Closed Alpha Feedback Thread: April 20th MARK II

Hi Riley, hope you had a good sleep.

Good news today, I was able to play for a few hours without much issue… the only thing I came accross was later in the game when I was in a party of 5… it was fine for a while but there was some intermittent glitching and stuttering that cleared up after about five mins… do not think it was latency as the logs seem alright unless i missed any figures… I will paste a link to log file here just incase you spot anything.

Hey in the settings menu the last two items in settings are clipped out

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I noticed the UI text was clipping oddly, anyone else experience this?

I was playing arena and I ended up being the only person left but was still on the map, after I sent myself to the graveyard it said that I perished then that I won.

Gaining XP while playing solo seems pretty tedious. It takes a long time (in my opinion) to find enough enemies of the same level as you to get enough XP to level up. It doesn’t feel like there are enough enemies to kill. Maybe it’s because people are killing the enemies before I get a chance to, but either way I spend most of my time running around.
I know the XP gain was increased for this alpha test so I can’t imagine how much longer it would feel when that’s removed.

I enjoy playing most MMORPGs solo, so any balance tweaks you can make to ease the process of levelling up when playing alone would be awesome.

See here for info on the XP rate: Closed Alpha Feedback Thread: April 20th

In the settings menu the last 2 buttons getting clipped off and dont appear

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Thanks Riley, I missed that post.

Maybe it’s a flaw of MMORPGs, where everything needs to be grindy, but grinding in VR is much less fun especially because you’re standing for prolonged periods of time. In OrbusVR it was disheartening to run (stand) around for an hour or so without levelling up (I was at level 2). I suppose having interesting quests to complete would alleviate this issue by giving a sense of progression/accomplishment.

Haha, okay. I will put that on the list.

one item to add for the portal spell

  • Drawing the N with the line through it is finicky at best. I felt like I drew the exact same thing twice and one gave me a portal the other one didn’t.

I think it is a no win situation on a game develops part. A game that isn’t kinda grindy has no satisfaction for a lot of people. Everybody has the best everything in no time and that just sucks in my opinion. Everyone has different tastes unfortunately

I hope you dont mind if i leave my total feedback on here :smile:

Anyway, i’ll start with the pros… which is unfortunatly rather short, but in a good way! The game is really fun; it looks decent, runs great, the gameplay is pretty fun, the way you have the entire game setup is really quite amazing! I had a ton of fun with Orbus last night, in fact i played from 7 PM Thursday into 4:30 AM Friday. Really fun game, especially with how we can interact with people due to VR and voice chat!

Now, there are a few things i think could use a bit of tweaking along the road. Not neccesarily things that need to be fixed NOW, but some of them i feel should be fixed soon.

Firstly, my biggest complaint (as its my favorite job) is the Runemage rune-drawing is a real pain in the rear… Last night me and another person in my party spent almost an hour trying to get the teleport spell working, but we kept somehow getting the shield and beam spells. we would draw the N with a sideways line and get other spells, yet when we purposely try to draw THOSE spells, they just dont work. We were in a large party fighting the lizard in the first area, and we lost 3 people because we couldnt get the shield spell working. Same goes with fire and frost, they just sometimes read as the opposite of what we want…

Second, The ranger is supposed to be a damage-dealer at range, but its very hard to hit some of the enemies, like the frogs… they are so small. Personally, i think there should be a prediction line to at least give an estimate of where the arrow will go, if not exactly where it will go. Its quite hard to aim right now. Similar thing with the musketeer, we need some sort of sights or something… its a real pain.

Thirdly, continuing with the musketeer, it feels like a very underwhelming class. The orbs i need never appear and people die. And the bullets we shoot feel whimpy and do so little damage with such a slow fire rate. The fire rate i can understand, its a musket, but the damage is quite pointless. And we cant even run, if a musketeer is left alone, hes dead.

Fourth, the compass is in a very bad spot… especially for the musketeers, i grab the compass more then i grab the orbs. I think it should be on the hip, not the chest :slight_smile:

Now onto some of the more long-term things i feel should be considered, but i wont blame you if you dont :smiley:

First, the NPC talking distance feels really close, you have to get right up in their faces. I think you should be able to teleport to them like the doors and itll put you in front of them at a comfortable position and start the dialogue.

Second, the game looks great, but feels fake. I think a bit of a graphics update down the line would be in order! Perhaps as a launch option (performance and quality launch options) so people on the lower-tier cards can still play, while people with higher tier can enjoy some beauty.

Third, the mage really should be able to heal, though perhaps through a ritual so its not completely unbalanced. It feels more appropriate that a mage heals then a person with a gun, no?

Fourth, perhaps add a benefit to walking on the paths? Like, if your standing on a path your movement-distance regenerates 50-100% faster? Or something like that, would be nice.

Fifth, the locomotion… its not the best. The teleport works fine, but i personally would prefer trackpad and it feels wrong alternating between trackpad and teleport just because im fighting a toad. Please allow us the option to trackpad move during combat :smiley: Even if we walk a bit slower for balance.

Sixth, loot tables feel unfair right now. I play 90% runemage, and i almost never get runemage items… IDK if the drop rate for all the creatures is 25-25-25-25 or something, but perhaps when your using a particular class, the drop rates lean a bit more towards that class? like, 20-20-20-35?

Anyway those are some of my thoughts, i hope you consider at least a few of them :wink: keep up the great work!

Here’s my feedback after playing several hours of gameplay.

First, let me say that I am having an amazing time. Congratulations on putting together an incredible online experience.

Housing: Am able to enter and leave with no issue.

Menu interaction: Needs work. Very non user friendly. While going through and deleting all my duplicate items the menu would randomly close and change location. Perhaps a fixed location directly in front of the player no matter where you swipe would be more convenient. Also perhaps a sub menu when selecting an item would help make things a bit easier. I.E. select an item and have options appear such as equip/use, move, trash, info. The info text on items seem to be unreliable, some times I’ll get an item description and other time my finger will hover with nothing. I have to close the inventory and reopen for it to work again.


Warrior: Having trouble overhand throwing my sword, when I try it tends to go anywhere but where I throw it and not very far at that. However, when I underhand throw it, it arcs just fine. With the shield block and shield bash I personally have trouble telling if it is actually doing anything.

Ranger: No issues while testing that particular class.

Musketeer: No big issues while testing that class (My favorite so far). However, the randomness of what skills appear around your gun does present a problem since this class is the only healing class. Recommend a dedicated Healing class.
I also found that, it seems to me anyways, that the orbs you fire at the ground tend to explode slightly before the actual impact point causing you to miss your shot. Also I would recommend increasing the aoe size of the blasts slightly I feels like the aoe is a bit too small, but only slightly.

Mage: A lot of fun casting and guiding spells. Definitely a learning curve to it. I did find that there were times that I could fire spells one after another then suddenly every spell I tried failed. May be my lack of practice but it did feel as though at least one of my attempts before dying should have worked. Also, Frostbolt seems to happen at times while attempting the fireball, even though the runes look nothing alike.

All classes at level one do too little damage. I understand you don’t want to make it too easy for players but, I found I was struggling way too much when soloing to survive an encounter while at level one with a same level creature. However once I ding level 2 the jump in power makes killing a same level creature considerably easier. Not too easy since I still died a few times but nothing like at level one.

PVP Arena: Musketeer rules in arena. The strong poison attack that only needs to land near their feet and your self sustaining heals makes them a bit Over Powered.

Grouping experience works great. However I did run into an issue. When I logged off to go to work then game back 5 hours later I found I was still in group but no players from that group logged on. When I killed a creature I got group experience. Perhaps make it so after a few minutes off line it auto kicks you from any group. Also needs the ability to pass group leader to another (bot manually and automatically should the leader drop off and not return). We lost our group leader at one point and nobody had the ability to add to the group. We ended up having to leave group and reform.

I won’t go over most of the other small issues I encountered since they have either been addressed by you previously in post that I read or reported by others.

All in all a fantastic game that I am very excited about. Major thumbs up to all in development and to the community for the support and patience to help shape this game into something epic!

See you in game!

I actually really like some of the things about the game you mentioned as cons.

The artwork of the world. I really really like it. Have you been to guild city? Freaking awesome. I really dig low poly and yeah additions like the grass are unexpectedly awesome. Low poly is my shit.

Nobody is ever happy with movement in VR it seems. I think the way it is done now is the best way to keep it balanced and it works really well. Some people apparently don’t realize you can still teleport with slide turned on?

The ranger arrows are very consistent, I love that there is a skill and usage curve where you can predict better over time. I would be pretty disappointed if this was made easier. Strongly strongly disagree here.

Hip would probably cause the same issue you were having grabbing musket shots with ranger arrows. Maybe the musket ammo should be lower instead of moving the compass?

My feedback,

english is not my main language, so try to understand me. :wink:

i’ve been using the trackpad movement, its a bit slower tan teleport, i made some comparisions to test it, its not much but you can feel it when your team is leaving you behind.
When going close to the wáter or some slopes its easy to get stuck and cant move, you have to use the warrior teleport to move a more plain location.
when trackpad enabled the zone transition squares should be always displayed or its easy to miss them and get stuck between zones

I find that players are somewhat underpowered alone, got killed many times when mobs spawned on my top
Warrior: fine, but i feel it a bit dull, not much to do besides tanking.
Musket: fine, really hard to aim at far mobs, and randomness is somewhat problematic.
Mage: too powerful when spells are chaincasted, but sometimes the rune drawing acts weird

the worst thing i can feel at the game right now, some times i cant hear people talking near me and some other times i hear them from half map away.
could be nice to have some directional audio, to locate who and where is talking.

quite nice and large, ive beeen exploring and its bigger than i expected, but as i wrote at movment, its easy to get stuck or trackpad stops working.

somethimes misión givers spawn dialog inside his body, and prevent to read.

Coins earned in missions get lost at logoff

PVP arena:
tried to join twice, got stuck in a floor less world, alone, and cannot logout nor suicide, needed to crash the game to exit.

thats all for now.

Forgot that:
The “Sword Art online” open menú move (drawing a line down with finger) , should be disabled when you have already the menú open, i keep moving the menú every time i try to delete ítems
movin ítems to trash or to equip on inventory or menú would be a lot easier if we could drag them with the trigger.

the loot disapers if not pickeup? i leaved some bags on the floor and some time later like 1h? were still there, dunno maybe where other peoples bags?

Played for another hour and half straight… the issues I found were the following:

Sword sometime failed to register hits… might be when it is out and combat ends and re-enters, I have to put it away and draw it out again and sometimes even that does not work.

After the hour and half I started to glitch out again… it happened mainly around the wraithes, but not sure if there is another cause behind it… once again here is the attached log just incase it helps…

It appears at the end when I logged out because of glitches there is a TOO MANY PACKETS issue.

Thanks for the update Richard! Glad to hear it was working better for you.

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Okay, so, played for 3 hours last night and another 4 today, mostly exploring the map and leveling the warrior class to level 7.

General Feedback:
-This game is a great deal of fun. The new assets and areas look really good
-The warrior changes felt like solid improvements. Block is especially useful, satisfying. Could maybe use more haptic feedback on blocks.
-Levelling speed felt good for the most part. 3x longer than this would probably be too slow unless the multiplier could go higher than 1.5 x.
-Compass Group Chat bubble size needs to be increased so i can comfortably hold it in front of my face while chatting with the group. Another 6 inches would be about right.

Game Bugs:
-Saw several enemies, especially in the first area that were stuck
-Some drops in the plains area off the 1 dog packs were showing squares instead of letters in the item name. Once put into inventory they were fine.
-Too easy to double click in inventory. Too hard to “hover”
-VOIP bugs yesterday where we would have to re-log to get mics back. didn’t notice similar issues today.
-When taking a mage portal about 1/2 the time the portal and all nearby enemies, players and sprites would disappear but I would not be teleported, just stuck on an empty map and have to log off/back on again.

Game Issues:
-Several sets of enemies in the second and third area seem to spawn over water.
-First area earth elementals heal too often and with too short of a cool down.
-Would be nice to have a way to pick up loot without putting away my sword.
-I need to be able to tell my own damage numbers on a mob from those of my allies.

Warrior Bugs:
-Shield cannot be damaged or debuffed in pvp by a ranger unless it’s in “summoned” mode, still blocks and nullifies all projectiles
-Standard mode shield prevents mage spells from impacting on target if they hit it first
-Hit boxes on most enemies seem too small.
-Maybe related to above. Sometimes what should have been a “good hit” wouldn’t register any damage.
-Teleporting to an enemy would often hit them for max damage if the sword happened to intersect them at the end of the teleport.

Warrior Issues:
-Playing while seated it is very hard to get damage numbers of 1/2 of potential swing damage or more. Easiest to swing up and down for this than side to side.
-It’s very difficult to get max damage swings when standing. At level 6-7 I found myself doing about 1/2 damage with comfortable swings (10-15 damage) and sometimes less (2-8 damage). My shoulder feels pretty uncomfortable right now and I’m worried that the type of swing that’s needed for good DPS could be damaging my shoulder.
-Even max DPS seems very low for soloing
-Mobs stop about 1 foot too far away to hit and I have to teleport forward for every fight. Probably best to slightly improve the sword range.
-Small mobs are too close to the ground to fight comfortably for tall people
-Would be nice if i had the option to re position the shield. Current grip feels wrong. Shield on a stick.
-Taunt throw is difficult to do consistently. Would like a “point and click” mode for it (gun-like mode or maybe targeted taunteport) .
-More feedback for when my swing is hitting my shield and not the enemy. Maybe a bit more grace on this. Took me 4 levels to even notice this was happening.

Thanks a ton for all the hard work on this. This game is a blast to play :smiley: Time disappears.

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We just did a soft reset to pull in some new code. In particular loot bags will now despawn after 30 minutes of not being looted, and Musketeer turrets should now properly despawn if the Musketeer that it belongs to dies. Thanks!

hulthines gate is bugged when crossing into the zone my party member disapeared then coming back across the bridge there were no entities anywere and relogging put me back at the entrance to the gate