Alpha Test 7 Feedback Thread

Yes, the doors where you jump to a new spot. I teleport to where they are supposed to be and it just doesn’t do anything.

Right so if you “point” your teleport line at them, the line should turn straight. You don’t have to actually "collide’ with them (you can do that but you don’t have to).

If that’s not working can you get a screenshot of what’s going on?

I can also manually teleport your character back to the Training Area zone if you want me to.

It worked eventually. I will mess with it more to see if there is actually a problem or if I’m just doing it wrong, somehow.

Just randomly froze when i put my headset back on after stopping to check the wiki, the entire world would move with my head so I restarted it, but my character’s hair was changed to white, don’t really know what caused it unfortunately, and not seeing anything in the logs. Also level displays as 0 in the selection screen, but not in game, not sure if that was always like that or something else caused by this freeze.

My dungeon group was waiting for someone to join us so we decided to que for pvp. While it didn’t show us as in a group in the arena we weren’t able to damage one another.

Lol. Alot of of clones on the zone transition to Narrow Orchard.

Is that all the people having the infinite loading bug?! If you see yourself on there and you’re an infinite loading bug person please let me know haha.

Last test, I also saw that bug happening. I just didn’t report it then because I was so intimidated by everyone else’a walls of feedback

I guess I’m wondering if those are people who stalled out, or if the zone just isn’t doing a good job cleaning up people after they transition normally…

I am in that picture but the clone bug has been going on for the past two tests. They sit on the edge of the zone and if you go through them they will disappear as you load into a shard of the zone.

So you didn’t crash right there, it just happened as you normally transitioned? Okay.

No crash. Yes Sir. Riley 20 characters

Yeah I see myself there too when I walk through it and back. I can keep cloning myself there by walking back and forth haha. Cool to see so many “people” and “pets” together :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I find that the infinate loading screen from the crash sometimes pops-up for a few seconds on about the same locations as where I crash and then goes away and I can continue playing. That can be linked maybe.

Just did a quick soft reset on the starter zone to clear out some of those clogged up old avatars.

I am looking for a couple of brave souls who have been having the “Infinite Loading Screen” bug to try a new build of the game where I reverted it back to a previous Unity version. A lot of stuff is probably weird (like for example some shaders might be messed up), but if you’d be willing to run the build for an hour or so and just see if you still have teh same loading screen problem that would be super helpful to me. PM me if you’re willing!

The bridge from Corner Path to the first dungeon is really broken while walking… You can only move one feet every 2 seconds. Tried it with teleport and trackpad. Walking over the bridge the other way has no problems.

we are aware of the problem I was trying out a diffrent bridge with no teleports and slanting it and forgot to change it back to original before build. There is nothing that has to be completed on the corner path unless you are using the teleport pillars to get around.

What a beautiful tree guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Im assuming thats in Lucian Wilds?

Looks highly realistic to me.

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