Alpha Test 5 Feedback Thread

Had what seemed to be a partial disconnect, could still talk to other players and move around, but couldn’t damage monsters, or change my equipment, ended up equipping the bow & Musket at the same time, though only the bow & arrow rendered. Lots of ‘Too Many Packets’ messages in the end of the output_log.txt file. Relogging appears to have fixed the issue for now.

I lied to you in discord :stuck_out_tongue: I forgot about a dungeon bug. The elite lizard’s model stays around when they are polymorphed and it looks like they are riding a little chicken haha

Edit: all lizard mobs*

Haha, okay, thanks for the heads up.

Well, I’m going to go and get some shut-eye, but things have been stable for the last couple of hours so I think we should be good through the night. Hope you are all having fun!

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Morning everyone!

Just did a quick server restart to clear things out from last night and start the day off fresh.

Hi !

Had a crash today (but maybe it was when you did restart the server)

  • disconnected from the game (not a crash, just back to character selection)
  • I did select my character, login
  • And after I was in a strange beautiful place, there was nothing, lvl 0
    (screenshot below)
  • I restarted the game and hadn’t the problem after

I have other visual bug, sometime I can’t see the “blue square” that we use for cross bridge / stair

Sometimes I see some part of it, sometimes nothing, sometimes normal.
(I can take screen of that if you need)

portal :
There is one rune that I have really hard time to draw, it’s the final rune of the portal for the Tavern.
Success rate for that rune : 2 on 50 try
(Maybe i’m just bad)

I’ll try to craft some potion later :slight_smile: , i’m taking a break for the moment

So is there going to be more then the initial 9 square kilometers of area to explore and more than 9 zones? I see that at the bottom of the world a lot of new (unreachable) terrain was added.

Hey Riley!

Had a ton of fun playing today! A few things to report:

Whatever you did with the network seems to work amazingly for fixing the issues I had last test. I was on the same internet with the same set up but experienced ZERO of the latency issues that I was experiencing last time, nice work!

I had an issue with an equipped item that I recently picked up disappearing. I wish I could be more specific - but this is what I can say. We were fighting wolves - I picked up the ranger gloves - equipped them and admired them showing up on my actual character - shortly thereafter went through someone else’s portal to the starting village - then went to my house - then crafted a lure - and then noticed that the gloves were gone…no longer equipped and no longer in my inventory. Not sure if that information will be of any use since it was so vague but figured I’d share.

Another thing Cinyman and I noticed is that when you are trading and hover over items the person you are trading with presented - it just shows the loading screen and never actually displays the item’s information. I hovered over items in my inventory and the information loaded correctly. It just did not load up in the trade window. Not sure if anyone else has seen that.

Alright, have to go tend to my wife! Contractions are 6 minutes apart (but only 30 seconds long) for our first child!

Thanks again for all that you are doing!

Used a potion to try to get a better look at the dungeon Easter Egg. See if you can find it next time y’all are in there. :slight_smile:

Couple of bugs still around I thought I’d mention just in case.

The magic circles around the elongata rocks don’t appear for me.

If you join pvp in a party, you can’t Damage one another. @Damage_Da_Mage should feel special because my phone autocapitalized the word haha

It seems as though if the stalactite boss changes aggro focus while he is kneeling he will get up and walk over to the new person. He is still able to be damaged and doesn’t attack during this time.

Some of the fishing text still shows as scrambled when it appears.

If you get teleported to arena while your lure was out, the lure will be stuck floating in the air and won’t allow you to fish without relog. (I’ve also experienced something similar with my bow drawn)

P.S. god bless you for the cheat sheet on the wall for alchemy

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Yeah that was from the server restart, you get that void if you try to login from the Character Select screen when the server isn’t back up yet.

Okay, thanks for the heads up![quote=“Scott_M, post:46, topic:1667”]
So is there going to be more then the initial 9 square kilometers of area to explore and more than 9 zones?

We are adding a couple of additional zones beyond what we originally planned, but they are mostly Wilds which means they are just sort of monster-infested wilderness. The rest is really just for background scenery and future expansion right now.

That said, the “9 zones” statement is only the “outdoor areas.” If you include the dungeons (which are themselves almost the size of a zone if not larger in some cases) there will be more like 20 “zones” to explore at launch.[quote=“Zurtagh, post:47, topic:1667”]
Whatever you did with the network seems to work amazingly for fixing the issues I had last test.

Yay! Glad to hear it! Woohoo![quote=“Zurtagh, post:47, topic:1667”]
Not sure if that information will be of any use since it was so vague but figured I’d share.

Okay thanks for the heads up. How quickly after equipping it do you think you went through the portal? Less than 5 minutes?

Always good to have reminders haha. But most of those are already on my list to fix at some point…

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fighting world boss with everyone. I died in middle of fight. when johann got back he rezed me during the fight. My screen shuddered hardcore till i died then it was ok. when i got rezed again i had the same problem. after a minute of trying to get the to graveyard it went then game crashed on me. when i went to the output folder nothing was in there

also now that im back in it appeared the server had a reboot or crash. while we were chatting

Yeah I saw the zone crash. Seems to have auto-recovered, I made a note to fix that bug.

Too bad no output log on that, usually when it judders like crazy like that it’s because it’s like spewing a ton of errors to the output log haha.

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So…we just had a hard server crash there, haha. Are you all still fighting the world boss?

(Apparently it had nothing to do with the boss fight, nevermind, haha.)

No actually we had just finished a crazy attempt and all had JUST revived at the graveyard talking and bloop

I’m going to leave the server up for about 15 more minutes, then the test will be over. Get in your last-minute potion brewing now!

Okay, that’s a wrap for this test. Hope everyone had a good time. As usual, I’ll write up a blog on Monday with a recap and plans for the next test.

Good night!

I had some strange locomotion issues this patch. Like I was fishing at the lake outside highstep and got stuck near the edge. It then would present me either no squares to teleport to or just one that repeated over and over. Graveyard didn’t fix it but restarting my client did. It happened a total of about 3 times this test in different places.
I do have a weird bug when I pull out my weapon sometimes I’ll start to drift a direction.

Only one client crash this test. It just gave the error sound and completely closed.

Had a blast in arena this week. We would love to see a 2 player teams, 10 player total arena with the huge map but make it PU style where the giant zone is slowly shrinking, forcing us to run into each other. Or even just a mix of parts of the zone.

First dungeon had no bugs.
Jungle Dungeon went smoothly other than the fist boss walls not dropping after completion and the final bosses eggs have no health bars. Loot dropped from third boss like a charm.

Loot felt really good this test. I’m getting crafting material enough to keep me wanting to kill things. I crafted some lures, I fished, mined some ore and I collected a small ton of herbs.

I bought a speed potion off of Cinyman with the 5 coins I had in my inventory. Once we traded I got the potion and lost my coins. Cinyman gained my coins for a split second and then he went back down to his previous amount of coins.

I had the intentions to age the speed potion but potion rack was not implemented yet. Really looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

I experienced this one as well.

@SourDeez @Valikron are you guys using locomotion while pulling out your weapon? If so that is why. The locomotion is based off of where your controller is pointing and that location locks in when you put a weapon in that hand.