Uncap Raids Please?

Right now the issue is that people are incentizised to play one hour per week, and arent incentizised to be online and look for groups. This made me get bored of the game personally as playing one hour per week is not enough to keep me interested in a game.


maybe 2 drops a week but uncapped i think would be bad

I think 2 drops will lead into the same problems eventually. The way I see it, dungeons have always been uncapped, and before raids were a thing all these issues that people are speculating about were never a problem.
So that leaves one of two options really, uncap raids, or a mercy system. and whilst we already have tokens they don’t drop legendries so I’m not counting those. Plus as nice as I think a mercy system would be, personally I’m leaning towards uncapped raids just because I find the daily/weekly content cap, a pretty detestable practice when it comes to developing a game.


Phoenixes isn’t banned but no longer plays and Foxytwo was Foxy’s main but got banned

dude honestly what I think would fix this is just make shards endgame again. Shards are honestly just so much more enjoyable imo and they already have a grind aspect that’s not as good as that first shard

Raids are just so incredibly boring and take too long for me to enjoy anymore and I’d much rather just do shards as they’re more layed back and quicker


Wow, did I come too late to say that I don’t have one single piece +6 for any class? My only +5 is a leg Mallet, and I’m really proud of it. I have 3 full sets of +4 equipment, the other 5 classes are lower.

Correct. I never do any HMs. Why? Cause I always feel like I’m not good enough to be helpful. So, yeah, I’ve been training NM raids once a week and I feel like I’m improving. What if I could do more raids, so I could improve even faster? I know, I could go to more raids just for training, but what’s the point? It’s a hard work and I want to have a chance to get rewarded for it.

Maybe after you get used to all +6 full sets for years, you feel like they’re easy to obtain.
They’re not that easy. Uncapping drops would still keep them hard to get, IMO. But I’d be willing to try them more than once per week.

I know, most of what I say is just about my own experience. Just posting as a point of view of a mid-end player, it could help understanding non-end-end players.


Alright, I’m mostly done responding to these posts, but this was a pretty good argument, so I thought I’d address it. Incentivizing learning raids faster to get more players to true endgame raids is honestly a very solid point towards uncapping raids.

There aren’t any major flaws I can point out with it, only things that come to mind is that:

  • In lower raids especially, gear is readily given away. Hell, I’d bet that you have gotten a piece of +4 you already have and gave it away to someone else in the raid who needs it. Even if you don’t have your roll, doing more raids will always increase the odds of you getting given a piece of gear you need. All your roll guarentees you is a token, and a shot at a piece of gear. Leaving aside the token, which the original post said should still be capped, the odds that someone else gets gear and can give it to you is probably higher than the odds your roll gives you anything. Sure, it’s random, and sometimes you’ll get nothing, but that happens regardless.
  • The “+6 is easy to obtain” goes for pretty much all raid gear, but it assumes you can complete the raid that drops that gear. For example, how long did it take you to get your first set of +4 raid gear? Maybe it took you the full 5 weeks until you could buy it with tokens, but odds are you had quite a few pieces of raid gear before you reached your 5 tokens. With the current system, it takes somewhere between a week and a little over a month to gear in a full set of raid armor depending on luck. The better you get, and the more raids you run, the more likely you are to gear yourself in a full set of raid gear faster.

The argument itself is just pretty good, and I mostly just concede that point. Uncapping raids to incentivize less experienced players to run more raids and hit endgame faster is a connection I didn’t make.

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More experienced player who doesn’t actually need the gear or even the stats from any raid drops, chiming in:

I don’t mind doing a few extra raids in a single week, especially if it’s to help other people get experience or roll for gear.

What I will say is that I’m definitely a lot more incentivized to run shards throughout the week. No, I don’t need the gear that the shards drop, but I always have a chance at dropping a piece and at the very least I’ll get a Glimmering Shard out of it.

As small of a reward as that may seem, it certainly beats putting in the effort to run the contend and getting nothing/getting another copy of the same cosmetic item I’ve dropped dozens of times.

I’ll probably continue to help out in other raid runs after I’ve gotten my rolls for the week no matter what because I like helping people and I enjoy running the content, but it would feel a lot more worthwhile and I’d be a lot more enthusiastic about it if I could always have a chance at dropping something, even if that something only amounts to a shard I will probably sell for a few thousand extra dram.

I’d say that I don’t necessarily think this would bring back players who’ve quit the game, though. It may lead to those of us who are still here doing more content throughout the week, but I don’t think something like this would bring very many people back who’ve already decided to leave.

If the goal of this is to increase player activity, I’m not convinced this would be an adequate solution. A step in the right direction maybe, but there are a lot of factors that impact player activity in games & it would take more than just uncapping raid drops to see any significant increase in player activity.

Ultimately I’m not against uncapping the raid drops at all, personally it would incentivize me to run raids more often than I already do & I don’t see that as a bad thing, but I also don’t see it as a very impactful solution to the decline in player count.


While I’m on the topic, I think we exaggerate the player count situation a bit excessively.

Sure, the Orbus player count is not even close to what it used to be, especially during the peak of the pandemic & lockouts, but you have to remember that this game is a niche within a niche, and I’d have to say that the 70-80 players we have during peak hours of the day isn’t as bad as we make it out to be sometimes.

I mean, that’s about as massively-multiplayer as you can expect from a low-budget, indy MMORPG in VR I would think.


Alright I saw my name so I just had to comment. Reason I wanted to quit was because of me just finishing the game. I have done everything from making a new mage meta with Brettman or making the highest solo DPS set for scoundrel. I got bored of that too so I started playing Time travel Manipulation Ranger which seemed impossible at the time because there were no videos on it back then so I figured most of that out. I’ve tried hard getting a +7 bow but after seeing my wand that took me like 20 kills I just gave up. So yea the game just gets boring over time. You’ll feel like you just completed the game.

Also pleaaaaaseeeeee Jakeeee unban me on Foxy. I sent a ban appeal but I just got left on read😭

He’s the programmer :sweat_smile: not the banhammer Paladin

It got left on read bc youre not getting unbanned

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