The State of the Musketeer

That “unless” isn’t me saying I’m considering an increased turret duration though, it’s me saying it could come in handy in this specific scenario. I don’t think we have the space, or time to run that far away, in most dungeons to make increased turret timer be worth backtracking to get snipe buffs.

But detonation is always handy in some way. So I see it as there’s ALWAYS a meta in games. Making these truly be choices would be difficult. Not making them difficult choices, making it a true choice because neither has a higher potential than the other.

I’m sure that to get the fastest runs on the leaderboards people will create strategies that involve using potions of forgetfulness mid run. But most of the time we won’t be carrying them to switch for specific fights mid dungeon, or using them that often between dungeons to reset their skills.

I’d like to see something that involves increased turret splash range, but I don’t know what would be a good counter to that.

Im not sure it is. Take current 5 man shards as an example. Most of the time there is only one person that needs healing, so its not like you are really gaining all the much when it detonates from a healing perspective. Also i envision the detonation range to around Life Well size, so the chances that more than one or two people would be in it anyway, are pretty slim. Yes it would be helpful even if it was only the tank that got an extra heal… but is it so helpful that it would be necessary? Most of the time i would say no. Increased duration is kind of similar in that it has some clear advantages, but isnt clearly the option for me. If i dont have to empower as often, the chances that my cure is gonna be up to immediately take care of that deep wounds, are much better…

Oh, I took this as it would be the distance the turret blows up when you AoE orbs (which is huge). And I took it as whatever it was empowered with will be what gets AoE’d out. For example, spreading poison at the end of healing turret. I made the claim always be useful based on those assumptions, or the opposite of having a dmg turret AoE a renew. With those stated limitations I would probably pick automate as well, provided it was say: 25% increase in duration?

im not exactly sure about those ranges.

Yes thats how i envision it working. The range, and exact healing/damage values are all up in the air though… whatever seems the most reasonable (not op/broken) is what it should be… i mean i already wrote a short book, someone else has to figure out some of the stuffs :slight_smile: i also wrote a paragraph about it

I dont want any of the talents to be the clear choice all the time…However i do think its ok if there are some raid boss fights that might require a specific talent to be used, i think figuring that out is part of the fun. …on that note though, i dont think they really design the fights like that… more like they create something and see how people interact with it (rather than assuming you will need X talent to complete it)… some of the stuff they have in mind doesnt end up working out like they thought too…boss 2…

mechanics/freedom to play your class how you want/ fun…its all a balancing act


Ideally you’d want to design the heals to be at highest potential when it’s MSK/BRD in a 10 person group, and giving a way so double MSK or double BRD can still accomplish the same content.

I’m not really sure how they develop content and fights lol. But I really hope a few of them go through a lot of these great ideas to help bring MSK back.




Also agree.

@Riley_D We wrote you a book.


I would like to be a real musketeer, not a doctor :slight_smile:

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Haha I will look all this over on Monday when I have time to dive into it.




@Human Alright, so this is a bit crude but let’s assign some basic numbers to an MP based MSK for a clearer idea of what it would be like, and craft it around some different load outs.

Let’s say you have 10 MP to begin with.
You regenerate 1 MP every 2 seconds in combat.
All abilities on a 2 second GCD (every other shot), except Lifewell which stays as is on CD (for no MP cost).

Healing orbs:
Renew = 1mp
Shield = 2mp
Decurse = 3mp
Cure Wounds= 4mp

Other orbs:
Poison = 2mp
Frost = 2mp
Weakness = 3mp
Gravity = 4mp

Let’s do 30 second combat comparisons of how many times abilities can be used as current MSK vs MP based MSK. I’m going to do my best to make these more typical scenarios. It would be pointless to look at how many times I can use renew alone in 30 seconds on an MP scale, if renew is the only orb I’m using.

Also, this is assuming you aren’t refreshing HoTs on a player or DoTs on mobs before the timer runs out, and I’m going to give multiple examples of the extra options you have using MP. Current MSK will only ever have one option how to use their orbs if they’re doing it off CD:

Current MSK with Renew, Shield, Cure Wounds, Poison for 30s:
Renew: 5
Shield: 3
Cure w: 2
Poison: 5

vs MP MSK, starting with 10mp refreshing 1mp/2 seconds in combat for 30s:
Renew: 5 / 5 / 2 / 1 / 1
Shield: 3 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 2
Cure w:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 2
Poison: 5 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 8

There’s lots of different combinations. Note that in these scenarios, the first couple assume using Renew as often as you would have before. However it would be wise to not just burn MP on Renew since the turret will give Renew due to Empowered Turret talent. The last two examples opt to just use it on the turret once, and the middle case throw out an extra at a DPS (or wherever)

Now let’s try 4 minutes in combat to see how things pan out. Note again how much things change as you learn not to waste heals. The final will be renew only to refresh turret:

Current MSK for 240 seconds:
Renew: 40
Shield: 30
Cure w: 20
Poison: 40

vs MP MSK for 240 seconds:
Renew: 40 / 30 / 20 / 15 / 8
Shield: 24 / 24 / 16 / 16 / 10
Cure w: 8 / 10 / 15 / 13 / 8
Poison: 5 / 6 / 9 / 15 / 32

There’s something wrong here. Poison doesn’t work out nearly as well, and I’m not trying to hammer us farther down the strictly healing path because it’s just not needed at super high skill levels of play. However when more healing is required, we’re still given the freedom to do it by losing out on DPS (as it should be).

If it’s still majorly out of proportion, Poison’s drawback could be solved with a longer duration perhaps. Maybe it would be best to leave Poison at a 1mp use. But before we get into that area, there’s more that would need to change for this to be viable on the DPS front anyway.

Now let’s travel down another path. This one imagines that gravity orb be changed to a single hard hitting orb. We’ll call this single hard hit DPS ability the “Axe” orb, because I’m going to be cheeky like that haha. I’m giving it a 4 second cooldown, simply because it would be super annoying to reload it every 2 seconds.

Gravity orb’s special effect of moving mobs is typically detrimental to tanks and DPS, and I feel that should be removed. There’s no practical use other than pulling mobs out of walls, so the interrupt is all it has, and it’s only going to be used on bosses. Feels bad to waste an orb slot for that in higher end content especially. So in the following scenarios we bring you the hypothetical Axe orb instead.

Same loadout only replacing Poison with Axe, and this build is still notably very heal heavy.

Axe = 1mp, 4s CD. Keep in mind at 240 seconds, 60 would be max times Axe can be used.

MP MSK with Renew, Shield, Cure Wounds, and Axe for 240 seconds:
Renew: 40 / 25 / 18 / 12 / 8
Shield: 24 / 20 / 16 / 13 / 11
Cure w: 8 / 10 / 15 / 13 / 10
Axe orb:10 / 25 / 20 / 43 / 60

Now with Renew, Cure, Poison, Axe for 240 seconds. 40 times would be the max for applying poison without doing it early. Also, this assumes that the mp cost/dmg ratio for Poison is better than Axe: if Poison is ticking for the full duration. However it’s also still worth noting that Axe can interrupt and it would be better to use when mobs are low on HP.

Renew: 40 / 25 / 18 / 12 / 8
Cure w: 8 / 10 / 13 / 10 / 8
Poison: 24 / 30 / 25 / 35 / 40
Axe orb:10 / 5 / 10 / 8 / 10

So you’ll notice the numbers don’t line up as well in the overall counts at 4 minutes. But we’re using super basic numbers: starting at 10/10mp,+1mp / 2sec, mp costs no greater than 4.

So I’m pretty sure that means you can find a balance given enough digits to work with on the total MP, MP costs/orb, and MP refresh rate since it should be somewhat proportional as the time increases.

If it was 1000mp max, +100/2 seconds, and costs such as 100/renew, 150/shield, 150/poison, 350/cure wounds: then it would probably wind up much closer. I just used tiny numbers for simplicity trying to fill out the tables. The point is, you can make it line up super close to how it currently is if you wanted to, and have lots of freedom to make adjustments as needed for the job to be tailored to the content evenly this way.

Right now it’s either increase potency or shorten cooldowns to make us more viable, but neither would help in terms of what we’re dealing with for poison/deep wound combo, or help make us more relevant in general currently. I would nerf Cure Wounds potency in an MP based scenario, because being able to cast 2 sequentially would be super OP as it currently stands. I’m trying to make the point that only buffing or shortening the CD for what we currently have isn’t enough on it’s own. This isn’t a matter of simply how much healing that’s at stake, it’s a matter of how we can split it when we need to. And being able to for the sake of future content creation design.

There’s so many variables here for how many different options you would have. Two examples isn’t enough to cover the huge spectrum that a 15+ minute raid fight would have. Also, in OG orbus we used everything off CD much more than we seem to in Reborn. Maybe even with this discrepancy, these numbers would be still be valid in terms of only using orbs when they’re actually useful.

But I think after a couple different examples using the “learn to not heal when you don’t need to” if you want to DPS, hold your MP if you’re newer or uneasy and want to be able to burst heal - MP would be a great thing. It’s definitely a boon to people still mastering their aim, and I think it would be as well to those already there.

Just sitting on orbs is painful. We can’t even buff our turret with cure wounds most of the time because we have to hold it because of it’s huge cooldown. Shorter wouldn’t help, unless it was like 4 seconds to deal with dots on multiple people. Then it would be super OP without a nerf, and then we’re back to square one.

To make matters worse, healing turret with poison is dumber than a box of rocks and doesn’t prioritize healing very well. So it’s punishing to even try and get more out of your class out right now. I’m sure that the turret target priority will be fixed in time. But we can really only put renew on our turret, and have to hold onto a 12 second CD Cure most of the time. Can’t buff your turret to max healing potential in most cases, can’t rely on it to heal if you put poison in it, gotta just sit and hold cure. And it just feels super bad.

Maybe it would start lining up in even more interesting ways if we could do AoE orbs for 2x MP every 30 seconds, or a talent to buff mp refresh up by 1 on the next tick for landing long skill shots every 10 seconds. That would be huge.

I wouldn’t consider the game to be too forgiving if you could use 3 cures in succession (2 normally max at any time, 3 with Ult). But I think 3 is the maximum I would say is acceptable. And for MSKs who don’t need to use as many heals, they can go up in DPS a lot.

Maybe my math is all wrong, or doesn’t show properly. Maybe I’m crazy and stopping too soon because the numbers would end up in an awful place over the course of raid fights. Since I didn’t use enough variables for time and used small baseline MP numbers, this could well be the case and this theory isn’t salvageable.

I’ve been at this for quite a long time and my head is beginning to burst! Plus, I’m sure I’ve lost almost everyone by now. At the end of the day I’m just saying we need more ways to use our abilities, and at the least we need to find and justify a way to do more damage than Bard.

Especially because our skills aren’t “smart”, which automatically hit surrounding things. Not to say that playing the marimba and activating their abilities mid fight is easy, I wouldn’t know yet.

But I do feel it’s definitely an advantage to not worry about hitting a moving target with a straight shot. And not having to worry about players, mobs, or bosses blocking the shot towards someone about to die. So long as you can bang away on your instrument just fine during mechanics, BRD seems to dust the MSK in most ways and we need to change that without damaging how BRD operates.

I sincerely do believe there is something to this idea. So for anyone left, thank you for reading and start firing away with any commentary!

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Im highly skeptical a system like this could reasonably be implemented without turning into a cascade of new things that need to be fixed as a result. I dont believe it could. Not in this game with this small of a dev team. The amount of testing and tweaking and balancing and overall mechanics changes that would need to be implemented to get this running smoothly, is huge. And all of that would do very little to address the current issues we have with musketeer, it would just create a different starting point.

I believe that if you have a system where it was possible for a musketeer to spam cure/shield, even if only for a short duration, the new strats which would develop for optimal runs, would start to rely on muskies to do that, instead of using other mechanics. Why have the dps move/dodge and lose overall dps as a result, if you can just cure through the damage. This would be in direct contradiction to one of the examples you gave for the reasoning behind this type of system (to allow people a second chance if they miss) … Right now, or in OG, if you missed a vital cure wounds, you could communicate that, and then the warrior could hamstring and/or the mage could frost and then they could kite, to try to delay taking damage until you could get him healed back up. That level of teamwork, communication, and ability to adapt, is what IMO gave the gameplay depth and allowed better teams to excel (FYI I feel like reborn lost a lot of this). The ability to cast cure again (for example) with a mana system, at the expense of (a relatively small amount of) dps from the musky, as the downside, seems like it would create an overall nerf to gameplay mechanics for everyone until the entire game is tweaked to account for it. Having set cooldowns for orbs allows for an easier time creating game mechanics and synergy among the classes, because what they are capable of is easier to actually define, and coordinate.

I believe that something simple, like (for example) making an innate “charge shot” where you hold down the trigger for 2 seconds then release to fire an interrupting blow. Would immediately go a long way towards making musky play a larger role (without gimping the ability to heal) and would not mess with the mechanics of the game or other classes in a significant way. You could take it even farther and make it so you can load a separate orb into the charge shot ability (instead of actually having a 5th orb in rotation) to empower it with different abilities for different builds. That alone could be a pretty large improvement, and is much more attainable IMO.

Im just currently seeing very little possible upside to the mana system, and massive possible downside…


Just want to pipe up that I am still going through this thread (it’s very long), but you can expect some Musketeer changes to come with the Raid Beta patch. I will try and sketch out some thoughts on the changes we are planning to make ahead of that so feedback can be given early in the process.

This will also likely be paired to some changes to tanking (e.g. addressing the imbalance of the Paladin/Warrior tankbuster handling).


get a cup of coffee


I’d love to know what’s being kicked around for ideas. We’re in a pretty bad spot right now and it’s very difficult to imagine how we’ll get out of it


Haha well it’s less about caffeine and more about I haven’t had more than 10 minutes to stay in one spot all day due to fixing bugs and patch notes and all that, plus getting ready for Quest launch. But maybe I can print it out and grab my highlighter :smile:


Noted. I also agree with axile, that if you want to shoot some ideas past us to get a general sense of “does this sound like it would work, or be fun/helpful” in an attempt to trouble shoot before you launch raids… Im here to help.


As soon as I have some coherent thoughts on it I will be sure to share them. :slight_smile:


Much appreciated! Thanks for going through this outrageous novel of ours here!


I definitely see your points here, and I totally agree about cooldown timers structuring combat creation. I’m just saying, only 4 orbs with 100% strict timers doesn’t leave a whole lot of room. And you know 2 of the 4 will always be a combination of renew, cure, or lifewell.

Also, while I do agree it could lead to cheesing, I’d like to point out that at high levels we’re already unneeded to an extent (in trash pulls, at least). And we were obsolete at high skill levels in OG too. I can’t see a strat of not dodging a wild bolt and curing them becoming meta over 1 tank and 4 DPS.

Some of the examples given don’t work as well though. We can’t kite like we did in OG, it isn’t as viable anymore and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen posts saying they want to diminish it even more. Which I agree. How we fought boss 4 EM was downright silly when you think about it lol. Who fights a boss like that? Jab and run! It was creative and fun, but it surely wasn’t intended and that style isn’t in the cards anymore.

Like you said, Reborn lost a lot of it. I agree with that completely. What I agree with more than anything though was your sentiment about that level of communication for when we’d miss a shot or something. That’s the biggest downfall to my proposition.

On the other hand, who says cure has to be 4/10 MP to cast? It was just silly numbers I threw out to get somewhere, because it’s hard to imagine without it. What if cure was 6mp? Then, starting at full (assuming you do nothing else with orbs), you could use 2 over the span of 4 seconds. Which is plenty to deal with DoTs around on multiple people, but not enough to save things in a major oh shit moment without others picking up the slack.

But also, I feel like anyone who’s good at their class doesn’t sit around and do nothing. If I had a MSK on my team doing nothing but Cure Wounds, I surely wouldn’t want to run high end content with them. In most scenarios, you’d probably be able to use one cure wounds in the next 2-4 seconds if you didn’t have the mp to do it already. It’s meant to be high risk/reward to play as a healer who wants to pump out DPS.

If you did have enough MP to cast, you’d probably have to wait 8-10 seconds before the next one, which is still pretty close to what we currently have. Although you couldn’t do anything else if that’s what you were planning, and that’s super punishing.

Maybe that would kind of suck I guess lol. But that’s also part of being a healer, doing your best to clean up the mess when things go wrong. So if your personal MSK DPS has to take a hit to save a run, so be it.

I gave no numbers for potency, but I did mean to imply we would be considerably stronger DPS wise than bard, because we rely on skill shots for everything. I’m not saying bard isn’t hard to play. But on paper, the skill ceiling seems way higher on MSK, yet it still has far less potential compared to the BRD.

I also want to note there isn’t any group synergy with a MSK. Only weakness, and at high levels our weakness orb is a DPS loss for everyone when you have a mage who can keep their stacks up. So I would love to get group buffs, but BRD already does that. I’d like to both keep our uniqueness, and build further on it.

At the end of the day it’s really difficult to judge what MP would even feel like after playing on just CDs for so long, or if it would work at all. The numbers support it working, simply because you can tailor those numbers to anything you want them to be. Maybe it’s not the right way to go, but more options for how we operate is a must in one way or another.

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Oh and before I forget! As much as I loved a lot of your concepts for new talents, you sure as hell better leave Total Recall and Empowered Turret in there! Unless you meant to imply those talents should just be part of our basic loadout. Which yes, they should be!

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