Scoundrel Overworld PvP

scoundrel is NOT OP any nerf to it whatsoever would render it useless in pvp

what is op is the paladins ability to get in combat then hammer through away, causing the people in combat to either be forced to stay in combat or graveyard


I took this from comparing logs, rangers received an effective dmg increase of 30% over night after the patch, or even more. Same like with the scoundrel-nerf, the ‘only’ 10% had a devastating effect, confirmed by multiple people, regarding the effective, visible dmg in logs. Likely because it multiplied with buffs and crits. In your case it might’ve been less of a visible increase though, since you are close to the skill-cap already, no clue.

could you talk about this in another thread?
this thread is about the scoundrel in PVP, not PVE

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So the ranger was only buffed in pve then? My bad
 (seriously, unlike the former this is definitly not OT, because the discrepancy of actual percentages in buffs/nerfs of any class, compared with player experience is just same).

In general, the being stuck in combat thing is dumb and always glitches.

If your “active targets” are further than 60m from you, it should clear combat. Period. There should also be a much reduced wait time on stuck combat until or unless fixes are put into place to get rid of the glitches that cause you to perpetually be stuck in combat in the overworld. Between mobs hitting you (and despite whether you run away or kill them, you still have a chance to be stuck) and the inability to just go to graveyard to clear it in pvp mode, this is a serious issue.

We had that run at trickster goblin a few days ago where half the party desynced and the other half got stuck in combat and had to clear it by traversing an entire zone to reach the zone change

I am pretty sure that mastergamingvr is pretty close to hitting the nail on the head about scoundrels and a (maybe THE) reason there’s inconsistency in their high level play here:

probably until that’s sorted by figuring out how to make input lag consistent or just redisigning how the timing is managed it’ll be hard to find a way to nerf scoundrel’s pvp burst without gimping a large percentage of players in all other aspects. I think that’s why the pve/pvp pingpong happens in all of these discussions.

So I guess my thought is, they should fix the bugs in the game so the class works consistently, then rework it so it’s more fair to the 4 people pvping with naked afk players.

I’m personally not a fan of the mmo’s that say ‘well if you wear THESE gloves you can fight PEOPLE, but if you were THESE gloves you can fight MOBS’ type of balancing, but it looks like orbus is going to wind up going pretty hard down the ‘your class has two sets of numbers’ road sooner than later to bandaid things. Just add an armour set of bullet protection vs scoundrels in battlegrounds and overworld PVP set vendor, fixed.

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ranger is still way underpowered in pvp

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I miss using the ranger in pvp, however it is just not practical

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