Closed Beta 3 Feedback Thread

the air ship from highsteepe to guild city doesn’t dock properly at guild city

as nfy said:

One thing that was annoying for me is when I go to gather something I open my menu almost every time unless I’m careful. I know this is because I swing the pickaxe higher than the herb is but it’s just the natural motion of swinging one.

I’ve had to change the setting but I would much rather use a gesture than the menu button. I was also getting the menu button puting my journal away or puting loot away.

Is it possible to get a in menu clock? I know its easy to lift headset and check but that takes you out :frowning:

Is it possible to also add a tool tip to the loot that you are picking up so that you can see the stats before going into your bag. That way you could see if the armor is even worth looking at or even picking up.

thanks guys. amazing game thus far :slight_smile:

Yeah so when you had me log off to return me my wand, you only put a shard in my bag. I still need my wand. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to focus on power leveling. :sweat_smile:

The musketeer is having a weird bug where some orbs won’t show up. Even if you pop your ultimate. I have to put my gun away and pull it back out to see all the orbs again. This makes healing very stressful. Was happening to different orbs randomly and a few times to all the orbs.

Also for some reason my helm of the desert has vanished from my inventory even though I had it equipped. This happened to shiki, Logan, and I.

Seems like over 90% of the confrontations I get in leave me stuck in combat.

I would like to request a toggle to change the sprint from the grab buttons to the up press of the track pad. Currently ,while I’m trying to slide towards my tank in combat, I’ll go to load a healing orb into my gun which uses the grip buttons which forces me to sprint at the same time. Or I would like a toggle to use sprint as the default movement.

If you are using steamvr you can press the steamvr menu button and a clock will be at the bottom of your menu.

On vive controllers this is the power button.

Another feedback:

  • You can use your teleport device in the wilds
  • i already reported the disappeard helmet but now i’m 100% sure that’s a bug because it happened to my party too and i also lost another one.
  • I got disconnected in combat (in the wilds) and when i relogged there wasn’t my loot, this is the second time i lost it
  • Like beta 2, the bow and arrow’s position get glitched if you die with the arrow in the bow and must relog
  • When the weight is 45/45 you don’t lose speed but you still get the over encumbered message
  • I’d like and option to set the sprint by default without press the grip
  • In this session i got a few disconnects, no client crash.

Thanks @Sour. I’m on rift but they have a button too. Totally forgot there’s a clock there. :slight_smile:

I know that when you are now grouped, monsters will occasionally “call for help” from a nearby enemy pack.

This has been causing some issues making quite easy packs of enemies suddenly spike in difficulty by pulling 3 or more different nearby groups in a dense area, one after another with no break in between.

It’s hard to say if that is “Too Difficult”, but it is more than a 3 man pug can handle.

I do like the mechanic though. It just feels bad to have to disengage after a mob or two because you suddenly are overrun.

I think there is a trick to dealing with these groups, and I’ll report my findings after I experiment more.

To be clear, I do enjoy the challenge. It may, however, need to be tweaked slightly to account for smaller parties.

I found the guy who teaches you how to fish. He said he was going to give me some lures but gave me Runesmith sight potions instead. lol

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I am having issues where the locomotion sticks the one where it keep moving even when i’m not pushing the thumbstick but also sometimes it won’t turn. I love that I can now move while in combat slowly for balancing reason I guess but it’s WAY better than teleporting

So this is currently by design, we haven’t figured out a good solution yet here. I’ll see what I can do about that sometime this week.

Okay, thanks for letting us know. Do you think like all enemies in general feel too easy or is it just those particular mob types? Would you mind recording a video of you fighting them so I can see what you’re doing? Just curious if it’s something I hadn’t thought of or what’s going on.

The plan there (although it’s not in yet) is to boost the amount of XP that you gain when leveling a class that’s lower-level than your highest class to make up for the fact that you can’t repeat the main story quests.

How often is that happening? Like every 15 minutes, once an hour, etc?

The menu should only trigger via gesture if you are pointing your finger…are you pointing your finger while swinging it? I guess if you’re using Rift maybe what’s happening is you’re holding down the Grip button and then your index finger is off the trigger causing it to think you are trying to point?

Good idea, I will make a note to add this.

Was it happening all the time or maybe just like when you went between zones or something?

Do you think it’s happening because you were in the Wilds zone and it dropped it when it shouldn’t have when you died? Or…?

Okay, so I think what’s happening there is, you may be the only one in the zone? And so you get DC’ed and then the zone shuts down because no one is in it, and so when you come back the loot is gone?

So if you press the Grip button while sliding it turns on an “Autorun” feature where you will keep sliding without needing to hold down the thumbstick/trackpad. However if you then press the thumbstick/trackpad again and release it it should disengage. Is that what’s happening or is it something else?

Also just making sure you know, while in combat when you are sliding you can press the Grip button to Sprint currently.

I just tried with finger off trigger (got menu) finger on trigger (no menu) and trigger pressed (got menu). Tried same thing while holding sword and can not spawn menu with any sort of button combination which is probably why I thought the pickaxe wasn’t supposed to spawn the menu.

Hello Dev Team so i played Orbus for the first time yesterday and id like to give you guys a report on what i found as a fresh noob to the game.
First of all let me say this is a fun game and I’ve enjoyed it so far. So first thing i noticed is that there is no way way to turn other than physically doing so and i think it would be nice to have a way to turn your body without doing so in real life. i think i might have missed the message telling me how to store loot in my inventory but in case there wasn’t one it took me a while to figure out how to add my loot to my bag. now i saw the option to swipe down with your finger to open the menu and i loved that, kinda made me feel like i was in SAO and got so exited over the future of VR. i also like how the system for making potions is great job on that! but i also want to add that it kinda felt like some of the items on the table was i bit far from the cauldron to where i had to port to reach it, so just an idea maybe implement a crescent (u) shaped table so that the ingredients can be reached without having to over reach or trying to port with items in hand and the same for the lure station. i found myself talking to the venders and item repair NPC and the guy who sends you to the sunflower fields, and others several time thinking they had a quest for me because the quest mark over there heads but they didn’t have a quest, i dont know if there a quest later on or if its just to mark that they are a NPC that you can interact with but if that the case maybe you can change the marks to identify what they are a bit better. i also haven’t figured out how to sell my items yet ive been braking them down so that i bags do get to cluttered i dont know if it was a bug because several times i could not move my items weather to equip it, move it to a chest, or even to organize it within my bags, there is also a few items that show up as a ? mark in my bags like the material you get when breaking how items and i think the lure sent item you get from the fishing quest also shows up as a ? mark dont know if you knew about it or not so just bringing it up in case you didnt. When fishing and i lose a lure i feel like the icon should change for the lure since it stays in your bag or it should be auto discarded i found it a bit confusing trying to figure out witch lure are still good and witch had no bait. when questing i found it a bit difficult figuring out where i had to go a lot of the progress i made was due to word of mouth asking other player around me ( witch id like to add everyone has been very friendly and helpful to each other) but i only had half of my map to work with because it wouldn’t show me the full map in my journal and the directions to half of the quest are not very clear in the journal ether. Just an idea but i think it would be nice for it to have a track quest function where your compass showed you the direction(s) you need to go for the quest area and or for on my map it showed an icon with my current location and an icon(s) with the location of the quests being tracked, and or simply for detail in the quest journal the quest giver seems to give you more detail at the time when you pick up the quest than what shows in the journal after. lastly id like to bring up the class training, i feel like it could use some more information at the start or for you to have to come back for some advance training later and what i mean by that there some skill for example the worrier class to learn on my own or there word of mouth about the combos and some of the ability’s like the charge, that being said though i might not have understood and or missed what at the beginning was being explained. i havent used the other classes enough to say anything about them but over all it a good game and im having fun playing so keep up the great work you guys and i look forward to seeing where this game goes, and thank you for reading this book to the end XD and will let you know if i find anything to add while i contune on day 2

The musketeer orb bug was happening in different zones and also while we had been in the zone for awhile. I can post my stream from yesterday. It should be in it somewhere.

I do not know when exactly my desert helm vanished but we noticed it was gone after we have been in the wilds. We had been in the wilds for awhile and I do think I died once or twice.

Also can I have my wand back now? :grin:

not sure why but i seem to be dced a lot everything else is fine so far. i will however suggest making the combat locomotion a bit faster maybe by 5%-8%? i would like to not feel i’m forced to fight stuff if im just in a hurry or don’t feel like killing stuff if i agro some things or too much accidentally.

I was ported to Highsteppe

nothing is spawned, cant use abilities or doors

help my musket is gone =(

did you break it down by accident? Could it be on a diff page of inventory

i might have dismantled it i dont have a full invintory edit:yea i broke it down by mistake

There isone Feedback I’d like to give already :slight_smile:

With all the recipes the Journal gets very full sometimes and it really gets a bit annoyed to go through all pages just to get back to the quests. An Index on the side which brings you always directly to the “Quests” “Map” “recipes” “spells” etc. would be great!
Also it seems like some recipes are a bit wrong placed /too much to the left so they are cut off on the side and on the right side there is just a lot of empty space. It’s still possible to get what they say but some of the words start in the middle of it


In about 15 minutes we will be deploying a new patch with several bugfixes and improvements. At that time we will also fully restart the server. Please stand by.