and the other classes I am pretty sure for mage it is more of an advantage. Not going over every example, but every class has their downside on doing that, which the mage does not have. (or the boost is just alot less)

note: In most scenario’s. If we talking about something as rare as a super then ya…