Alpha Test Feedback Thread 5/5/17

I think it is a connection issue (on my end probably?) Sometimes it all works smooth. Sometimes the sword doesn’t register. The last 30ish min has been stable for the shield. It works as intended. The sword will often go from perfect detection to not doing any damage. Yes the shield is out of the way.

Sure, even if the shield is in the way you would still be getting the ‘blocked’ sound effect and visual effect so you would know it’s working.

Okay well I’m planning to make some changes to the way the Warrior works before the next test, I’ll see if I can track down the issue.

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The only thing I always use is the menu button. So…

No problem. I’m also not saying that there’s an issue with the spells I’m under 25% on. Those are the spells I’ve practiced the least. The only one I’d like to use and just can’t seem to figure out is affliction.

In addition to that the teleport runes seem all kinds of crazy. There are a couple different teleport locations that are more reliably cast with completely different runes. The party I was with (@Luvstosmooch @Zardulu And @Logan) have all been practicing the teleport areas we found and can all confirm the increased success with completely unrelated runes.

If you want to discuss the particular runes we can. I just don’t want to post them here to prevent spoiling anything.

I can get pretty much all the spells 50-75% of the time, give or take. My major problem seems to be with teleporting. I’m still having the same issue as last test. When I try to port to sideways hourglass I go to H. When I try to port to H I go to sideways hourglass. highsteppe always works.

Yeah I’m thinking maybe we got the destinations on those turned around.

I probably just need to re-do those runes and make sure they’re inputted correctly.

That’s actually one of my better ones, surprisingly. I think the key is making sure your “diamond” on top is the same size as the “gap” that the two legs at the bottom make.


80% +
Mana Shield
Pushback (just recently)

50% +
Ice lance

25% -
Arcane ray
Arcane explosion

I agree with Damage that every single spell was a complete struggle at the beginning. Your change to the strictness only really had a difference on my 50%+ spells. I feel like I was casting the others at the top really well right before the change as well. I’ve only managed to get arcane explosion to work once and ray a handful, but I haven’t spent near as much time figuring them out. I am doing the runes very differently from when I was first starting I believe. I also love the high skill ceiling but maybe because it is benefiting me :confused: ton of fun whipping around spells


I found it awesome that runecasting is so difficult. I’m atrocious, but love that my friends are great at it. I’m not upset that I can’t do it, I’m just not coordinated enough haha.

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ok I seem to have a bit of a problem. I just tried to log back in and it puts me in game but there are no people no creature no quest giver not even a target dummy. I relogged and same thing.
I left myself ingame if you want to try to locate me.
my spells seem to blow up in front of me instead of traveling

What happens when you do the Back to Graveyard thing?

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That fixed it. Thanks. Now I feel stupid for not trying that lol.
Back to gaming :slight_smile:

Did it take you to like a different zone?

I’m so jealous that you all are playing and I’m still stuck at work. I snuck home for about 30 minutes at lunch. I just wanted to say that the idea of having higher accuracy do more damage is kind of appealing.

Had you considered having higher accuracy casts increase the crit chance? Off the top of my head that seems neat.

In terms of seated person feedback, the place you’ve put the harvester is so great! I don’t know how that translates for standing folks but when seated it was super easy to reach.

So excited to play!

That seems like it might be a good compromise.

I’m not going to make any further changes to it during this test other than what I’ve already done because I don’t want to risk making it worse without having time to test it. But before the next test I will re-consider it and see if I want to make some larger changes. Off the top of my head tying some part of the damage or crit to accuracy seems wise, and then the other thing is I think identifying say 3-4 “core toolkit” spells like Lvl 1 Fireball, Frostbolt, Mana Shield, and Polymorph, and just making sure that those have a lot of leeway even above and beyond the others that way even if you’re just starting off hopefully you can at least get 3 or 4 spells to cast consistently seems good. Then we can let the rest of the spells and the higher-level ones be the ones you have to be really good to use.

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Okay well I’m going to be AFK for the next couple of hours grabbing some dinner and taking a break. Generally speaking things have been going incredibly well, we’ve had no major crashes, the server is handling everything quite nicely, and there’s been no bugs I’m aware of that have been causing people to not be able to play the game, which is all an improvement over last test.

I’ll be back around later to answer specific questions and of course if the server goes down completely I should be notified. Hope you’re all having fun!

Definitely wasn’t expecting any changes today.

Just sitting here trying to focus on work and failing :slight_smile:

Haha, I know, that was really more of a “general announcement” just so everyone knows :slight_smile:

Hope you have lots of fun time to play after work!

Would also help us to figure out the optimal shapes. Right now it’s just guess and check.

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Ooops, I think I was meant to post here instead of make a new one.

There is a glitch in one of the farm houses near the start. There is a mob inside the house, and the enemy can attack you through the wall, even though you cannot see it

Well, as it stands now, It is good for me. I was in game and after another 30-60 min of fireball practice I can get it off 50% or more now. Im back to having fun. Food break, then “late night at the office” for me