Travellers Hall - Wiki Updates

While on the topic of suggestions have you considered putting the lore on the wiki?

Shaman Talents & Talent Suggestions added.

@stone_r I would love that, we can make a section on the wiki for that. Would you be willing to populate it?

@bubbaking A combo of both is good, and we might have some stock photos of some already. I know Squishi got a bunch of people to model gear for her a while ago. You have our discord?

I would love to help in any way I can, tell me what to do and I will get it done

Awesome! We got that section set up for you ( ). Most of the work is just going to be populating it with the intel you have gathered, then formatting to make it user friendly. :slight_smile:

Pinged you in our discord wiki channel.

Yup, just joined it.

Superb! See you there. :slight_smile:

Inb4 lord of the rings, orbus edition :laughing:
(edit: i guess that would be somewhat equivalent to Silmarillion)

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Added in the western alphabet letter correlation for each rune (they do not line up properly with the Futhark alphabet).

HM Citadel Boss 1 Guide & Mechanics

NM Citadel Boss 1 Mechanics

Airship Dungeon Mechanics Added

End-Game Overview Page

Updated Paladin To Make It More User Friendly & Added Shield Intel

Mage Perfect Casting DPS Buff Added

Normal Mode Citadel Bosses (1 to 4) Mechanics, Bugs & Workarounds

Main Orbus section link adjusted

Mage Tilesets Updated and Organized by Mage Type

Avalanche - Rock Giant World Boss

Here are the bare bones, will add in pictures SoonTM. :slight_smile:

Mage tilesets have been refined and put in their own trees:

Frost Fire Mage

Fire Mage

Rotation Mage

Pretty pictures SoonTM.

Updated Infusion Section to Include The One Ring