Hi, I wanted to make a post today to let the community know some of our internal roadmaps as well as what we’re currently working on. We have been focusing internally on bugs for the last month (mainly class bugs currently) and are getting to the point where we feel comfortable to share what we will be tackling next. Some of these bugs have been around for a while, and we understand the frustration that comes along with having to deal with these bugs on a weekly, and sometimes daily basis.
As we move forward with some of the bigger bugs that affect daily life inside of Orbus, we will be posting more updates and communicating with the community to help us squash these problems. Before I dive into the upcoming bugs we will be working on, you can find a list of the of the ones that have been recently fixed through our patch notes located here.
After the success of the Musketeer Orb respawn fix, we are taking that same logic behind the fix and applying it to some of the other classes including the Shaman totems, Musketeer turret, and the Ranger ability arrows. We are testing these fixes now internally and are excited to get them out to the community to improve your play sessions in a patch next week.
The next big bug we will be tackling will be the Desync on Death issue, specifically when you perish inside of the game, attempt to re-awaken and appear to be alive on your screen, but still dead to other players and to the server (like not being able to interact with NPCs, attack monsters, change zones or areas, change classes, etc.) As far as we are aware, the only workaround for this bug currently is to close the game out completely and relaunch, and when you log back in you will still be perished and will be able to re-awaken successfully.
While there are other desync bugs on our list to fix, we are prioritizing the ones specifically that prevent you from continuing you player session without closing and re-opening the app. Some of the other bugs that we have on our high priority list are as follows:
Ghost class ability/Ghost casting - We have had reports on different classes where you try to attack/ cast a spell and on your screen it appears that it connected/ successfully launched but on the server it shows nothing (IE: No damage numbers, heals appear to hit teammates but immediately respawn on weapon without effect or healing, sword swings go through but cause no damage, spells don’t get sent, etc.)
- Known Workaround-- We are not aware of any workarounds for this bug other than for the Runemage class where it is reported to be fixed by triggering the Mage super (activating both triggers at once). If anyone knows of any other workarounds for these specific bugs please let us know as that can help track down the root causes also.
Class Multi-classing - Switching between classes causes you to have both class weapons equipped at the same time (IE: A Paladin hammer and Ranger bow at the same time)
- Known Workaround: Only known workaround for this bug is to close the app completely and restart the game.
While the programming team spends the majority of their time debugging and fixing these issues, we will still be continuing to introduce new content from the rest of the team in the coming months, including the new Shard legendary drops, new Overworld quests (along with new Overworld points of interest), as well as other content mentioned inside the latest Development Roadmap.
On a side note, we’re really happy with the feedback we have gotten from the Highsteppe update as well as the Character update, and it is a fun experience for the Dev team when logging into the game to see all the new looks everyone is wearing!