Addressing shaman bugs

@Jake_E I sended some tests that might help. (all just after starting the game)

How do I do that on a Quest?

Sadly, you can’t on a quest.

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Where is location log on vive?

Output log and Combat log can be found in %userprofile%\appdata\LocalLow\Orbus Online, LLC\OrbusVR

On a Quest?

There’s no way to get the out put log on a quest currently unfortunately.

Just as a heads up we have been testing both on dev and live servers with many of us, the problem is really to find the circumstances that cause it to happen because to us this seems to be one of the most random-seeming bugs we’ve ever had. We’ll find it out though!

So now you understand how we felt when you told us to find a reliable way to reproduce it.

Welcome to the suck.

Ran dungeon today and was forced to switch class because shaman could literally do nothing for most fights. My most useful contribution was dying to block shots -_-. Also noticed people in PUG raid rejecting shamans for group because of class instability…woooo

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Which dungeon? Most dungeons I did with Shaman was the opposite result. I became stronger then the group. It all depends though if the group helps you keep the mobs together and the boss stationary. And of-course be very alert of not dying by aggro or bolts. Because Shaman is aggro king xD

(When totems were still brraking though that made it a lot more difficult)

I did some raids yesterday and went Shaman for a bit. I was basically breaking my orbs and totems almost every throw. Very frustrating and proven once again that a lot of ppl breaks it easier.

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Lich, when it worked I was a beast but everything breaking and not spawning made it hard to participate in fights.

Took a lot longer to break but I also did a test with a sinle fire totem until it broke and sended log @kyle_l

Just FYI in the patch this morning there will be another experimental solution for the totems not respawning issue. Let us know if that helped or you’re still experiencing the issue. (Make sure you’re on the new patch coming out shortly.)

This was not mentioned in the patch notes on accident, or?

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Sorry, it was just something that we forgot to mention in the patch notes. I can mention it in the other thread as well.

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Sadly Shaman still breaking :confused: (i made sure i am on the new patch)

can you be more specific i think this attempt would only have fixed the totem spawning bug not the orb spawning bug.

Aah didn’t know that. Ya only the orbs not spawning bug I can create reliable. So I need to test for over 1 hour to break the tomems once before. a minute for the orbs. So no clue if it is fixed. But the orbs not spawning bug is still there for sure.

Aaah I see what you did there to try and fix it. It is actually causing another problem now. You forcefully respawning the totems back on the belt every X seconds. Sadly if you throw your totem down on the wron moment or if you throw your totem where it takes like 3 seconds before it lands it will teleport back on your belt before it hit the ground. That is not good…