A message to the devs

I love this game. I do. But, and I’m sorry to say this, it kind of sucks. I don’t plan on stopping playing, because I want to see it become something great, but, it’s just not a good mmo.

My first complaint is a common one, and one I doubt will change, but level scaling in the overworld is an absolutely terrible idea. In dungeons, it’s great, let’s everybody contribute some, but in the overworld, all it does is make it so someone who put their time into a class like Musketeer or Bard is at a severe disadvantage when alone. Because of level scaling, someone with a +6 weapon and +5 armour could die to enemies in Highsteppe if they’re playing the wrong class. Imagine being max level, and having the best gear possible on a class, and you still die to something you were fighting at level 3. It’s been said before, but I’m going to say it again: Level scaling gets rid of any sense of progression. Yes, you get more skilled, but skill doesn’t matter when cooldowns and fire rate make it so you can’t kill anything solo other than the weakest melee enemies.

My second issue is just… the world is empty. And I mean empty. There are no interesting secrets to find that aren’t for quests, there are only a few “Towns” outside of Highsteppe, and they only have like three NPCs each. The world isn’t even all that large, it shouldn’t be hard to populate, but you’ve had what, a year with Reborn, and still it’s empty. The world needs more variation between zones, more things to find and interact with in those zones, more NPCs, and more places that encourage players to meet up. For that last one, I’ve seen people say “There isn’t a large enough player count for other towns to be populated by players” but at the time of writing this, it’s 4 AM EST, and there’s almost 50 people on. The last few days when I’ve checked at 10ish, there’s been well over 100. Sure, there may never be another player hub that’ll be as populated as Highsteppe, but that’s because in the game’s current state, Highsteppe is the only place you need to go. With the exception of two dungeons, you could do almost everything in the game, other than the grinding pot, without leaving Highsteppe. You could max rep with all the mission givers, level to 30 on every class, and get +5 gear without leaving the starting area. Does that sound like good game design?

My biggest issue with the game though, and this is even worse as a Quest player, is the bugs. Desyncs, crashes, barriers not loading, projectiles hitting me when I see them missing, hits on enemies not registering. I could go on and on, and these bugs aren’t rare occurrences. These are common issues that have been known about since Reborn started. I’m sure some of them were even in Oldbus. This game is buggier than a Bethesda game, with much less going on to bug out. The fact that it’s taken so long for devs to even acknowledge some very old bugs says something.

I find games tend to be better when you can tell the devs really care about the project, but Orbus feels like a dream that was abandoned, and put on life support. The only time devs interact with the community is for scheduled events, and to shut down forum threads. They release an event once every season to make it seem like the game is still being worked on, but then the new content is always short, and lackluster. There’s never any unique gameplay quirks, and even the DLC coming up just looks sloppy. Seriously, my first thought upon seeing the cosmetic reveal was “Oh, guess I’ll never wear the DLC outfits.” They look like something made by somebody first learning 3d modeling, not a dev team two years after they started giving the game to the public. It’s amazing how disappointed I am about the DLC after being hyped about it for so long.

It’s very rare that new content is put in this game, and it almost never introduces anything truly new. Oldbus things making into the game, but bugs stay, they add more to the Main Story (By the way, who releases a game without finishing the main story?) and end up creating a major resource shortage that would mimic the tulip mania from the 1600s, and crash the economy… if the game had one.

Money means almost nothing in Orbus. Sure, you can get a few upgrades to storage, but after that, Dram is useless. A few one time payments in your first couple of months and then what? You can’t buy any new rooms to your house, or a new house, and you can’t buy a faster mount, they’re all the same speed. You can’t use Dram to get better gear, because you can’t buy gear. You can’t use it to buy resources for crafting, unless somebody happens to be selling that resource at that exact moment. The game gives you inconsequential amounts of money that means nothing. Where’s the trading with NPCs? Where’s the money management? It feels like Dram was an afterthought, shoved into the game at the last minute so people wouldn’t wonder why there was no money in the MMO they payed 40(or 20, now) dollars for.

I really want to have this game deserve some love, but in it’s current state, it just doesn’t. The only fun comes from the community, and even then, Fellowships are petty towards one another, players solo all the quests, and people horde resources they’ll never use. I just don’t get it.


Idk how you would get max rep without leaving highsteppe for fishing, crit capture, dragon racing, harvesting, public events and mob killing. Almost all rep vendors -__- (unless you do it by doing the dailies with only 10 rep points for one daily. Making it take alot longer than normal to get rep 8.


A lot of old players are waiting for Orbus Resurrected to come out.

I said could, not should. It’d take forever, but it’s possible

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I find it a bit flawed if your point was that in theory you don’t have to leave Highsteppe, but not acknowledge that it is actually way more beneficial to leave Highsteppe (for rep).

Other than that most of the post is okay.


A part of your post reminded me about having multiple houses in old Orbus, I really miss that, I could go home from many different places in game, making it feel like venturing out is an adventure, but you’re always close to home at the same time.
+1 on the level scaling, when It came out, I thought it was for dungeons only so that players could come and get ‘trained’ by us older players, but it went everywhere and took away the sense of progression/reward. Because of it, it’s also not worth training the new players anymore and helping them level up, leaving them all alone and it shows when you do dungeons with them, a lot of them just aren’t ready. Then you throw in the bugs and it can be a frustrating experience.

When everything works, I find it to be a fun game otherwise.

Guild Wars 2, No Mans Sky, Warframe, Lord of the Rings Online. Honestly most mmo’s I know of don’t end main story lines they just add to them over time. They might have plot points that get resolved but then there is something added down the line.


If you’re dying to mobs in highsteppe at any class above level 10 you’re just bad at the class(really bad if you manage to die with full +5 gear at level 30).
Everyone keeps complaining about the level scaling, but honestly I don’t see much of a problem with the current scaling, it’s not 1:1, scaled mobs can be up to 6 level below you and 4 levels above you(I think that’s how it works anyway) and Agro range is also reduced massively for lover level mobs so they won’t be pulled by accident when running through a low level area.
If you didn’t know it was scaled I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t even notice.

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If this is happening, you are doing something horribly, HORRIBLY, wrong. Here’s a video of me with a beginner wand, left handed, no armor, and purposely casting slow.

I still kill it with room to spare. You are so far removed from the truth that I’m just going to dismiss everything else you say as hyperbole.


You clearly have not played these classes. Bard especially is INCREDIBLY easy to play alone. Seen here by me taking on five or so enemies at once, as a Bard, with NO issue whatsoever.

Or here when I solo the Lich King as a Bard.


I agree with several things you said but you are very far off with how intense level scaling is

I feel like everyone in this thread is missing the forest for the trees in OP’s post.


Have to agree, a vast amount of information he posted strongly resonates with my opinion of the game. OP hits on many major flaws. However it gets a bit boring and a waste of time to be a broken record with the various glaring issues. Just deleted like a small essay on the various problems lol.

Any problem on Orbus can almost be summarized as bones with no meat, and lack of visceral gameplay (like a good melee combat system, or fun guns, or enemies with strengths&weaknesses etc). Shaman may be the best example of this, throw totems onto 1 spot and spam grip key. I agree with most things OP wrote but yes you shouldn’t be dying. Wind bolts/death-explosion/smash will kill someone not paying attention though. Level scaling is dumb. As for kill speed they are clearly a loser, but that may be somewhat understandable. The crime is that they are not fun or interesting at all, the xylophone also looks terrible and is a bad choice overall. Bard should have never been created. Musky gameplay is literally about waiting for long cooldowns and aoeing mass mobs to be effective, shaman(spamming short cooldowns) /scoundrel(managing cooldowns), and pally also very super slow waiting for charges to do any real dps. No -natural- enemy weak spots(not ranger stuff), slow walking, low base damage without abilities, combo reliant, etc… Pally/Shaman/Scoundrel were huge letdowns, not that warrior was better (ranger is borderline o-kay because shooting a bow is fun but it’s missing a lot). VR Physics combat have a clear advantage but mobs in this game for example don’t even attempt to block warrior swings (or at least certain mobs). Fighting is statically spamming wound to match a learned, unnatural hitbox, maybe a provoke here and there, while doing low base damage. I’ll stop before I mega-rant again lol. Everything but runemage has been done 1000x better somewhere else. Except for bard, because nobody has done bard but that’s probably for a good reason. I have difficulty even thinking of what a good VR bard might look like without full finger and hand tracking, unless the instrument was a tool and their main weapon was actual weapons like swords. Plus, a xylophone? ugh.

I have a lot of respect for Orbus and the challenges it’s been through, but even with it’s built-in weaknesses much of the gameplay could be salvaged, but it’s not been despite many suggestion threads on ways to exactly do that. Quality over quantity always. In some ways they’ve been producing quantity that could be smooshed into quality instead but separate two ideas that should be connected, and it’s weird and painful to see. Some of the most basic examples: Alchemy overleveling bonuses and alchemy. Less dye loot, more dye crafting. Tinkering and house system to build alchemy table, etc… or use dram to buy a tradeable alchemy table from players. Scoundrel and musketeer. Shaman and Paladin. Warrior and ranger. Axe-throwing berserker and warrior + the bard’s stick throwing capability (rather than hitting red dots…). The dev’s seem afraid or uninterested in just totally changing some of the poorer underlying aspects of the game because they are so core to the game. As new ideas are implemented, they are not often tied in with the older content. Look at how drastically WoW, for example, changed it’s combat and classes? Talent systems completely reworked. With some community communication, they could easily afford to make large changes to the core of the game with support. If they do it at the drop of the hat then some rage may be expected since the game is released, technically.

Here’s what I see when I watch bard gameplay. Heavy music accentuates the lameness. Not taking a jab at you Meeshka lol just available footage.

Also to OP, if it’s not clear, there are only two major reasons the population has recently shot up, and three minor reasons. Firstly, coronavirus. Secondly, price-point lowered. The three minor factors are half-life alyx drawing a wave of attention to VR, the spring event, and the upcoming mini dlc (calling it what it is). We’ll also be entering summer soon, so more (mostly) kids can be expected to be seen. Orbus could have not asked for anything better than a highly infectious global pandemic right now lol, and it’s cheap enough to say “what the heck” to and play for awhile until interest is lost. It will be interesting to see how long this will hold which will vary on the amount of incoming players over time. It could be awhile, but hard to say without thinking a lot about it. This would be a potentially valuable time to capitalize on the number of players and instill faith and hope in them, though I am sure many are looking forward to additional new releases by competitors.

I mini-ranted :slight_smile: but this is tiny to what I wrote from the beginning lol.


I wasn’t going to post here because I feel like it’s all been said before from all points of view but here I am anyway, because even though I don’t play the game even close to the amount I used to, I still want to see it do well.

I’m not going to start listing the things “wrong” with reborn because by now I think we all know how people feel about most things on the subject and it’s all been covered over and over again from all angles.

I will keep posting suggestions which I think will improve the game and I will continue to report every problem that I run into while I play, as I feel everyone should, I think the community this game has is one of the best I’ve been apart of, and sadly since Riley stopped showing up on forums I feel like the Dev interaction on the forums has become a lot worse and I hope that it changes.

That being said, it’s good to see the progress on the bug fixes and the effort going into it, yes there are a lot of bugs and issues, but now there is a report tool which we never had and they are now tracking errors on the server which they never did before which is leading to fixes that we wouldn’t have gotten if they didn’t put that effort in, so for that, I’m thankful

What I’m most interested in right now is what the Dev’s future plans are for after the release of the DLC, will the focus still be on pushing more new content or will they be willing to re-look at some of the current stuff in the game and add more depth to it? Fix classes?

Honestly it would be nice if we could get some sort of AMA from the Dev team, cause I know I could sit here all night and ask questions and I doubt I’m the only one, I think Riley did it for us once on the forums and once in game leading up to reborn, so how about it @Mathieu_D could you make something like that happen?

Also there was a survey quite some time ago, I’ve always wondered what the results of that looked like, I doubt we’ll ever see them, but with the DLC on it’s way Q2 2020 (which is basically any time now) will there be another survey coming too?

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Sorry, I must at least say something here. I am from OG Orbus and I played for more thank 2000 hours. I am a shaman and it is honestly an amazing class once you see it from the proper angles. I hit 60-70k dps and I must treat the class differently so that I do not die. It is a really different fight and not just spamming the grip button. Bard has amazing heals and if you know how to play it properly, you can outheal the musketeer. Again, it is played differently and it is my second favorite class. The Paladin, FINALLY a class that is fun to play and almost anyone can learn and use as a tank. I am by no means a good tank, but I am way better at it when compared to warrior. Plus it’s a lot more fun! What I like most about these classes is that it brought alot of fun back into the game and allowed one like me to learn about the game mechanics as there is a lot going on and it takes time to differentiate between everything (especially when it’s your first mmo). As a result, becoming a much better player is the side effect. Thank you Orbus for these classes and I wouldn’t want them to go away any time soon!

Shaman is literally just spamming the grip button. I don’t know what you have to treat differently about the class besides the fact that you have to stand close to the mob you’re fighting. 60-70k dps is way more than shamans deserve imo.

If that’s all you do then I can see how you can hate it.

What else it there to do? Responses like that will never get your point across.

I also am from preborn and have numerous hours, so it doesn’t really matter. My opinion about shaman and especially paladin remains completely unchanged. I’m glad you enjoy them but they are too low quality for me to enjoy. I mean that in the most sincere voice that is possible to express in words online. It’s not hate-speech against Orbus, I think the quality of the classes are extremely poor. My comments on DPS referred to bard solo play, primarily. It’s well known shamans can pull tons of damage while doing very little.


I don’t do very little, you played with very lazy shamans apparently!