Who can I pay off around here?

I’m only really talking about the pulse totems, how would that affect dps?

I have run over a thousand shards and 1700 dungeons and more people have complained about shaman than any other class. With many of these complaints coming from other shaman…

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okay i read it wrong. i thought you were saying the actual orbs had to spawn faster. ignore my reply in that case, the totems being ready at spawn is a great idea that a lot of us have pushed for. the pulse happening faster when placed down is also a really good idea. i don’t know how the tile sets work for shaman but i can’t imagine it would affect them negatively.

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This is the major issue as long as it didnt change the mechanics after the first placement it would have little to no effect on tilesets while dramatically increasing shaman viability

Now that you mention it, I would like the orbs to spawn immediately too, and now that I think about it, how would that affect dps?

the way it works now is once you get your totems, you fire the last orbs and place down your new totems. with that, you would fire them, put the totems down, and then instantly fire again.

But you would want to drop them as soon as they respawn anyways for the crit, it would still be on the same cycle

You could mitigate that by adding in a respawn lockout to avoid people from abusing it rewarding precision over quantity

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At least we would be able to enter the fight before mobs are dead or a boss gets moved around

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God forbid you get a little extra damage lol

This is really the biggest point here

i never said it was a bad thing i just said it’d influence dps :skull:
as long as shaman isn’t doing 200000000 dps i don’t think it matters lmao


Not to mention orbs spawning instantly still means you have to wait for totems to respawn

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I completely agree with that

i’m not saying it doesn’t, i’m just saying that if you do it correctly right now then it’s as if the totems never despawn. if they spawn instantly, you’ll be able to fire another cycle instantly which if done right, will give you more dps. it’s not a bad thing.

If this is to me, it’s not that I’m unwilling to see it, I just have never encountered class exclusion in this game, and my primary dps class is Shaman. The only time I have been asked to play another class is on one of the three bosses that Shaman is not appropriate for, in which case I change classes anyways.


Yeah we are on the same page just giving input and suggestions. I love playing shaman. But I’ve been told to not play it too many times.

Nooo I mean they should just be ready when you load in or equip the weapon, they would still need their normal respawn cycle lol

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This mostly due to the fact people believe i can add more to party playing a different dps class. And I just want to run my shaman without arguments.

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Yea it’s usually “Do you have runemage?” “No but I have shaman” “Oh… shaman is ok…”

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