Beta 3 Dungeon Feedback: Lich's Crypt

Okay I’m going to drag the hitbox thread to here and do both in one

Here is the steam from when we were testing the 1st version of aRkker’s damage meter, we run the dungeon 3 times, but rather than you spending an hour watching through it, I’ve rewatched it and made notes, with the times so you can go through and check out the various issues

0:01:55 - Tear Minion disappears ~80% Health
0:07:17 - Little mob resets (health bar disappears but keeps attacking the dead body of the shaman (Squall) and then full resets at 00:07:39 when we kill the mob still in combat, then re-agros on to the bard (Very dark on ultra, I change to low a little after)
0:09:36 - Invisible wall or something, mobs won’t argo until we go around the other side of the pillars
0:09:50 - Same thing again but this time mob disappears with around 25% Health left
0:10:27 - Tear Caster Disappears (reappears later though!)
0:11:39 - Something seems to chaos bolt me, no idea where from and it wasn’t visible ???
0:24:14 - Dyes not showing on gear until weapon switched out and back in
0:25:00 - Headshots going through the head and not counting (some were misses, some were not)
0:26:30 - Tear Minion Disappears again, same as last run at around 80% health
0:27:15 - The second little dude jumps to dodge, goes the wrong direction, off the edge and resets
0:30:42 - Leash range on mobs seems a lot shorter in reborn, here is a perfect example
0:35:33 - stood close to the pillar and shots are just going through the target, clearly not clipping the pillar
0:35:40 - Squall’s hitbox clearly too big, arrows go right past him but still get blocked by him even though not near his character model
0:36:35 - This pack, you have to run into that room before pulling otherwise they keep resetting
0:38:50 - Paladin’s can jump the gap to the last boss (super handy cause the barrier is broken…)
0:44:15 - arrows going through the mob, some hitbox issue?
0:45:00 - Tear Minon disappears again (3rd time in a row now)
0:45:30 - 2 people die from smash (lol) the little minion dude keeps attacking the dead body again (can probably see better at 00:45:42)
0:52:58 - Pack had a mob stuck in the wall and it kept resetting the whole group
0:55:14 - 1st caster died with link shield being cast which caused the other one to stop taking damage (had to watch this a few times to work it out)

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