Closed Beta 3 Feedback Thread

yes i am logged out of the game

Okay you should be good to go now.

Started crafting rune tiles… a couple that I tried worked (and I need some more mats for a couple others) but the following one does not work as described. (Did it twice, and triple checked it the second time)


Sorry about that, if you leave your house and come back it should work now. Let me know if you find any others that aren’t working, hopefully they all are, but there are so many of them I’m not surprised one fell through the cracks.

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Okay I just had an excelent full tour of the beautifull airship ride, and lets say I have to say alot about that. :slight_smile:

Before I could hop on the first ship, I had to wait like 5 whole minutes at Highsteppe… Something went wrong? Because all the other times I only had to wait like 1 minute.

So to start with: the airship’s first location is Guild City. I found that the airship found it a great plan to just stop with almost the tip of the ship against the landing platform and the teleport rectangle was shifted 2 meters behind me on the ship. It only happened in Guild City.

Than I found out that if you leave the airship, it disappears behind you. If you do this for any other landing spot it does the exact same. So you always lose your ship, and you can’t teleport back into it. Then you have to wait for your next ship to come. Luckily that goes fast (like 1 min waiting :+1:).

Another thing I noticed, is that the airship flies so freaking low that it sometimes flies through trees. And if that wasn’t enough, now comes the fun part: The ship flies from “Can’t remember” THROUGH M’aat’s Keep (so right through the mountain rocks like a drill :stuck_out_tongue: ) than goes OVER the the stop of Guild City without stopping there and than decides to turn 180 degree around again THROUGH M’aat’s Keep to finaly stop at Wenderwood. :roll_eyes::expressionless::joy:

Later on it again goes through M’aats Keep.

At the Resort of Lamafora frontier (The baloons) it than decides to stop about 5 meters away from the land location and you can not teleport off the platform because there is no rectangle. Than it skips the place :weary:

The ride itself was amazing and I really hope that the following things get changed to make it like 100x better:

  • The bigger render distance option is really getting more of a thing now with this airship ride. I can see so few now :confused:
  • I feel also very stuck at the middle of the airship. My playarea isn’t that big so I could not get to the edge of the ship :frowning: Can you please localize the player with a posibility to make the player teleport around on the airship to get closer to the edges. You can easily check the boundaries of the player’s playspace to make them just reach the edge of the ship with teleporting (and sliding ofcourse). And I understand you don’t want people to just float next to the ship. What about punishing them by letting them fall off and die (because else they just use it as their shortcuts to jump off haah)
  • (Also prob least important but I really like to cast some spells while on the airship. So localize that too plz?)
  • Can the front obstacle of the ship be removed? It blocks alot of the sight.
  • The airship made a few to fast turns making it feel a bit strange. But you are aware of that as far as I know.
  • The airship route also jumps between highlevel and low level areas instead of going to an increasing difficulty area. That is kinda strange. But maybe the text below already tackles that.

A big other thing is the usefullness of the ship. Currently it takes a really long time to get everywhere. A huge problem will arise if you want to travel to (as example) the one to last location of the route. It would take so long that you would be better of walking. The solution will be by making multiple smaller routes where you can hop between. So for example there are 3 stops at guild city that all have their own route. Like one going between Highsteppe, Guild City and Lakewood Inn. This also makes it possible to block players from traveling the ship to crazier places they aren’t ready to do so by unlocking the individual routes from quests, instead of one quest unlocking them all.

You might know about some of those things and have already plans for some of the things I mentioned. But I haven’t heard about them yet so I thought maybe this feedback helps a bit and didn’t waste your time. Sorry for the amount of text, I just had to because I loved it so much :innocent:

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Thanks for the feedback on that, we’ll definitely be addressing pretty much everything you mentioned. In particular, the airship route itself right now is just a quick and dirty first attempt, so we will clean it up to not go through things, approach the deck correctly, etc.

There are basically 3 airships running that go in the same route, so how long you have to wait just depends on where they all are on their route like a train. The airship disappearing behind you is a known issue and we’ll work on that, too.

We’re just glad you can now get to multiple zones on it this test, haha. It will definitely get better! :slight_smile:


The demon wolves are not spawning next to Lord Rudolph

are you on the first quest to kill the demon wolves (main story) or the second time (side quest), the side quest is bugged and is not spawning in wolves right now.

i keep constently disconnecting from the game its quite annoying not sure why my net is good i know that much

I just did a server reset like a minute ago so if you got DC’ed just now it was from that.

If it keeps happening see that other thread I posted specifically asking for feedback about this and we’ll try and track it down.

Ther return of the wolves quest is not letting me complete the 2nd trial quest. I have killed the viria twice and im not getting credit to be able to talk to Rudolph. I think it’s because of the return of the wolves quest won’t complete.

One minor bug, I don’t know about this for the other classes, but if the Musketeer dies while they’re using their ultimate, the ultimate animation & sound will play endlessly on their weapon until they log off & back on.

I’ve found a number of objects in the world that can be picked up and dissolve in your hand, but they don’t seem to be triggering a quest. I notice when I open my journal after picking these up, it jumps to a blank page at the back, but doesn’t show anything. These may be associated with some side quests I haven’t done yet, but I wanted to check.

Yes the objects are part of side quests, they shouldnt be putting blank pages in the journal though. We are tracking a bug that allows the item to dissolve ( but not add to inventory) even if you arent on correct quest

wow I didn’t know about the autorun that might be it

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wait what auto run? is there a way to continuously move forward without the point and click port system?

so i logged out to take a brake and when i came back i seem to be in limbo like maybe i was under the town like on wow when you used the glitch in the wall to get under stormwind but it looks more void than that and my body stays in place while i can move in real life around it

Go to your Settings menu and choose Return to Graveyard, that should fix it.Sorry!

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any chance of getting the demon wolf side quest reset for me so i can continue on with the story quest? Right now i cannot talk to Rudolph even after ive killed viria a few times.

Sorry its taken me so long to respond, We can get that fixed for you. That side quest has been bugged and I am going to remove the text for it so that it wont interfere with the main story quest for anyone on it.