The Coliseum Launches Today!

Since chickens have a wave, how about other wildlife. Deer/stags wave, mutated skunks wave, a wild boar wave , a bear and cub wave, or a tiger wave. The irl gladiators were known to fight animals as well as other gladiators.


ghosts, or maybe even like the worms from the old game world boss becuase it fits so well with the ground and sand clouds.

i would love the pure sheep demon mob without the sheep


Sheep boss? looks hopeful

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I would like it other way around xD. The sheep only :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, please, a sheepshifter boss! A giant, fluffy sheep that doesn’t do much damage and is just a giant damage sponge. Then, at half health, it turns into a vicious demon that can completely steamroll you if you’re not careful.

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Hmm maybe a more powerful version of the yellow-dressed shepherdess that roams around Highsteppe? How bout including some mechanics? Every time I fight her I feel like she will hit me with eye lasers rofl

The updated monster rotation in the Coliseum is out now! I never want to say anything is impossible because our community has always proven us wrong anytime we make that claim, but if I had to guess I would say this one is 10X as hard as the last rotation was, but I look forward to being proven wrong again.

PS- Hope you enjoy the chicken mafia


We beat wave 18 before our potions ran out, and oh my god, you guys have no mercy xD


We got to level 23 (due to lack of time). I really like the idea of this being a mechanic heavy set of waves that basically could help any 2 players to be able to run either high raid or shard content in the game. Basically, this can be a training ground for people who don’t have a fellowship or are past 30 but haven’t found a raid group to still experience all the cool mechanics and sort of train for harder content. Could also be a way for experienced players to mess around and just have fun trying to kill the bosses faster. I thought the first coliseum round was fine, but this round definitely has a lot more potential and is very exciting for me personally.

Spoiler alert below.


General thoughts on how the levels could work if you’re going to rework it again.

  • Level 5: Thought it would be super cool to have DLC boss rather than the 5 spiders. This also means that the first 5 levels are more or less “soloable” which would be fun. The 5 spiders is just… tedious and super annoying. The fact that the little spiders spawn so fast, it feels unreasonable? I know that might be part of the point but having 10 poison stacks after 3 seconds is uh… difficult.

  • Level 6 - 15: Lol. A bit much though? Would be fun if level 10 was a boss of maybe the sheep :sheep:

  • Level 11 - 15 Could be “island themed” You have the different island groups and mix/ match together throughout. I didn’t write down but pretty sure there were levels like this already in there.

  • Level 16-20: I like being potentially “Dungeon Themed”. You could keep the combination with the bosses and aberration groups mixed in here as well. I believe combinations already exist but I didn’t write it down XD.

  • Level 21 - 25: Could then be “raid themed.” You could add in some of the trash from certain raids as well for the theme around it. Idk what 24 and 25 are tbh. so I threw in th eidea of pot tank which I think would be a fun 2 person boss.
    ** 21 Seamstress (no add stack mechanic)
    ** 22 Seamstress + Lich King
    ** 23 Pot Tank (no enrage mechanic)
    ** 24 Pot Tank + Dungeon Troll
    ** 25 Wyvern + Lich King + Seamstress

Again, IDK what Level 24 or 25 are had to stop due to time. But this is super fun!

Some generic notes

  • Lich King + Dungeon Troll was super fun. :heart_eyes: Having ranged + local attacks same time is super cool. Would highly look into adding Wyvern for same reasons (if it’s not already in for 24/ 25)

  • Dungeon Troll + Seamstress was not fun :sweat_smile: The difference being that you can’t really separate Dungeon Troll + Seamstress at all so their mechanics just line up and you can’t see anything. Having to do more mechanics that are slightly spread out = fun. Having to do all mechanics on top of each other = no fun. I only did it once and it could maybe be done differently but generally you want to try and kill one boss and then the next and having no real way to separate the bosses makes that difficult.

  • If possible, I would remove the mechanic of seamstress getting stacks on the adds. The boss would still be fun, but it wouldn’t be a DPS check. Right now its a DPS check to try and kill the adds before the stacks are too much for the tank. I really like the idea of this being a mechanic heavy 2 person raid and so that keeps the mechanics doable for 2 people. Another DPS check is to let it fuse as well.

Also note, I would do the coliseum repeatedly if it helped complete long terms XD which means adding in the enemies from long terms. Like if Level 22 was just pistoler scavs :heart_eyes: Same with the bosses.


Thank you!! We are giving it a go right now!! :sparkling_heart:

You can tune in live!!!


That was very fun and veeeeeeery hard.

Lots of leashing, last group was both anti-climatic and brutal at the same time. :sweat_smile:

If it was kept this difficult +7 amour as a reward would be more than reasonable.


I do not think the coliseum should drop gear at all.
This would just repeat the cycle of removing incentive to do old end-game content for many players as they start grinding only the coliseum for the best gear.

A better design choice IMO would be to have the coliseum give some reward end-game players would want, that isn’t gear, so there is incentive to do both the coliseum and the citadel raid.

An example of such a reward could be 2 new bracers, one that increases damage and one that increases defense. This could give the same effect of increasing the gear level by one, without reducing the incentive to run old content. Since this would be relative to your gear, there woud also always be a reason to do the coliseum, regardless of new gear levels that may come in the future.
For bracers there would also be incentive to do it regularly, since they wear out over time. So a typically planned week for a guild would then likely consist of coliseum runs a few days before their weekly raid.


Wave 25 though🤣, all In all it was a good time and proper difficult. The only complaint i have is the smoke effect was lagging me a lot on pc. I run a 1660 super and usually have no issues. Other than that 10/10. Just want to say thanks to the devs for all of y’alls hard work.


Yes, I would love to see defense and attack bracers be rewarded from this. I would love new ways to increase my combat capability directly with a bracer and those bracers wearing out over time would make the coliseum a main stay regardless of new content drops, at least until newer and better bracers drop from another source.


Getting a bracer as a drop from one of the adds on the way to the final bosses would be fine, however, having that be the only thing from this dungeons would turn it into somewhere else I do not bother going.

Will happily grind for permanent transmogs, mounts, and gear. Temporary items not so much.

Really? You wouldn’t grind for a bracer that does the same as getting gear of one higher plus level? Why would you grind for +7 gear and not for a bracer that gives the same stat boost?

Really really, my peeps who like thank kind of grind (thankfully) even get me the health bracer before the raids each week. Otherwise I would be buying it from the auction house or running without one.

Not even for a temporary extra +1.

And because once I have the +7 gear, it is mine. One and done. I can transmog it to look how I like and all that other jazz. And then I would grind to get a set for all my classes on all my characters.

Is just how I like to play.

Am sure other peeps would enjoy the other way just as much.

I have faith that the devs will find a way to make us both happy.

that’s fair i suppose, and really, the bracer idea was just an example. My main point was that I don’t think the reward from the coliseum should be the next set of gear people want, but rather something else people want for end-game. Partially because I personally don’t think a 2 man dungeon is fitting for getting the highest gear, but mainly to spread the “ultimate build” across more content, instead of the current model they’ve used for so long having all the best gear come from the newest content without you really needing anything else other than overworld resources for tiles and pots.


That is fair.

Maybe it could drop a single gear piece like shoulders (and you have to go elsewhere to get the rest of your set).