I hate to say this because i feel like i sound like a broken record by now, but i think the majority of the issues brought up aren’t really warrior specific.
Instead they are most likely down to server sync and state management issues, again
With the risk of becoming even more unpopular with the dev team that i probably already am through my posts on this subject, i have two theories of why/how these issues have persisted through the lifespan of orbus (pre- and reborn).
One is that the developers do not actually know where the root of the problem(s) are.
And two, they know, but it is so deeply rooted in the games architecture, that being honest and saying that it would require such drastic changes to fix them that it isn’t feasible would be a dangerous move. So instead they are trying to fix them as best they can little by little by applying bandaid code.
Now i hope and believe that the dev team are very competent, so my money is on theory two.